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Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:57 pm
by PrincessMelody
I've got pictures!

Adjustment number 9. He doubled up the powerchain in between #10 and #9 which pretty much closed the gap that had been there instantly. It was pretty tender for a few days, but at least it did the trick

Adjustment number 10... no more powerchain (for now)

And here is a picture (I took a couple of hours ago) of my upper arch sans WM. I took it at a bit of an angle hoping that you could see the extraction area a bit better. It's still a little sore there, but I think most of the discomfort is from the fact that those molars now have free movement

I'll post some better pictures at my one year anniversary in 5 days!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:56 pm
by PrincessMelody
Karen, thanks for the support as always. I definately trust my ortho. After all, if he didn't think it was best, he would not have suggested to have WM pulled. I think it was just the initial shock that things were changing that had gotten me so angry and the fact that something was just being said then.
And actually, I haven't just turned 21, I'm actually 22 (23 in about 2 months). It had just been the first time I had been to Vegas since turning 21. I probably could have phrased that sentence a little better :oops:

Rage, yes it is unbelievably more comfortable with WM gone. No more biting my tongue and speaking is a lot easier too. Plus like I said, my breathing has gotten better as well. I'm so glad to have that stupid tooth gone! Thanks for the support!

It's good to be back... adjustment in 3 days!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:56 pm
by PrincessMelody
1 year in braces! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by and my teeth have never looked better :D

I had an adjustment yesterday afternoon. I am back in powerchains (new I wouldn't be out of them for long). I chose bright blue for the powerchain on top and hot pink ligs on bottom. My teeth are a bit sore from the powerchain, but not as bad as the other two times I've had them. My ortho seemed very very pleased with the way things are looking. My next adjustmen it is in two weeks. I have no idea why it is so soon as the ortho didn't mention anything to me, and was only informed it would be in two weeks when I went up front to make my next appointment. So I shall see what is in store for me then. Kind of excited that I'm going back in only two weeks.

So the best part of my update here... pictures!

3 months (earliest picture I have)
6 months
9 months
one year!!

uppers ~3 months
5 months
9 months
one year

lowers ~3 months
lowers 6 months
lowers 9 months
lowers one year

And where I started from...

I'm pretty pleased!!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:59 am
by Miss Smiley
Oh my, I'm pleased too!

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:19 pm
by PrincessMelody
Thanks Meryaten, Karen, Miss Smiley, and seriously for the support. I apprectiate it.

Me and my teeth are still doing well :lol: I no longer have any tender areas and the powerchains only bothered me for a couple days and then it seemed I had gotten used to them again. Just awaiting my next adjustment in 7 days. I'm really curious as to why I'm coming back after only two weeks.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:14 pm
by PrincessMelody
Thanks again for stopping by Karen and good to hear from you as well Denise!

Well I'm back from adjustment number 12. The ortho is still pleased with how things are progressing. It seems I was coming in after just two weeks for a new powerchain on top and new archwire on bottom. So Karen, you were right on one aspect :D I believe I now have the same size wire on bottom as I do on top. Both are rectangular, and I think the largest rectangular. I have an interesting configuration on my powerchain and didn't even realize it was different until I got in the car and checked out my teeth in the rearview mirror. Hard to explain, (you'll see what I mean in the picture) but I have two loops going over the brackets on both of my canines and on my right central. What's interesting is it's an entire powerchain instead of the partial powerchains as I've typically seen in this configuration on people, but nonetheless I'm sure it has the same effect. I have no clue what this is meant to do other than shift my teeth in a certain direction(s).

Here is the picture of my fancy powerchain configuration. Red powerchain on top and red and black ligs on bottom for the Justin Timberlake concert I'm going to on September 16th. The tour colors are red and black (don't ask me how I know that) so I decided to show my excitement on my teeth :lol: I left the picture a bit larger than normal so you can see the powerchain better.

No discomfort to report even with the new wire on bottom so I was very relieved for that as my appointment was at noon and I went out to lunch with my mom afterwards. It would have made lunch a bit of a bummer if I was sore.

The progress is chuggin along and the only real changes being made now are in my bite.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:52 pm
by cwatt1
Just stopping by to say hello. Beautiful smile, Princess! Things seem to really be moving along for you.

Love the PC color and the black and red ligs!

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:27 am
by PrincessMelody
Thanks to cwatt1, Karen, Ken, and Denise for stopping by. Seems my PC/lig choices were a hit with you all :wink: I certainly am enjoying them, although it's such a shame that only the PC is the most visible so all you see is the red. I'll try and ask at my next adjustment what the hecks the purpose of that powerchain being placed the way it is. My left canine and right central are a bit sensitive, but only when I bite into something a bit hard (like the ribs I had for dinner tonight :lol: ) AND those are two of the teeth that have the extra PC loops. My right canine isn't sensitive at all though, interestingly enough. Curious, very curious...

Denise, I have no earthly idea what size my archwires are, but I think they could be 17x25. I remember seeing that on my chart, but I could have been looking at the notes for an older adjustment and past archwire. So who knows. Thanks for the compliment on the gums. I do try to keep them healthy. I floss at least once everyday (sometimes twice, especially if I've eaten something like broccoli... such a messy vegetable), and use listerene at least every morning and sometimes in the afternoon (I don't use it at night as that's when I rinse with flouride mouthwash). Seeing my mom having to deal with deep cleanings has motivated me quite a bit to be vigilant. She got a referral to a perio at her last check up and never went. I've been riding her about that, but I guess she can't be bothered :?

Well, tomorrow is the JT concert. I'm SOOO excited I can hardly contain myself :-* . Also crossing my fingers that he doesn't reschedule this show as he has already done so with his Sacramento and San Jose shows due to "vocal strain" from the VMA's :( . It would definately be nice to be invited on to stage Denise :D After watching his show on HBO I certianly wouldn't mind being one of his dancers... yummy :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:29 am
by PrincessMelody
Well the JT concert was nothing short of AMAZING! I am proud to say I can still scream like a 12 year old :lol: Although I had no voice at all the next day. So it's a good thing I am currently unemployed because it would have made work a bit difficult since I was barely audible. By they way, I didn't mention it in my other updates, but I got laid off from my job mid August. So it is a really good thing I decided not to switch ortho's because then I would have really been in a pickle with those extra payments. Anywho, I am actually enjoying a bit of time off, even if I am broke. I have some money in savings to help me survive until I do manage to get a new job so I'll be okay. It is slow going out there though. I've only had one interview despite the 23904295825925 companies I have sent my resume out to.

Anywho, on to the reason for my update. My 13th month mark passed Tuesday so it's time for a picture update. Not really noticing much except for a possible improvement on my bite. Although, I think it's just the camera angle. It's a bit hard to tell. Well here they are.

last month's picture... slight change in my bite??



Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:06 am
by Miss Smiley
Your teeth are so cute! I can't help but to look at the last month picture with the baby blue PC!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:47 pm
by PrincessMelody
Awwww, shucks Miss Smiley :lol: I do enjoy making my teeth look cute though. It's always a big decision... what colors I'm going to choose.

Funny you mention it Denise, but people I have had a few people tell me I'd be a great person to work at Disneyland just because I love it there. I honestly don't think I could ever work for them. They don't treat their employees well. My Grandpa worked there for 30 years and they forced him into early retirement and everything. He ended up partaking in a class action lawsuit against them later for the things they were doing with his retired benefits... denying him coverage and such. It was all very shady.

Thanks Meryaten. I actually do look at my pics side by side all the time. I didn't think there was that much wrong with my teeth until they started looking good :lol: I was looking at some pictures I had on my computer from before this whole journey started and I was amazed to see the overjet I had. I really didn't think I had one. My top arch has also rounded out so much too. It was very oval shaped instead of the lovely round shape I have now.

Anywho, I had an adjustment yesterday. I am powerchain free again, but I am now wearing elastics. They are the 1/8" (Mainland Asian Elephant, hehehe) and I am sporting them in a triangle formation. Those little buggers are tiny! Pretty hard for my big hands to get a hold of but I'm quickly getting the hang of them. I have been instructed to wear them 24/7 except when cleaning and to change them 3 times a day. I question whether I heard correctly, but she confirmed 3 times a day. I thought that was a bit insane, but I guess they are pretty serious about getting things finished. I was told "it's getting very close to the end" but couldn't get a date or approximate time frame out of them :lol: The assistant that worked on me did say everything is in line and all that is left is a few tweaks here and there, like closing my bite, which is the purpose of the elastics.

I chose purple and black for my lig colors. I was very sad when I was told they were out of orange as my original choice was orange and purple. My complete original plan was purple on top, and orange and black on bottom. But then I found out I wasn't getting a powerchain, so it changed to just orange and purple. So by default I went to black instead of orange since it was a part of the "original plan".

Without further delay here are my lovely ligs and elastics

And here is the picture I found that I was talking about

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:44 pm
by PrincessMelody
Thanks Karen and Ken. I really like these colors. They are a bit of fun. I am already noticing the change in my bite. It feels different. While you can't see the changes, I can certainly feel them. My teeth were a bit tender over the weekend, but they aren't so bad anymore. I was told I'm supposed to eat with them in, but I am finding it near impossible to eat some things. I had soup the other day and couldn't fit the spoon between my elastics so I had to take them out otherwise I would have ended up wearing half of my soup. I also can't bite into a sandwich as the elastics restrict how far I can open my mouth and there isn't much space between them. So I try to keep them in when eating, but certain food requires me to take them out. I will say it's not for lack of trying. My friend did get a kick out of watching me trying to eat with them. I can definately see why I was instructed to change them 3 times a day because they get shredded pretty fast (from rubbing against my brackets) and are definately on the verge of breaking when I change them.

Anywho, gotta go brush those teeth. Thanks for stopping by.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:56 pm
by victor36
Hi, Princess!

Just got back from a surprise trip from Our Favorite Theme Park. That's the great part about having an AP: go for 2 hours, then come back home. The Halloween decorations look awesome! And so does your progress; those arches are looking GORGEOUS! I started that same elastic configuration back in July. Yeah. It takes some getting used to. Especially when you try biting into a pizza. HAHA


Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:58 pm
by PrincessMelody
Hey Victor! Glad you got to enjoy sometime at the Happiest Place on Earth. I unfortunately don't get there as often as I used to. Two of my friends that had passes moved out of state, and a couple others never renwed theirs. So I only have one friend that has a pass and she is usually occupied with her boyfriend so it is hard to pry her away :lol: My one friend visited from out of state a few weeks ago and since her pass doesn't expire until Halloween we were able to go a few times while she was down here. I have no clue when I will get the chance to go again.

Thanks for stopping by and the positive feedback. I think I could actually eat pizza alright. I just have a hard time fitting large utensils, like soup spoons, between the elastics. I also can't open that wide (since they are 1/8" elastics and are the heavy ones on top of that) so things like a Subway sandwhich packed with lettuce, avocado, etc. I have found pretty much impossible to bite into. In fact, I measured how big I can open my mouth, and it's about 3/4". The elastics also don't get a chance to stretch out very much since I have been instructed to change them 3 times a day. I figured it's not too bad since I only need to take them out for certain foods and am still managing to have them in at least a good 23 hours a day.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 1:08 am
by PrincessMelody
Oh yes Denise, I am positively choked up at the idea that I won't be seeing another braced Halloween. Although my costume does play up on the braces ("naughty" schoolgirl).

Well I've reached the 14 month mark so it's time for a picture update. The work the elastics have done is obvious on the right side as my bite has almost closed up. The left side however I see no change. I can't help but think in the back of my mind if missing a premolar there is hindering it. I trust my ortho though and he was confident that there was just no room for it. It still doesn't make sense to me, but he is the professional. I do know there is horrible assymetry between the left side of my jaw/skull with the right. The left side is truly smaller. You can see it in other parts of my face and such. For example, my widow's peak is off center, my cheekbones are uneven, and my ears are uneven.

One thing I have noticed by seeing my pictures is that my left upper premolar (my only left upper premolar :lol: ) is slightly twisted. It's really noticeable when you look at in comparison to the right side and see how my first premolar sits over there. I am going to point it out to my ortho at my adjustment in a week and see what he says. I think the bracket needs to be repositioned. Other than that and the fact that my bite is lagging things are looking good.

Adjustment numero catorce (14) is just a week away on November 2nd (4 days before my birthday). I'm trying to decide what colors I want to get. I'm thinking of getting my favorite colors (purple and pink) just for my birthday. And if I am really close to the end I may not get a chance to do them again since I HAVE to have red and green for Christmas and light blue and dark blue for January. Of course if I still have them in February then I will get purple and pink then too. So many possibilities! I was trying to think of colors I haven't done before, but there really isn't any. I've done red, orange, light green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, light purple, dark purple, light pink, hot pink, and black in all kinds of combinations. The one's I havent done (that my ortho has) are yellow, gold, and silver. Yellow I have no wish to do as I think it would just make my teeth look, well, yellow and the same goes for gold. Silver is just too boring when your brackets are silver. So I'm back at pink and purple.

Well enough of this droning post, onto my pictures.


left side

right side

upper arch (look at my left premolar)

lower arch