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Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:48 pm
by Leslie022
Hmm, we haven't heard from Kim in a month! How're things going, kim?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 4:31 pm
by belmikry
hey everyone! sorry for the delay- I tried posting a week ago but apparently the site was having problems at the time :P

quick recap:

nothing! :(

I'm waiting for my records to be sent over to ym new ortho before i can even make an appointment! :O
my approximate time for my appointment was supposed to be at the beginning of this month! so unfortunately= not much going on :(

hopefully they come soon [fingers crossed] then I can let you know how things are moving along

ps: trip was excellent- other than being stuck in an airport for 8 hours! my connection flight apparently 'didn't exist' according to the flight attendant, so i had to wait until 1200 at night for the next flight o_o... so much for booking online >_>...
got an apartment- move in on august 1st- ie: no computer access until then :P currently using my boyfriends while he's working ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:07 pm
by Leslie022
It's good to hear from you, Kim! That sucks about your records being slow to arrive, but I hope something happens soon!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:07 am
by belmikry
so sorry for the delay! moving is horrendously time consuming and getting internet hooked up was longer than expected! o_o

now I just need to get some pictures up :) it's been 3 months! so sorry everyone :)

going for my 5th adjustment this week- I'll let you know how that is :)

my ortho records finally got in last month [yeesssh!]
and I must say I am absolutley sure now that all ortho clinics are awful to their adult brace patients >_> .... [well- at least from my experience- be happy everyone who doesn't seem to receive horrible treatment by the associates!] actually didn't even introduce herself [the woman working on me to boot!] and literally grabbed the file from my hands from behind me and didn't say a word! I was not impressed- I was looking at my x-rays because she wasn't even looking up from cleaning her instuments for 10 minutes when I sat down- awfully rude if you ask me :( I literally said: "Well, nice to meet you too!" before she wedged some appliance in my mouth.

Then- after I got my wire changed [a super torque one too- ouch! this one had edges on it- not round and smooth] she asked me to take a seat for the ortho- i sat for 30 mintues until she came around and said I could go- the ortho didn't even dcome over to check!

apparently he was late into the office, because as I was leaving he ran into me- great first impression [rolls eyes]

but alas- on the positive side- my teeth are looking great- my front teeth aren't as crooked anymore [my wire has one of those kinks in the front- it was at first in the middle- now it shiftedright beside my right front tooth- looks entertaining :P

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:16 am
by jennandtonic
Wow, Kim, I am sorry about your experiences. Do you think you will be able to take the ortho aside and tell him about your unsatisfactory experience?

And I agree with Karen, we want those pics! :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:34 am
by Leslie022
Maybe she was just experiencing some PMS and felt like being a bltch! Still, that would be no excuse! Glad things are moving along again!!!! Hope to see some pics soon!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:46 pm
LOL.. :lol: That is sooo funny of Leslie022. Sorry to hear about that lady being so damn rude. Hang in there. Next time it may be better appt for you.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:01 pm
by Bell
Your pics looks great, im due to get damon3 braces 11th Sep 06.
Im really looking forward to it now. :jump:

However i must say i am alittle nervous of what the reaction of my friends and mates at work will say. :oops:

My teeth are a little similar to yours, i have crowding at the front top and bottom parts of my teeth. with 2 teeth that have fallen behind a little that causes a shadow in photos, i tend to not open my mouth when im in photos :oops:

Here is the before picture...... hopefully this smile will change once i get DAMON3 braces :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:32 pm
by Joanna20
Hello! I think that tooth came into alignment really nicely! It looked like Avril Lavigne's teeth be4. And your lowers look amaysing too.
Keep us updated.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:07 am
by florencegal
Hi belmikry

I just want to add my HUGE thanks to everyone else who's posted to say what an inspiration you are! You have made such amazing progress and your attitude is so unbelievably positive - I'm still at the deciding stage and go back to my ortho in two weeks to see exactly what can be done, costs, times etc and even though I'm about 99.9% decided to go ahead and get braced, reading stories like yours are pushing me very quickly to the 100% mark! Especially as my teeth look pretty much exactly like your old ones - I wonder just how many people out there are struggling with a pesky little lateral incisor hiding out round the back....???! (mine's on the left though) Everything you write about it rings true with me, like constantly running your tongue over it because it's sticking out back there in the middle of your mouth... :wink:

I think I'm going to be getting (look, I don't even say "might" be getting - I guess I must be 100% decided already!) Clarity braces so I highly doubt I'll move at lightning speed like you but I just can't wait now to get started!

Your teeth are beautiful and your smile is breathtaking - keep up the great work and keep us posted!

p.s. sorry to gush - I'm just so glad to have found this forum with so many inspiring and unbelieavably supportive people :D :thumbsup:

(25 years old, UK - yep, that means ortho fees in sterling. Ouch!)

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:13 pm
by Chantel
Hiya belmikry,

Sorry to hear your recent progress has been sloppy, I hope thing improve for you. My case looks similar to yours and I can't wait to get my braces journey underway, still waiting for the pesky wisdom teeth to come out (see signature below) - You've been an inspiration and your photo's are great! Hope your journey continues to show you great things

Take Care

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 7:39 am
by belmikry
hey guys- sorry for the delay, working as usual- and still trying to find a camera in these moving boxes o_o....

I've been thinking about my last experience, and I really will say something this time if I feel ignored or rudely kept- if I'm paying this much for a service, I expect to be treated with politeness- period. :) wish me luck guys! :)
MY next appointment is on the 24th, so I will update you afterwards- hopefully with pictures :P... I may resort to purchasing an actual disposable camera for the time being- since my boxes aren't being unpacked any time soon :P...
I'm not 100% sure what will be done this appointment, especially since I didn't get to see the ortho last time [>_>...] but they did put the new wire on last time, so I assume its staying put for the time being. on the top- I think the wire has moved/shifted to the right- because the once ever so well placed curve between my two front teeth is now right against my right one- as well as a cm of wire in the back of my mouth o_O...
... but that does mean movement right? :)

Bell: congrats on joining the journey! :)
no matter what- even though the nerves make you unsure of why you started- just keep coming here and checking out those progress reports- it's what kept me sane! I didn't even want to see in the mirror when they first went on- now, I smile for everyone- not just because my teeth are straighter- because I feel good about my decision. I feel like for once I was able to do something strictly for me- they've always bothered me personnally, and while I was growing up at first I Thought I was lucky not to have them, then saw all of the pretty smiles my friends had- and now its my turn :) just wait- I promise the day you wake up being happy about your decsion comes alot sooner than you think! :) It hought the only day I would feel good is the day they come off! [lol] although that will be a great day, it's only 1% of the journey- promise! :)

florencegal: oh wow- thank you so much! :) when I joined this forum- I started because I needed reassurance that I wasn't "crazy for undertaking something so late in life"- wow, have I grown since then!~ :) now, I realize there is no set date to get braces- its not a race to the finish line, but a progression to inner and outer peace with yourself. IT's waking up and saying: "I don't like something- and I can fix it. It won't be a quick fix, but a long one- full of good moments and really long time periods between them" [snickers :) ] I promise you that the hardest part is taking the first step- walking into that office on brace day was one of the hardest things I've done before- you'd be surprised how self conscious even the people who 'don't care' about others can get- I don't think I've ever felt so 'watched' by others- but now- I realize it's me who noticed, no one else- sure, people see the braces and comment sometimes, but honestly- think about the last person you saw in braces/ Did you mock/think how silly are they/watch their speaking in them? no- you saw a person- not an appliance. You may have noticed them, but it's not all they are. Congrats on your decision and I am soooo happy I could help in any way :) This forum is fantastic- please keep in touch! :)
ps: I've noticed those incisors have a tendancey to do that! lol :) they are pesky little guys ;)
pps: ... I still constantly run my tongue on my incisor- lol :) I think it's a mixture of old habit and checking to make sure it's still in line! :lol:

M1K3y: :D I'm afraid to ask- lol... my first estimate was 18-21 months, but I've been told my progress has been very wuick so it may of been bumped up sooner than that, but honestly- I think i'm too afraid to ask, and I'm not sure they would know either- my next appointment is next week so maybe I'll get the courage then o_o... :)

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 7:57 am
by belmikry
ppppps: :)
linda21: I totally just figured out this morning where your avator came from- Arrested Development is a great series! I just watched that episode yesterday- my friend gavve me the DVD first series to watch :)

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:37 am
by jennandtonic
Good luck on your next appointment! Hopefully you won't have another experience with rudeness--but if you do, just remember what you said; that you are PAYING for this! They have no right to be impolite to you.

And good luck on finding that camera. It seems like no matter how organized one can be when they move, something still gets lost for ages, hahaha.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:38 am
by jennandtonic
--oops! Double post.