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Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:07 pm
by Flora2006
I agree, your uppers are seriously looking amazing :):)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:32 pm
by lionfish
Your teeth look great, pucca26.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:48 am
by pucca26
Thank you KK, Lionfish and Flora for your comments. :D Many people are asking if I’m almost done and they can’t understand why I have to wait at least one more year to finish. :? There is an upper cuspid that is pretty inclined but it’s not much noticeable at first sight. :roll:
I will post pics again when I get my lowers. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:10 pm
by Louise
Hey pucca26. Great pics. Your teeth are looking great. I've had my uppers braces on for almost a year as well and I get the same reaction. They are always saying that they can't believe I have got to keep them on for another year. Look forward to seeing pics of your lower braces. :D



Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:46 am
by pucca26
Hi again,

In last appointment, I got lower bands to get lowers on next Friday, as I will be using ceramic my ortho told me that I could use a white wire if I wanted to, but she said it didn’t look nice because its colour is not the same than teeth's, but I really prefer a white one, I don't know what to do. :?: Any advice?
I also had a cuspid bracket off and a spring on to get some room. This tooth needs to be inclined but the bracket was always falling down, my ortho said that the problem was the cuspid has no enough space to move, so she decided it would be the best for some time.
Here are some new pics.




Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:53 pm
by lionfish
Hi pucca26,

Someone with a white wire posted recently - maybe on the Bracket Club or Our Braces Stories board. It does look nice.

I've got a silver wire (I wasn't offered white) and it is only visible at close range. And only if I show my lower teeth, which I rarely do.

I'm curious: are the yellow ligs/powerchains the colour of choice or did they go that colour because of something you ate?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:39 pm
by pucca26
Hi Lionfish thanks for being there,
I think I will ask my ortho the white wire and if I don't like it I will ask for a normal one when my ortho has to change it. I don't know how log I have to use the same archwired as I got upper replaced every 10 days, maybe normal braces are different.
The yellow ligs are not the same as the blue I had, I always got ligs changed at every appointment, if you see carefully they are different because the blue ligs were only for one bracket, the new lig is joint to close the little gaps I had, I think the name is powerchain. I also had 2nd wire thickness at last appointment, which is good because it’s the 2dn of 7 phases of treatment.
Lion, how is your treatment? I’d like you to post pics, Do you have e-braces or orcmo?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:20 pm
by lionfish
I don't know what brand I've got, pucca26; I only know they're small so they could be StB. Dunno really.

Re my treatment: I've had 2 wire changes on top since starting, and one on the bottom. Things are moving slowly but surely, but there's a long way to go yet. I am due to start elastics in 3 weeks time; I hope to see some progress in bite closing from then on in.

I'm very slack when it comes to pics. Haven't taken any since I started. But things could change!!

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:02 pm
by pucca26
I'm getting my lower braces tomorrow!!! I'm so nervous!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:11 pm
by pucca26
Hi again, I haven’t posted for few weeks because I wanted so see movement before uploading pics and today I took some photos again after several days and I could see some good movement since the day I got my lower braces 18 days ago. :D
Here is a pic


As you can see my ligs got yellow and I didn’t get the white archwired I wanted, I was a little disappointed because I always told my ortho that I wanted a white one, and she always said it was ok, but when time to get my lower braces came, she said white arch was awful and she wouldn’t use it anymore because it was not good. :x
I don’t care about it now but I was really angry that day. In fact, I don’t show the lower braces when I talk or smile.

Thanks for reading!

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:20 pm
by lionfish
hi pucca26, making good progress as usual.

I was also slightly sad about the metal wire on ceramics initially, but I'm well and truly over it. How are you adjusting to the ceramics?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:53 pm
by pucca26
Hi Lionfish! :D
Thanks for replying, how are you?
I’m adjusting well to the ceramics, the first week I got some sores but it’s ok now. I didn’t have eating or speech problems as I had with linguals, but anyway I think linguals are more comfortable.
I fell good but when I think I‘ll have it in my mouth for 1 or 2 more years I fell a little down, I want to finish as soon as possible. That's why I love fast movement :roll:

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:27 pm
by lionfish
pucca26 wrote:Hi Lionfish! :D
Thanks for replying, how are you?
I’m adjusting well to the ceramics, the first week I got some sores but it’s ok now. I didn’t have eating or speech problems as I had with linguals, but anyway I think linguals are more comfortable.
I fell good but when I think I‘ll have it in my mouth for 1 or 2 more years I fell a little down, I want to finish as soon as possible. That's why I love fast movement :roll:
I'm good, thanks.

I agree with you that the linguals are more comfortable. She hasn't been around for a while, but I think lysachick might say the same thing.

I'm trying not to think how much longer all this stuff is going to be in my mouth. It seems to grow every time I go in for an appointment :roll: .

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:53 pm
by badteeth
Great photos, i wish I had lingual braces

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:46 pm
by sharonm
Your photos are great.Yor teeth are really changing and you can't see the linguals at all.Thanks for putting pics up