juf_84's smile ~I'm back and naked~

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#31 Post by juf_84 »

Hi all! Thanks for your messages :lol:

KK, it is definately the right attitude to have, isn't it? When I was thinking about getting braces all I could think was "I'll be 23, 24, 25 when they're off, what a waste time..." and as soon as I decided to go for it I realised... life doesn't stop when people get braces... life doesn't change. I noticed someone on this board has a signature saying "life goes on". So true. So I am keeping that attitude up by continuing to live my life- so what if my jaw hurts a little bit, I have things to do! A group of us are going out to dinner on Friday night, and a friend asked me yesterday what I would do. I just said- if I have to, I'll eat icecream or soup- I'm not missing out on spending a night out with friends!

It is funny, how this one decision has given me a very positive outlook on life :-*

MsTee and lionfish, chocolate is the best :lol: I was talking to my Mum today and she has been telling my Grandpop there won't be any jellybeans, nuts... or M&Ms for me for a while. Um, excuse me, I can live without jellybeans and nuts (although it will be hard) but not M&Ms!!

Look at the ticker counting down... getting close! :banana:
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#32 Post by juf_84 »

Thanks for your message, rage31!

linda21, thankyou! I am living on Maltesers at the moment but caramel choccies are a great idea- I'll have to fight mum though! I am a chocolate addict!

So... tomorrow is the big day. My exams are finally over :jump: so now I can turn my mind to the braces. :-#) I can't quite believe it! I am nervous, excited, terrified, all those emotions. And I'm thrilled to be getting the spacers out! :-+

I have my moisturiser and lip balm at the ready and am making plans for the latest toilet stop possible before I get to the office. I've got the salt ready- in fact I'm already using it due to some irritation from the spacers.

I'll be posting some pics tomorrow so you can admire my new shiny smile. Take care everyone!
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#33 Post by Chantel »

wow Juf I'm so excited for you! I've had a few delays in getting my braces happening, need some fillings and my wisdeom teeth extracted, but hopefully soon enough my own journey will be underway

Look foward to seeing your pics and your story of the big day! :) take care, hope it all goes well


14th March - Spacers
21st March - Braces

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#34 Post by lionfish »

Good luck for tomorrow, juf_84.

Chocoholics rule!

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good luck^-^

#35 Post by elena_k »

good luck dear...you'll do great :D

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#36 Post by MsTee »

Good luck juf_84...I'm sure it will go over well.

Be sure to post plenty of pics!

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#37 Post by juf_84 »

Hi everyone!

Thankyou for your kind messages, I really appreciate it!

The braces are on! It wasn't too bad- the worst part was when the assistant was trying to fit the molar bands- and I have four on the bottom and two on top so that really wasn't fun. I had no problems with the molds- there was no feeling of choking or suffocation so I was pleasantly suprised!

No pain at the moment- my tongue is just rubbing against one of my molar bands so I'm working my way through the wax :D

I have to wear elastics at night, which I'm really happy about because that means progress! Yay!

Anyway, here is what you've all been waiting to see:


Thankyou again to everyone, I can't believe I have finally been braced!
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#38 Post by Chantel »

Hi Juf,

Wow your braces look fab! (if you can say that about braces at all :) and I'm glad to hear it wasn't too painful getting them on! Keep us informed on your progress.. Look forward to hearing the next installment :)


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#39 Post by lionfish »

Glad to hear everything went smoothly, juf_84.

And elastics only at night, half your luck.

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#40 Post by juf_84 »


Chantel, thankyou for telling me my braces look fab! They are very silver, aren't they?

Lionfish- I think that is part of the reason I am so happy about the elastics to tell you the truth. All the benefits, none of the daily hassles.

I'm doing ok- I'm going through the "what have I done" stage right now- but I know I have done the right thing. My teeth have bothered me for 10 years now, and when I see the first change I will know it will be the best thing I have done. The ortho told me my teeth will move quickly so I'll be keeping him to his word!
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#41 Post by braces_2come »

Juf your braces look great!! thats cool that we both started on the same day!! well heres a pic of my braced mout i think you already seen it on my story but not sure, i'll be looking forward to your future pics to see your progress!!


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#42 Post by MsTee »


I'm glad to hear that all went well! I hope that I'll be fortunate enough to only have to wear elastics at night!

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#43 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Braces_2come! I just posted on your blog but thankyou for your pic! It will be great for both of us and everyone else to follow as we're pretty much following the same schedule- braced on the same day at looking at 12 months.

Thankyou MsTee and linda21. I had no problems with the elastics last night, just an ache on one of my canines. This morning when I was playing around with the wax I tried to pull out one of my elastics- I got a bit confused as I had forgotten they were there! Pretty good if I can do that.

Today, my braces aren't causing too many problems. I woke up quite sore but some paracetamol and ibuprofen got rid of that. I haven't taken anything for 8 hours now and feel fine. Nothing is rubbing at the moment, even the molar band which was giving my tongue grief yesterday is behaving itself. I am suprised because I had a lot of trouble with the spacers so I expected to with the braces- in fact the assistant told me to expect as much. I'm still eating soft food- again it was my favourite, milo tubs- today! Can I just say- when I got up this morning and that first mouthful hit me, I was in heaven! :-9

ALOT of people have commented on my braces, but that is to be expected. As mentioned before, I live in a uni residence so people are always noticing if anything is new or different. I'm not bothered that so many people are commenting, and I certainly don't mind answering questions about them. I was suprised that I got the "why didn't you get them done when you were a teenager" question so soon though! But that was fine too.

I'm heading home tomorrow to Mum and Dad's and will be spoiled rotten! Mum is taking me shopping at the new Coles that has just opened near our house and I can have whatever I want. Should I milk it? Should I pretend to be in more pain than I am? Such a difficult question which raises many moral issues! No, I'll be good, I promise!

I'm going out to dinner tonight with some friends so wish me luck- it will be interesting!

Thanks again to everyone for your support!
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#44 Post by lionfish »

juf_84 wrote:
I'm heading home tomorrow to Mum and Dad's and will be spoiled rotten! Mum is taking me shopping at the new Coles that has just opened near our house and I can have whatever I want. Should I milk it? Should I pretend to be in more pain than I am? Such a difficult question which raises many moral issues! No, I'll be good, I promise!
If it were me, I'd be milking it for all it's worth. But then I'm very, very naughty.
juf_84 wrote:I'm going out to dinner tonight with some friends so wish me luck- it will be interesting!
You'll be fine. Keep us posted.

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#45 Post by juf_84 »


I thought I would drop by to let you know how I'm going.

:banana: Everything is fantastic! I have experienced very little pain, the worst being my tongue rubbing against a molar band, but that settled down on day two. I haven't needed any wax since day one! :banana:

I am suprised that things have been so easy for me- simply because I had a rough time with the spacers- and the assistant did tell me that if I had a rough time with the spacers, I would probably have a rough time with the braces to start with.

Friday night was wonderful. I had a beautiful risotto and ate every single bit! Then... and this is the best bit... I ducked off to brush my teeth- and there was nothing caught in my braces! We went out to the pub afterwards and had a great night. I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a few years and I just had a really good time. Having such a wonderful night so soon after B-Day has given me so much confidence- and I realised I am still smiling just as much as before. :-*

Again, the majority of people were interested in my braces and everyone shared their braces story. I didn't mind! Everyone is so positive. The only worrying thing someone told me was that they had a friend who couldn't eat ice cream as it did strange things to the glue. Tell me this isn't true! I've been having ice cream every night since I got home and nothing has happened so I'm not stressed!

Being at home has been wonderful. Kiwi, I'm so sorry it looks as though your son won't be able to visit you these holidays- that sucks! :cry:

So, in short, my braces feel normal- they are not causing me any problems. Of course, I still can't bite down or chew but that will pass soon. Because I'm not in pain, lionfish, I just can't milk the sympathy! I have been a little bit spoiled though, and that is nice- I picked up some more milo tubs and some smoked salmon (big treat!) from the new Coles lol!

Anyway, here is a picture at Day One and Day Five- I think I can see changes, so let me know what you think!

Day One

Day Five
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