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Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:41 am
by oldfart
Time for one of those really tough questions. Colors for the bottom. I kinda like the purple I had above, and may just try it. So far have done blue and purple. If they have a dark red I may try.

Green is too obnoxious, although thinking my 11 yr old who is getting them today may do it.. Brown too icky, clear stained, any other thoughts? Sticking to silver on top for now.

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 3:31 pm
by rhibee83
your teeth are looking awesome! love the purple, I might have to try that colour soon :)

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:26 pm
by debinator
I had lime green and they were awesome LOL- Right now sporting a bright pink and purple

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:30 pm
by Tobilei
There's a pretty nice deep sparkly red at our ortho's office. I love it. I also love hot pink but I'm not so sure you would :twisted:

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:46 pm
by oldfart
Good apt. No elastics. Oh well.

New rectangular wire on top and bottom 16x22 or so. And three more bands. A couple of them are really back into the jaw so the back of the band is barely visible. One is at a pretty good angle to the wire so am told that I will really be feeling that in a few days. Just generic soreness. Just hard to tell how mush soreness to expect.


Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:14 pm
by Tobilei
So you stuck with purple on the bottom?

Rectangular wires! That's exciting!

Good luck with the soreness. Hope it stays mild for you!

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:46 pm
by oldfart
All three areas that have new molar bands are going to have major movement. The area that is actually has the least amount of movement is already getting there. Could barely chew apple cinnamon chex cereal soaked in milk.

Pain is good.. It means movement... Pain is good.. It means movement... (my new mantra)

Have a few pics. Here is the first one. Can't see much difference, except the wire. I just like how bright and shiny it looks ;) The pic is at a upwards angle, the bite isn't that far open. Just one that came out the best.


Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 11:17 pm
by rhibee83
ooOOOo they do look all shiny, looking great :) :) I really like the purple!

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 11:22 pm
by oldfart
The above is the good photo, now some ugly ones. Just because I am bored and need to document this part anyhow.

Not the best collage but here goes.

1) Top left (which is actually my right as my camera reverses everything). My two gold crowns. The first one needs to rotate a bit and the back one has to come in.

2) Top right. My ugly molars. The front will be crowned upon completion with it being a possibility on the back one also. Yes that is about a 30 degree angle that the mostly straight 16x22 rectangular wire is bent. Took the asst some nice pushing to get in back there. These two teeth will be a good test of the memory of the wire. And power also. (White stuff on the middle of the tooth is cement. Will brush it off later.

3) Top arch. Molars are almost as ugly, just as bad as the bottom. Nice pic of the missing one.

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 12:08 am
by Tobilei
I love how nice and shiny my rectangular wire is too :mrgreen:

And I hear you on pushing and shoving in order to get wires in. Some adjustments I think give my ortho a pretty good workout trying to shove the wire through that back molar I have.

And yes, pain is movement! Pain is movement! Yay for pain?

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:58 am
by oldfart
Can I have some cheese with my Whine?
Holy Eff these molars hurt. This is the first time that soreness has turned into real pain since I started treatment. Although I am chewing on them still(soft bread) just as I WILL NOT GIVE IN!!! Due to how tight the back teeth are to the jaw it also feels like I have two frankenstein bolts on the bottom jaw poking me in the jaw.

Just told my wife no steak this weekend.. So how about hot dogs and hamburgers she asks, ... umm... sure... (ok I lied). This may be fun.


Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 4:19 pm
by Tobilei
Ugh, I know that pain! I get it frequently! I've attempted stubborn-ness and continued to chew but the ache I get for an hour afterwards on top of the pain never feels worth it.

Molars for me are always the worst culprits for horrendous pain. They seem to make my whole jaw and face ache.

Best of luck with your hamburger and/or hot dogs and I hope the pain eases up soon!

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 4:34 am
by starfish88
Rectangular wires are pretty ouchy at the start but you'll see some crazy movement soon! I'm impressed how you managed to take pictures so well in your mouth!

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:43 am
by EricRoyalOak
Wow! that's some impressive dental work! Looks like my back molars. The first lower left molar, is that a crown or just silver fillings?

I had a similar dramatic bend from my first to second molars at all four corners. I really felt the braces at those locations. The bends have gone away over the past year at three spots, the fourth is still offset. This is where I felt the improvement in my bite - when those back molars were straightened out.

Re: Oldfart Orthodontic Diary

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 9:47 am
by oldfart
Bottom left is all fillings. It will be crowned and Root canaled upon completion of the ortho work. The one right behind it was originally going to be crowned, but since there will be no tooth above it (its being moved forward to close a gap from an extracted molar) they are not sure it will be necessary.