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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:53 am
by elena_k
thanks kk..yes,the truth is that i recover too fast from a couple of days i'm good as new :lol: :P but still it's the gap part that bothers me...i think about it every time i talk to someone..if i had the choise i would just stay at home..but i can't ..and believe me,i'm not a person that likes to stay in :( must get used to it quickly..

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:32 am
by At last
Hope you are feeling better about that gap elena!!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:05 pm
by elena_k
Thank you At Last...

i don't feel good about it yet,but i'll get used to it..focusing on next year :)

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:56 am
by elena_k
haven't posted here for over a month...i'm glad to say that my canines are almost right one is 1 mm away and my left orthdontist is satisfied by the fast move and he mentioned that it would be even faster if i had metalics on..but even if i had to choose again,i'd go ceramics :lol: my lower gap is now around 4mm,but not very visible..

i almost forgot the most important fact...he got me starting using elastics..i use 1/4''-heavy Sea lion ones...i was in such pain and compined with a very hot weather here in greece,elastics gave me a hard time for a couple of days..but now i don't even understand their presence :D

hope you are all doing well..kisses for everyone


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:40 am
by elena_k
thanks for your comment KK!! :D yes,my canines are 'running' :lol:

linda21,the summer is almost over here :( and on the top of that,i have exams :shock: but i'll survive :lol: