Chantel's story - Week 12 comparison pics (pg. 7)

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#16 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Chantel!

Getting your wisdoms out under a general is definitely the way to go- I had mine out three years ago and had no problems... the pain I experienced afterwards is comparable to the pain of having spacers in- but not quite as bad.

I can't really help you with the cost- I think it was a few hundred dollars a tooth, plus a bed at the hospital (really, a lounge, it was only day surgery) and the anaesthetist. The anaesthetist was the most expensive out of all of that.

Getting all of this done is so much more than simply paying for the braces... it's getting ready by visiting the dentist and hygienist, surgery if it's needed, and all the special gear afterwards! It will be worth it though!

Good luck with your fillings, hope it's not too bad. Keep us posted re your wisdoms.
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#17 Post by Chantel »

Hi linda,

thanks for the reply, yes it is quite expensive, I'm going to go and see the Oral Surgeon on the 5th July and I'm going to ask him how hard it will be with braces on etc? if he says it's not too difficult and I can wait till November then by all means I'll do it, anythning to save some money!

Did you say you were in QLD as well linda? as I'm in Sydney and as I said all my dentist/oral surgeon and orthodontist are right in the city, only because I can't get time off continuously to make appointments etc, so I'm guessing it'll probably be even more expensive than that! ouch!

It's all happening in around 1 - 2 weeks so will deinately keep you updated on what happens


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#18 Post by Chantel »

That's a bit of relief to me... thanks! :)

I've just been discussing my decisions with my partner and trying to work out what is going to work best, I'm going to get the fillings done (kinda have to do that one even if I hate the drill) and I'm going to go to the consult with the OS and I'm going to ask him directly if he thinks it's okay getting the teeth extracted with braces on and if I can delay the extractions till November equalling time to save up some cash and getting my rebate from my healthfund. Can only cross my fingers and hope at this stage until I go see him.

My main concern with getting the extractions done whilst in braces is the pain factor, because not only will my mouth have to get over the whole pain thing from the teeth being ripped out, but also the fact that they're getting pushed and pulled this way and that from the braces (I'm guessing they'd take the archwire off to do the extractions) so it's also something I have to consider.

Thanks heaps linda for helping with all my bizarre questions, it's good to see/hear things in perspective. :)


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#19 Post by Chantel »

Not much to report back on, I had my 3 fillings for my bottom molars yesterday. The dentist was so gentle, he always is, so it made it even easier to get them done and he did them so quickly! I thought I'd be there for well over an hour but walked out in around 40 minutes! And the numbing needle was fabulous, I've never felt my face that numb ever, it was great! :)

Onwards and Upwards from here, my next appointment is on the 4th July for another 2 fillings on my top left teeth, then 5th July for the Oral Surgeon, everything is moving so quickly which is great! Hopefully there are no major hiccups!


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#20 Post by lionfish »

Hi Chantel,

Not long to go now. Things are going lickety split for you.

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#21 Post by Chantel »

Okay, just been in for my two fillings, it seems like things are going so slowly, but before I know it I'll be in braces ;)

The fillings were painless, much like the 3 I had last Thursday, just a big fat numb lip :)

OS appointment tomorrow at 1.30pm, this is the one I'm dreading! my wisdom aren't giving me any aches at the moment which is a good sign, just hope (and have everything crossed) that he says I don't need them out

Will be back tomorrow with the news.


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#22 Post by jenfire »

Good luck, Chantel. I've had my lower braces on for 3 weeks and a couple days my lower left wisdom tooth started aching so I had to have it pulled immediately. It didn't hurt at all before the braces; I think all the movement down there must have triggered something. My lowers are very crowded so it's probably a good thing that it is gone.

Hope all goes well! Keep us posted.


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#23 Post by Chantel »


Have been to the Oral Surgeon! it was very scary! and my fears were worsened when the Dr said I needed:

All 4 wisdom teeth taken out.. I was really kinda expecting him to say that but was praying for otherwise!

So I have the choice of IV Sedation or General Anasethetic (sp?). I really am unsure as to what I should go, none of them have erupted by the way, he said with IV that you're in "la la land" and you can't remember anything and can't feel anything, and obviously GA is completely knocked out! Have any of you had IV and what is it like? I'm considering IV but really dont' want to be in any pain during the operation!

The costs are as follows:

IV =
$1,600 - to the oral surgeon
$250 - to the anasethiest
$130 - for the IV drip

GA =
$1,600 - to the oral surgeon
$530 - to the anasethiest
$1,000 - (roughly) for the hospital

Obvioulsy the IV is cheaper and for obvious reasons (not being in hospital) but I'm just unsure what to do now.

I'm not covered with my healthfund for major dental/hospital until late November, so I can wait till then and get the GA done or I can get the IV done now (still won't be covered by my healthfun, but is cheaper overall)

I'll also have to push back my braces dependant on what angle I choose!
What to do....... :(


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#24 Post by Chantel »

Hi Linda,

THANK YOU SO MUCH! for that lengthy reply! I'm still yet to weigh up what to do, I'm leaning towards getting the IV done, but I'm really scared of the pain and just knowing I would be knocked out completely eases my mind a little (if i went the GA way)

The expenses are quite dear, dont' get me wrong, but if I wait until November I can easily pay for both braces (the deposit anyway) and surgery!

Lots to think about!! Will keep you udpated on what I decide


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#25 Post by Chantel »

Okay, after a stressful evening speaking with my partner and racking my brain on what to do, and after a restless nights sleep I finally came up with what I should do.

I'm going to wait until November to get my Wisdom Teeth out, my annivesray date for my health fund is up on the 17th November, and I'm getting the work done on the 17th (I rang the healthfund and asked them if I could do this, and they said it'd be fine) *phew* then I'm going to rest up for the week following that.

Oh, I'm also getting them out under GA in hospital, friends have warned me off IV and I'm really quite scared (such a scardey cat) so I'd prefer to not be in the "same room" whilst it's getting done

Then after all that is done and dusted, I'm going to go in and get my spacers/braces on in January! I think I'd rather just let my mouth settle down after those teeth have been ripped out and I would rather not have braces on over Christmas (for this year anyway :) )....

So it's going to be all quiet from me for the next few months, but I'll be back stronger than ever around November, I'm not giving up on my braces journey :)

See ya soon


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#26 Post by garrettnb »

Sounds like you have a great plan. I wish i could keep a plan. Also you might want to update your signature and ticker now.
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#27 Post by Chantel »

thanks for the reminder! changed now! :D


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#28 Post by lionfish »

Hey, sounds like a good decision for you, chantel, and especially starting after Christmas. That way you will have no worries about having a good time over the holidays.

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#29 Post by Chantel »

It's been quite a while since my last update on this thing, but here I am again with less than a month to go till my big operation (25 days to be exact) I'm quietly getting very nervous about the whole operation and at some stages was doubting why I was getting all this done.

I now won't get my braces on until next year just due to not wanting to have them on over Christmas and also having to go overseas for work in early February so I hope to get them on midway through February. Fingers crossed I'm not in for the long haul of 18 months as originally quoted and only 12 as I want to do some extensive travelling in 2008 and I don't want those suckers on my teeth anymore! Has anyone ever had any issues with travelling for extended periods of time i.e. 6 - 12 months and still been in braces? i.e. having to find another orthodontists for the remaining treatment, it's something I'll definately have to look into.

So I'll update again once the operation has been done and let you all know how it went. :?


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#30 Post by lionfish »

Hi Chantel, nice to hear from you. Has November come around already? Eek.

I fully understand your wanting to enjoy Christmas without having to deal with braces.

Good luck with the extractions.

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