juf_84's smile ~I'm back and naked~

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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#16 Post by juf_84 »

Hi, just thought I would post some technical information.

I got my letter from my ortho today with all the info in it and I have to admit I was very excited! It is another step towards B-Day, and now I can get things organised with the Health Fund as I've got the quote in writing. Of course included was my very first bill and even that excites me! :banana: I'll probably get over that very quickly! :lol:

Anyway, I have....

a relatively mild malocclusion resulting from malalignment of the anterior dentition

Sounds rather impressive, doesn't it? All those big words....

On a more serious side, it just goes to show how important it is for people who may be considering fixing their teeth to actually see an ortho... before my consult I had almost definately made up my mind that I wasn't going down the road of braces. I was very sly and didn't tell anyone about the consult, so no one knew that I was going to back out. I had in my mind that it was simply a case of crowding and would need extractions, and I was terrified of the idea. In fact, I have a completely different problem with my teeth and if I had never gone to the ortho I would have never known... so if you're just lurking and not sure, like I was for so long.... just do it! Knowledge is power :!:

Anyway, it feels as though the days are just dragging by until it all starts... but it will be here before I know it.

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#17 Post by juf_84 »

:banana: I LEARNED HOW TO FLOSS TODAY! :banana:

I know, I know, I'm 22 and have only just learned to floss.

I went to the dentist today for the big clean and flouride treatment before B-Day. It was the first time I had ever had a major clean done by a hygienist, and wow. I thought my teeth were pretty good and pretty clean as I see my dentist every 12 months- but the no flossing thing really let me down. She managed to remove all the plaque, and even showed me some of it- little, hard and black- and on my teeth!

Anyway, before anyone gets too worried, she thinks that I have perfect teeth and that they will look beautiful once the braces are off. :D And we had a really good chat about how best to clean my teeth, and I had a great lesson in flossing. I also scored a few freebies, including a brush that will clean my teeth under the archwire.

But... my gums and teeth are hurting now :soremouth: - she said they would because it was my first big clean and she had so much to do.

One more step closer to the big day- and now my teeth are in the best possible condition ready to be braced.

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#18 Post by ironyengine »

Cheers juf_84! I've known how to floss but never really been able to do it well because of the crowding, which is one of the main reasons I finally got around to doing this myself. Keep at it, I hear it does great things for your teeth and gums. ;)

My first cleaning hurt a bit as well, but after a few days it subsided... I'm sure your pain will be gone before you know it too. Keep checking in once things get rolling!

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#19 Post by psychic »

I'm so glad that you're happy about this decision... a big one, we might say!

Everyday i still look at the mirror and think to my self: "not as bad as i thought it would be", and for you will be the same!

I get braced 24 days ago and can't wait to see results!! :wink:

Keep us up to date in your journey! Will be here to support you in every ocasions!

Metal Braces

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good decision

#20 Post by braces_2come »

hi, well its good that you decide to visit the ortho congrats on that:D

i get my braces on the 21'st and about the spacres Nothing to worry about i just got them today and didnt hurt at all, but i think it depends on how crowded your teeth are. well good lucky


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#21 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Braces_2come, it's great to hear from you and pretty cool that we're beginning the journey so close together!

I'm not too worried. Mum rang tonight and asked me if I was worried about Thursday. I have an exam on Thurs as well as the spacers so I started talking about the exam of course!

Good luck with your journey too!

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#22 Post by braces_2come »

yeah thats great, good luck on your exam and with the spacers,
like i said i have my spacers on right now and man, this little things hurt i can verly brush my teeth! good luck on that I hope my pain goes away

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#23 Post by juf_84 »

Hi all!

Well the spacers have been in for just over two hours now :-) They are giving me a little bit of grief- but that is to be expected as the assistant had quite a bit of trouble getting them in, and she warned me I would probably be one of the unlucky ones. It is all very exciting because my treatment has started!

Anyway, I'm off to do an exam now- catch you all later!
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#24 Post by lionfish »

Spacers and exam in one day - you're a tough nut!

Good luck with both.

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#25 Post by Chantel »

Hi Juf,

Thanks so much for commenting on my braces log, it seems we're getting all our treatment around the same time (I think I'm about 2 weeks or so behind you as far as spacers and braces go) so we will "virtually" be holding hands going through our processes :)

I hope your spacers aren't causing you too much grief! I'm a bit frightened about mine, I only need them for a week though thank goodness, I've still got that excited feeling about it all though - I bet that changes as soon as I get stuff done

I'll keep popping my head in to check on your progress - good luck


14th March - Spacers
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#26 Post by MsTee »

Hi juf_84! Thanks for visiting my thread! I am glad to see so many people support one another as we journey together around the same time! Good luck to you, and I look forward to hearing more about your progress!

~*Ms Tee*~

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#27 Post by juf_84 »


Hi all!

The spacers have been in for two days now- and I'm sure they're doing what they're supposed to because I can feel it.

It wasn't too much of a hassle to get them in- the space between my bottom back molars was very tight so the assistant had to use some nasty looking plier thingies instead of the smaller instrument but it didn't really hurt. I got through my exam ok without much pain but at dinner they started to make their presence known!

That was the last decent meal I ate... I have been living off milo tubs, alphagetti and vegetable soup. Hopefully tonight I can have a semi-proper meal- the menu at college looks like there are a few soft things available. Last night was roast and I love crackling... I just had to watch on as my friends dug in! :-((

The pain is not quite what I expected... I naively assumed they would only hurt where they are... of course, silly me- I should have realised that their job is to move teeth and therefore there is pressure placed around my whole mouth.

Really, it's not too bad- when it hurts, I take some ibuprofen, and I go and do something to take my mind off them- which is perfect at the moment as I have another exam on Wednesday. Lots of study is getting done!!

Thanks to everyone for all their messages, I really appreciate it!
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#28 Post by juf_84 »

Just wanted to add...

I went into town tonight with some friends and we picked up some takeway... I got some chicken strips, brought them home, cut them into little pieces- and :banana: chewed!! :banana: I celebrated by having some M&Ms- and chewed those too!

I know it such a small thing, and I've only got spacers- but it has shown me there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that in no time at all I will be coping with braces!
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#29 Post by MsTee »

Wow juf_84...things are getting better already! Chicken strips and M&M's! :D

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#30 Post by lionfish »

Glad to hear that things are tracking nicely for you, juf84. And particularly nice to hear that you're getting some chocolate into yourself.

Good luck for Wednesday.....and Thursday.

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