Jillianleab is NAKED!!! Pics included!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#121 Post by platinum »

I'm thinking she's going to do the uppers. WRONG! She flossed my lowers by going in at the top, to the wire and back up! Not under the wire at all. Well, sh!t, lady, that did no good! Then she does the uppers and I'm done.
Did you have archwire on when you had your cleaning? I had my first clening and got my archwire removed. It was quit tedious to go fist to ortho office and get the wire off, then to dentist and back to the ortho office. Luckily they are located about 5 min walking distance. I was specially asked by the dentist get the archwire off before coming to cleaning. Cleaning was performed by the assistant and the dentist came and checked my fillings shortly and hit my teeth to see if there are cavities.

Thats scary to have so many cavities... I had 10!!!! cavities filled before my braces and gums were in bad shape. I dont want to know how it is after braces are taken off. But, i did not really take care my teeth at all before. No flossing and brushing was not that good either.

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#122 Post by Lisa65 »

What a horrible shock for you! I definitely agree with the others to get those teeth looked at again first before you submit to any fillings. Hopefully they are just soft spots, or the dentist made a mistake. It just sounds very implausible to get 4 cavities in 6 months if you've been doing a good job all this time and everything was fine before.

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#123 Post by Jillianleab »

Boy have I been a bad AW member! :oops:

So sorry to not have updated my story, clued you all in on what's been going on... or even posting to help out those in need!

First, let me 'splain why I've been absent lately.... I've been CRAZY busy!!! :shock: When I had my uppers removed I was in my second to last quarter (to finish my BA) and was taking a statistics class that totally monopolized my free time. I had my lowers removed on 8/30/07 (I know, I'm horrible for not posting sooner!), spent some time out of town and then came back at started my final quarter. This quarter has been totally kicking my BUTT - I really should have split in in two. I'm taking four classes; two electives, logic and my senior seminar; and I pretty much have coursework to do seven days a week. :( But on the bright side, it's almost over - I officially graduate and will have my Bachelors in Business Administration with a Human Resource Concentration on December 14, 2007! Yay me! :D

So that's where I've been - here's the teeth update! As I said my lowers were removed on 8/30; looking back I should have left them on for another week or two, as one of my laterals is a bit off-kilter, but I was anxious to have them off before I went on vacation and the bit of un-eveness didn't bother me. It still doesn't, really, and since it's on the bottom it's not obvious to anyone but me and my dentist. I just wish I had been more patient and seen my way to 100% perfect results! Ah well, I'll settle for 99%! :) Anyway, the lowers coming off was pretty uneventful; I got my retainer and went on my way. My lower retainer took some getting used to, as it was really tough to get in and out. Apparently my front lowers are rather long and that makes putting the retainer in a little more difficult. I've gotten used to it now and can pop it in and out with no trouble. I've already been in for my first retainer check; it was all of 45 seconds. My ortho took my upper, put it in, said, "looks good" took it out. Put the bottom one in, said, "looks good, see you in March." That was it, quick and easy!

About my dentist and my mouth full of cavities..... they were there. :evil: I made an appointment after my lowers came off, and my dentist (the one I don't like, I could get on the schedule of the one I DO like) took new x-rays and yes, the cavites she saw were really there. :( I still don't understand how it happened (one was on a molar band tooth, that made sense to me), but it did, so I had them filled. It's over, I floss like crazy (still) I brush like crazy (still) and I use a prescription flouride mouthwash every day. Hopefully there are no more cavities in my future!

Back to positives! I've gotten very used to my new smile and love it! I hardley remember what I looked like before braces, which is wonderful! I smile again, I smile in pictures, hell, I smile all the time! I really think since the removal my teeth have "settled" a little more, making them look better, or maybe I'm just more used to them. I've also noticed a change in my gums; when my braces were removed I had a tiny little black triangle between my front teeth - it's gone now. Same with my lowers, so that's great. I swear I'm going to take the full gamut of pics and post them, it's on the schedule for tomorrow!

Well this post certainly is long enough - I promise to try and keep up better with my AW buddies, I have not forgotten about any of you, and still get my little reminder e-mails! Maybe once I graduate I can find the time to participate in some conversations!

Pictures to follow - I promise!!!!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here:
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 2806#92806

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Location: Northern Virginia, USA

#124 Post by Jillianleab »

Thanks, Denise and KK!

I promise, pics are coming! Spent the whole day today getting my hair cut and colored (yes, it takes all day, I travel FAR for a specific person who does a fab job!) so maybe I'll throw in some pics of that, too!

Oh, both my retainers are Essex, I actually really like them!

More to come, I swear!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here:
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 2806#92806

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Location: Northern Virginia, USA

#125 Post by Jillianleab »

FINALLY found the time to take some pics!







You can sort of see my wonky tooth on the bottom (left side of the pic) but it's not terribly obvious. I'm quite thrilled with my final results! :)

So more good news - hubby and I decided to take a vacation to celebrate my coming graduation, and to let of some steam from what has been a pretty busy year. We are going to..... Hawaii! :) We leave on the December 15, come back on the 22nd. I'm sure it will be too short, but I can't wait! We got a great deal on the flight and hotel through Travelocity; here's a link to the hotel if anyone wants to check it out:


Neither of us has been to Hawaii, and we're thrilled to be going. The hotel is right on Waikki beach and easy walking distance to lots of shops and dining. It's a totally different sort of vacation for us; we usually go for very quiet, low-key places, so the hustle and bustle of Waikki and downtown Honolulu is quite a change! I'm still super excited, and we're planning all sorts of fun activities too (like a shark dive!). Anyway, I'll post pics when I get back!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here:
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 2806#92806

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#126 Post by lionfish »

Your finished pics look absolutely great.

I've been to Hawaii a couple of times.

A must see is the Pearl Harbour memorial. The level of preparedness of the US forces - or not, as the case turned out to be - was simply remarkable. When I was last there in 1993, there was still oil floating up from the wreck of the Arizona (very eerie).

I found things a bit expensive there and even mainland US folks were whingeing about prices! I guess that is fairly typical where goods have to be shipped or flown in.

As far as diving goes, I dived Hanama Bay which was OK, but not a must. I also dived a wreck close to Oahu, the Mahi, a former minesweeper sitting upright in about 90ft of water. Most of her superstructure had been stripped, but she was an easy and entertaining dive. The second dive on that day was to some lava tubes close by, which were interesting for what they were. There are other wrecks, if you're interested and I'm sure someone will find you a shark dive.

If you want to get away from Waikiki, there are some nice beaches on the northern side of Oahu (or they were when I was there...).

Have a great time.

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#127 Post by ripchord »

Wow, your teeth are stunning :D Are we gonna see you in a crest commercial any time soon?

Haha, just playing. Your teeth really are great though. Congratulations!

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#128 Post by Mmmmuuaa »

Your teeth look really awesome. Congrats.

Have a wonderful vacation in Hawaii. My husband and I went to Maui for our honeymoon. It's really beautiful there.

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#129 Post by Jillianleab »

Thanks for the compliments, everyone! :D

lionfish, I'm glad to hear the Pearl Harbor memorial was worth seeing - it's on my to-do list. My grandfather was stationed there when it was bombed (he wasn't injured, but he was there) so I really wanted to check it out. I've also heard it's expensive but I've been checking out some restaurant websites and such, and I've found some places within walking distance that are resonable. We usually vacation on a French island in the Caribbean that uses the Euro so pretty much ANYTHING is cheaper than that! But thanks for the head's up anyway! Oh, and the shark dive - my husband found one that is a cage dive; they plunk you in the water in a plexiglass cage to check the sharks out - very cool and pretty low chances of getting my arm bit off! :shock:

AstronautJenny - Thanks for the compliment! I'm quite happy myself!

Mmmmuuaa - Thanks for the compliment! I've heard Maui is nice too... maybe next year!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here:
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 2806#92806

Posts: 3469
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#130 Post by Lisa65 »

Jillian, they look beautiful :D

Enjoy your naked smile and your trip to Hawaii.

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#131 Post by AliKat »

Hi Jillianleab,

Your teeth look fantastic, hope mine turn out as good as yours, I found out today Im getting an expander in Jan 16th so not looking forward to that, :cry: had my ceramic braces on my uppers for 1 week, still getting used to them!!

Hope you have a fab break!! :banana:

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#132 Post by sksk11 »

Your teeth look beautiful! Congratulations :-88 You have such a wide sparkly smile, and I bet your bite is so much better too.

What kind of retainers do you have? I'm sure you've already said somewhere, but I don't have time right now to browse your pages.

Enjoy your new smile :D

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#133 Post by Bekah »

They look beautiful! I took statistics about 6 months ago! It was the worst class ever!!!!

Congrats on Debanding!
2 Years 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days in full metal braces!


Click on "WWW" for my braces story!

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#134 Post by AngelRuse »

Hehehe, I dodged the statistics bullet by changing majors. :wink: But anyway, your teeth look AWESOME. I can't believe how fast the transformation went. :shock: Like that second month picture my mouth just dropped.

Congrats on having such a great experience and a gorgeous smile!

Miss Smiley
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#135 Post by Miss Smiley »

I can't believe I missed your debanding too! They look great!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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