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Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:56 am
by samantha_lou
You've had some great progress Sarah, I know getting those two top front teeth hooked up to the archwire will be a huge step in your treatment. I think your actual teeth are a really nice shape and size (I have the tiniest teeth ever, they all look like baby teeth!!) , and once you've finished you are going to have the most amazing smile!

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:13 pm
by sjsarre
Thanks for your kind words samantha_lou

I really do hope so... I know deep down I will be pleased and my Ortho thinks I will be extremely happy... But I really do feel like bugs bunny at the moment!!!

I've had alot of movement in four months but not always so noticable..

Not long to go to my next adjustment


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:57 am
by sjsarre
Just an update.. 4th adjustment today. Went smoothly, Ortho says that he is pleased with my progress. He managed to connect the left Lateral Incisor to my brace with a ligature.. The right Lateral needs just a little more space before he can connect it up and he placed an additional spacer in my spring. So next adjustment on the 29th September, both left and right will have joined in with the action.

It was rather painful today, so i've had to take some ibuprofen..

The bottom row, he removed the power chain and said it had done sufficient work for the time being. Just replaced the elastics (curry stained from last night!!!) and tightened up the ligs each side by twisting them.

SO - everything feels just that bit more pressurised now. My left Lateral is throbbing a bit, but thats to be expected...


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:19 am
by sjsarre
Thanks KK

Yes its all a bit sore now.. Everything feels like i've been bruised and battered!!!

Never mind.. I'm sure in the next few days it will gradually go..

Fingers crossed..

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:48 pm
by samantha_lou
Thats awesome news Sarah! Thats incredible to know that both of them will be in the archwire by your next adjustment - you are really going to see progress throughout the rest of this year!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:22 am
by sjsarre
Well my mouth felt like it had been kicked pretty severely all night.. This morning I woke and noticed that my left lateral has already moved forward a couple of milimetres.. Excellent :D

I can't even touch my teeth with my electric tooth brush even on the slow setting.. So i'll just have to resort to mouthwash three or four times today and ibuprofen and hopefully it will be calm enough by later on today or tomorrow to clean properly..

I'm not upset by the pain though.. Not after seeing the movement overnight!

I will take some photo's shortly, but need batteries for my camera..

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:47 am
by sjsarre
Thanks Linda21

I think I may try the painkillers first option for my next adjustment in a months time.. I can imagine that its going to be as painful if not more...

But because I know the pain is for a good end result its not quite so bad!!

Things have calmed down alot now. Just mild to moderate pain and I can just about touch my teeth together without getting that nasty shock..

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:50 am
by sjsarre
Just thought I would update my photos from my adjustment on Friday...


Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:53 pm
by OBG
Lookin good. Your teeth are definately moving and I'm sure you can feel it. When you look at your progress you can see every appointment has brought a change. It does not seem that long ago you were nervous about getting your braces.

The pain will subside and the smile will endure!

Be well.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:36 am
by sjsarre
Thanks everyone :D I do feel i've made good progress..

I have a problem today though. My left lateral which was attached via a ligature on Friday must have moved quite a bit as the ligature is slack and keeps popping off the bracket..

Lucikly I have managed to get an appointment this afternoon at 3.20. It might be just a case of twisting a little bit more, or maybe the Ortho will have to rethink how it is connected as its not connected particularly 'safely' in my opinion and i've still got 29days until my next adjustment...

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:47 am
by sjsarre
Well I managed to get to the ortho and he reattached a new ligature and made sure the tooth was well and truely secure this time!!


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:26 am
Hey Sjsarre, Oh yea! It is coming, It is coming fooorward!!! Looks goooood!!


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:33 pm
by kisses14
You're very pretty! I'm sure you will be so happy when it's all over! :)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:15 am
by sjsarre
Hi everyone

Just a little update and a vent of worry I guess...

My teeth are moving along nicely, nothing major has happened since my emergency appointment..

I guess my worry is that now my laterals have lots of room between them I can see for the first time the staining and damage done from them being squashed up behind my front teeth for years!

The brown staining is really noticeable to me.. I know other people probably don't see it like I do and when you have braces you become so much more aware of dental hygiene and the health of your teeth but I do worry that the ortho isn't going to be able to sort it out..

I know its really silly because i've seen far worse cases on shows like extreme makeover and they have made teeth look positively wonderful..

Next Friday is my adjustment and I will ask the ortho then what he intends to do and whether there is anything he can do to them whilst I have the brace on..

Other than that, no pain to report at the moment, which is great!!!


Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:09 am
by braceface1230
I wouldn't worry too much about the staining. A hygenist should be able to take care of that. I had the same problem and my hygenist cleaned that up real nice. I'm sure you'll be fine.