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Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:07 am
by sjsarre
Does anyone get REALLY tired just after an adjustment.. Like the day after?

I've noticed the past two times i've been exhausted by about 24 hours after..

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:34 am
by sjsarre
hi everyone.. Thanks for the support yet again!! :wink:

This weekend has been quite painful, but I think i'm over the worst of it now.. :D

I'm still tired but not quite as bad!

Just got a few aches and brushing my teeth is now becoming easy again!

I've noticed some movement in the past two days aswell. Which is a bonus..


Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:35 pm
by sjsarre
Just thought I would post this comparison photo... I can really see the movement now..

Top is today. Bottom is at 3weeks




Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:54 pm
by sjsarre
Thanks guys... I'm really glad I took those photo's last night... The difference is really noticiable from those angles and now whilst it doesn't appear like there is much movement from the front on, I realise that there has been alot going on behind the scenes!!!

Yes, i'm really hoping that the Ortho might start to attach the two top ones at the next visit.. Thats in just over 3weeks so I think there might be enough room there to start pulling them forward....

Fingers crossed! :D

That will be a big milestone for me if that happens.. Those were the teeth that I was really ashamed of and the whole reason why I have learnt not to smile :oops: :? since I was about 13!!!

It seems so stupid to me now to think that for all those years i've practiced the art of not smiling.. Only every now and again I would do it. But now, i'm going to have to learn to smile properly.. All my friends and work colleagues tell me that I have this awful habit of putting my hand to my mouth when I smile.. I must stop doing it!!


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:39 am
by lionfish
That's pretty awesome progress, well done.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:13 pm
Hey sjsarre, Wow! Yessssssss, Finally I can see it is coming forward. Well done!!! At the end, you will be able to smile wide more freely than to cover your mouth. Hee hee :lol:


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:45 am
by belmikry
thos epictures are awesome! :) so much has changed since the beginning of the summer- get pics! :)

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:34 pm
by sjsarre
Thanks Belmikry

Well all is quiet at the moment... The springs have caused pain on and off. the gaps are definately opening up to bring the teeth into position..

I'm having pain today with my jaw on both top corners. I think my wisdom teeth are moving down a bit more again! Well either that or i've punched myself in my sleep :lol:

I've had about six mouth ulcers in the past 10days. Really strange as its the first time i've really suffered with them since having the brace on. Been saltwater rinsing etc.. Right in the corner of my lips. Very strange.

I've also noticed that my top left canine is now perilously close well touching the bottom ceramic bracket.. It wasn't like that a couple of days ago. In fact there was a good couple of millimetres gap. I've called the Ortho, but he thinks I will be ok until my adjustment. He was expecting that to happen.

I'm also on holiday from work from Thursday for nearly 3weeks... Yippee..... I'm really looking forward to it. I've had an absolutely dreadful 12 months. The worst of my life. So i'm just looking forward to a break to recharge my batteries and try to relax a bit!!!

:D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:51 pm
by Joanna20
Hey! Nice to know there's some progress! I also noticed that I got really tired after my 1st adjustment... I think it's our body recovering from the whole thing.
Have a great holiday!


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:47 pm
by sjsarre

In fact i'll probably be on this forum a bit more during my holiday... I'm staying at home and relaxing with my son.

I'm really looking forward to the break. Yes I do think maybe I am a bit run down. But I eat very healthily (only the odd hiccup!!)...


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:59 pm
by sjsarre
Just another piccie... I can notice the huge difference on the right side now.. And i've had movement in the past week as my canine is now completely touching my lower bracket.. I'm hoping it won't snap it off...


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:22 pm
by antsika
Hi sjsarre! You had very nice movement in the last few weeks I haven't been around, congrats!!

Have a nice holiday!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:31 pm
by sjsarre
Hi there

Hey Ken - good to hear things are starting to happen....

I'm hoping they might think about attaching the other teeth to the wire in two weeks but i'm also wondering whether they might have to add in a couple more of those metal spaces in the spring beforehand.....

Fingers crossed


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:49 pm
by belmikry
you should ask about lifters on your bottoms molars so your canine doesn't rub against the lower brackets/wires- it could chip or potentially delay movement :)

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:54 pm
by sjsarre
Thanks... Its just touching now. I did call the ortho office before he went on holiday this week and mentioned it. They told me that they would call me back if there were any problems but not to expect a call if he thought it would be ok. I really should have called back but I was so busy at work I forgot.

He is now away until the day before my next adjustment so I hope it will be ok until then...