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Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:34 pm
by OBG
You sound like a veteran after just one adjustment. I always used adjustments to justify a large chocolate malt. What the heck if you are going have some suffering and pain you might as well try and enjoy it.

Purple ligs, Colorado rockies or LA Kings or just the regal look?

Sounds like everything is going according to plan so hang in there and before you know it you'll be an alumnae. (18 more adjustments?)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:48 pm
by Flora2006
Your purple ligs are beautiful Rage. I love the light shade. It looks awesome on your teeth. :)

Your bottom teeth have had some great movement :) Good job :dance:

Those wire ties WITH ligs really do wonders don't they ;)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 10:07 pm
by samantha_lou
Wow, that is excellent progress, those lowers have been busy - its looking good! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:19 am
by sjsarre
Hey rage31

Your progress is great for such a short period of time. Its taken weeks for me to be able to bite down, but finally I feel able to most days.

Hope you can soon!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:21 pm
by Flora2006
Great progress Rage. Your teeth are looking great :)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:05 pm
by chrisd
wow, lookin good. you can really see the difference. good luck

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:14 pm
by jennandtonic
I just read your entire thread, so forgive me if this is long, I had a lot to comment on.

I am glad you have found this to be a great outlet, Rage31! I think a lot of people have because on top of being able to see progress, you can see others' as well. It's one big online support group.

I had to comment on the spacers. When I had my spacers in, I didn't notice anything until the third day when I tried to bite into a BLT sandwhich. OUCH! Spacers really do affect everyone differently.

Great movement on your bottom teeth! That is exciting! :banana:

Even though you don't want to, you should definitely make it a point to ask about the headgear issue. And who knows, maybe you'll only have to wear it at night at first. And depending on how much movement you have had, you may not have to wear the headgear until after you go to Michigan.

I definitely agree with your statement that getting worked up over something you can't control is a waste of energy. I need to remember that, especially about my headgear fears!

Also, I can sympathize with your problems with the molar bands. Some days I have no problem whatsoever, and then others it feels like my tongue is being sliced up!

I'm sorry you are still having trouble with those pesky molars! Hopefully after the next adjustment you'll get some relief!

I just wanted to say I really like the way you update everyone, it's very enjoyable to read! And also, thank you for commenting on my braces saga. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:56 am
by penma
Amazing progress :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:12 pm
by MsTee

Great to see that things are moving right along! Love both lig colors, especially the purple! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:04 pm
by MsTee
Hi rage31, glad you enjoyed your trip!

LOL @ not getting drunk off of Crown Royal...either you have a high tolerance for liquor, or that's quite some sea level! :wink:

~*Ms Tee*~

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:06 pm
by MsTee
Hey Rage!

Glad to hear that all is well. Good luck with the bike race next month...keep us posted! :)

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:42 pm
by jennandtonic
rage31 said:
:shock: Wow I haven’t visited my own journal in a few weeks. I’ve been busy spending any free time training for my Image bike race next month. Anytime extra time that I have had on-line, I’ve spent reading how everyone else is doing. Seems that everyone is doing ok. Which is good to hear. :wink:

My teeth have moved more since my last batch of pictures. Unfortunately the movement is pretty minimal and you really need to look hard to see the difference. So I won’t post them, unless you really want to see them. My molars still don’t touch when I bite down, there fore I still cannot chew, but have upgraded to some soft foods. :D Over the holiday weekend I was able to eat more than just mush. So I decided to be brave on Tuesday and attempted an egg salad sandwich. The egg salad was easy, but my jaw popped a lot from the bread. Yesterday it hurt most of the day. So I defiantly am not ready for sandwiches yet, but man was it good. It was the best sandwich I have had in 5 months, oh wait it was the only sandwich I have had in 5 months. :lol: I miss my sandwiches. Ok enough of my pity party. :roll:

I have my 3rd adjustment next Thursday, July 13th. I am starting to get excited for it, as I know that I am going to get a new lower arch wire. Well that is the plan at least. I am looking forward to seeing what it feels like to have your arch wire off. I wonder what else is in store for me.
It feels quite funny to have your archwire off. The first time I didn't like it, because the brackets REALLY stick out without the archwire! It wasn't for that long though.

I'm really glad you're able to eat a little more. It's ALWAYS exciting to try and eat something and then find out that YOU CAN DO IT!

And thank you for your comment on my braces saga, it really feels good to not have that niggling worry in the back of my mind.

Hope everything goes well on your livestrong race! :D

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:43 pm
Hi Rage31, Gooooood pictures.... Your teeth looks wonderful!!! I can see that it is already in a good position. I have stronger archwire on top. It is thick and rectangle. It did hurt after I left Ortho office. Thin on bottom. When I go back for my 3rd Ajustment I will have upgrade archwire. Hope it wont hurt me too much but I will expect it.


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:35 pm
Ooooopsssss!!! I meant to say square archwire not rectangle. My bad...

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:01 pm
by jennandtonic
rage31 said:
Ok, I’ve decided that GREEN ligatures are awful. :yuck: I don’t like them at all. :( There aren’t terrible, but not as nice as the other colors I’ve had. I thought that with them being the dark shade that they wouldn’t be too bad. I was wrong. They definitely make your teeth look yellow.

Oh well, 18 more days until my 4th adjustment. I can’t wait to change my ligatures to YELLOW.
Uh oh!

But I do wonder, would yellow ligs make the teeth look less white, more yellow? I've been tempted to get yellow ligs, but chicken out because I keep thinking they'll make my teeth look less white.