Oh man.. here I go! Marley's story (updated pics on page 5)

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#16 Post by Marley »

That's awesome Danielle (that they are coming along fine!)

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#17 Post by Marley »

Jumbie, Happy Belated Birthday!

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#18 Post by jumbie »

Thanks Marley!

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#19 Post by MissJoey »

Dear Marley,

I am 22, and I get my braces on on YOUR birthday, March 6. I'm really proud of you for taking that step out finally. I'm finally doing the same exact thing. I had people telling me that I looked fine, but it's really about what you want as a person, you know? I had my spacers put in today, so there is really no turning back at this point. Just want to let you know that I'm right behind you, we'll do it together. My treatment should last 2 years. Also, I know what you mean about wearing everybody else out about the subject of braces, I've been doing it too, which is why I'm super happy about this forum!!! Keep on posting, and take good care of yourself during treatment.


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#20 Post by TheShmo »

Hi Marley :)

Your teeth don't look near as bad as you made it seem (I know, it is different when they are your OWN though... I had several people ask why I was getting mine done-before the bonding came off- and I was like, "OMG, can't you tell?!" LOL) The braces look nice :) I was kind of hoping for the Damon brackets (a friend of mine has them, and they are so tiny compared to mine), but I got somewhat traditional ones (a little bigger than normal, I think).

I will definitely be following your progress! If we are lucky, we should be finishing up about the same time (our bracedays are 2 days apart, and my treatment is 18 months as well), so hopefully we'll both have some really good posts in about a year and a half :D

Congrats on finally getting them done! And happy belated birthday!

~Kysha :)

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#21 Post by Marley »

MissJoey - Thanks for the kind words :) I've had only positive things said to me. I've had a couple people say Way To Go! haha! They know I am syked, so how could they not be syked for me! haha!!

Can't wait to follow along with your journey and talk braces braces braces and never get sick of it!! haha!!

Kysha - These suckers are brutal!! Hah.. before I really didn't think I'd ever get braces and I couldn't even look at them myself in the mirror! It's kind of funny because some people who I told said "Oh, I wouldn't think you need them" and I'm like "Thats because you've probably never seen them!!"

Anyways! Fun times!

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#22 Post by victor36 »

great pics! and good luck with your treatment!
(as Kiwi posted, the teeth that you're referring to are called lateral incisors, a.k.a. 'laterals') ...my laterals are way far back and will be brought forward & down:


B-day: 02/06/07
Adjustments: 04/03/07, 05/30/07, 07/25/07, 09/18/07, 11/15/07, 01/10/08, 03/04/08, 05/08/08
Debonding: 07/01/08
18 month prognosis
Actual Treatment Time: 1 year, 4 months, 25 days
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#23 Post by Marley »

Hehe! Thanks Ken!

Patricia S.
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#24 Post by Patricia S. »

Hi Marley,

I was looking for your thread but i couldn't find it, must have passed it up about 10 times :crazy:

You are FINALLY BRACED!!!!! the pics look great!! Have you noticed any movement??

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#25 Post by Marley »

Hi Patricia!

I haven't really looked. My first adj is May 14th. I'll put pics on then. I figure the longer I wait, the more results I'll see!

I am so used to them that I forget people who I don't regularily see are shocked! I'm like "oh woops.. yeah, I have braces!"

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#26 Post by Carolinahigh12 »

:ouch: Congrats on the braces....I have only just begun and it is enjoyable to read other's experience.... I only had my consultation with the ortho, but that was a BIG step for me.!!! Look forward to reading on your progress and once I start my process, then I would look forward to using what you guys have as a "road map". I think my husband is SICK of the braces talk, and this site helps me a lot!!!

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#27 Post by Carolinahigh12 »

how has the cleaning of your new braces been so far?

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#28 Post by mikecl »


Just wanted to say thanks for the response to the "update" on my story so far and happy belated birthday.

Hope your first few weeks in braces has gone well and I'm just counting down the days until 5 April and my first initial consult.

All I want to do is talk braces and it's great to see so many others talking positively about their experiences


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#29 Post by cbradac »

Hey Marley :)

i have the same thing as you, im missing the top left lateral incisor aswell. but don't worry ortho's are good at making all the teeth around it fit in :) they are very good at what they do :lol:

Good luck on your progress so far! look forward to reading more

take care, Chris!
Braces on: 18th December 2006 :)


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#30 Post by Patricia S. »

Hi Marley,

Did you abandon us???? Image

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