CountyBlue's Story

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Location: Dublin, Ireland

CountyBlue's Story

#1 Post by countyblue »

So it's finally here! My first brace day! I've waited so long for this and am so happy! lol

Here's my teeth before the brace:


Here's my teeth when the bottom brace was put on today:


I've got my next appointment in one month so hopefully there will have been some movement by then!

I'm not in any pain but am having a little trouble talking. Had my first meal before, Jacket potato and beans and it wasnt too bad, although i'm convinced i'm going to break it (which i'm sure everyone thinks at first!)

Anyway, i'm going to be updating the pictures once a month to follow my progress!

Fingers crossed for me!!

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#2 Post by sjsarre »

Hey countyblue

Congrats on getting braced :thumbsup:

Remember to keep us posted with your progress..

Yes at first I remember thinking my brace would come off at the slightest thing, but now I realise i'm stuck to it.. Not the other way round!!! :lol:


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#3 Post by Grin&bareit73 »

Hi CountyBlue!!

Congrats on your Bday, i hope everything goes well for you.
I too have lots of gaps in my teeth and am looking at approx 20-22 months to get them straightened out. I have my top and bottom in Damons.

I'll keep an eye on your progress since your treatment is similar to mine!!

Lots of Luck!

"Smile; if you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag..."

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Location: Dublin, Ireland

#4 Post by countyblue »

A little update on my brace after 1 full day :lol:

Woke up this morning and my teeth were really tender and sore. When I went to brush my teeth with my electric toothbrush............OWW!!!!!

I've got quite a heavily filled tooth which is centre bottom which my dentist says has no nerve endings............Well I must have grew some over night because that's the most painful!

In a way, i'm pleased there's a little pain as last night, I was starting to think the orthodontist hadnt placed the brace correctly as there didnt seem to be any pressure!

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Location: Dublin, Ireland

#5 Post by countyblue »

Think my teeth are definitley loosening!

Just been looking in the mirror and I pushed (not too hard) and there was movement ever so slightly. Not going to do it no more incase my teeth move back a little too much but there defo loosening!

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Location: Dublin, Ireland

#6 Post by countyblue »

Had my first adjustment on 8th June! :D

Still on a flexible wire for the bottom teeth, the orthadontist is trying to move them back before closing them.

Dont really feel as though any pressure is being applied to them but I imagine thats when most of the movement is being done!?

Anyway, just thought id update everyone!

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Location: Dublin, Ireland

#7 Post by countyblue »

Hello everyone, thought I'd update you all on how i'm getting on!

Yesterday, I had my 3rd adjustment and got a Powerchain on my lower teeth!

My orthadontist said she's really pleased with my progress so far and didnt think we'd be at this stage so quick! :D

The lower teeth have been moved back slightly and now the gaps are being closed. My orthadontist said she'd hope the top brace would be on before Christmas! Cant wait to see some movement in my top teeth! lol

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Re: CountyBlue's Story

#8 Post by countyblue1 »

Hi everyone,

I posted the following topic five years ago. I was thinking tonight about how I used to feel about my teeth andhow I used to post on this message forum and how I posted pictures of my 'old teeth'. I used to feel really insecure, paranoid, ashamed if i'm totally honest about my smile.

I went to my dentist and requested braces, the process was slow and also painful at times but was the most life changing thing I ever did in my life. I really, really mean that too.

I'll be honest, I eventually went private instead of the NHS after they advised me that my treatment length could be upto 3 years and I got invisalign braces which straightened my teeth in 12 months and with alot of people who now admit to me that they thought I had veneers because they couldnt even tell I was wearing braces and the transformation in my teeth was that good.

Can someone tell me how I can post a pic of my teeth as they are now?

Please if you feel down or depressed that your teeth will never move, then stick with it. It will probably change your life too.


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Re: CountyBlue's Story

#9 Post by SiNsation »

Sorry I don't know how to post pics. But I can't wait to see your progress :D

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