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Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:57 am
by Maggie Brace
ha ha we might have his teeth but at least we wont have the strange hair and high waisted trousers :lol: :lol:

Would nt mind a few of his millions though.
Reality is setting in now that i actually have to start paying the ortho. :shock: :shock: €4750- am i mad :o :o :o :o

I dont know if id have the guts to be multi coloured for the weddings. I ll see closer to the time. Am expecting some comments from the older aunts, neighbours on the wedding day. Think i ll just have lots of drinks and ignore them :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:07 am
by TDiamond
That coupled with the why are you still single at your age, why don't you find yourself a nice man, now in my day blah blah blah....yeah I know how the family gatherings go haha

Tell me about it. I had to pay £2500 deposit this week then £109 a month for the next four years!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: My teeth better be bloody amazing by the end of it!!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:18 am
by Maggie Brace
ha ha ha you definetly have the same relations as me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Single at 31- there must be something wrong with me. Why dont i just stop being so choosy and find a nice my age i cant afford to be fussy aaaaaaaaaaghhhhhh.They re still cross with me for splitting up with a guy i d been with for years because they loved him so much :x :x :x :x
And now they ll be giving out that i m spening money on being "Vain".
And to make matters worse it s my YOUNGER sister that s getting married........

I ve worked out a payment plan with the dentist. €950.00 every six months for 2.5 years. I ve rented out a room in my house for at least the next year to contribute to it. Not ideal but i know it ll all be worth it :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:18 am
by TDiamond
Haha oh no that must be a nightmare. I am the youngest of three and my older brother and sister are both married so I get lots of "so..its just you left now eh??" I even went to this medium woman and she said that my dead grandparents are saying its time I settled down so they are even harassing me from beyond the grave!! Hahaha :lol:

I rent out a room too to one of my friends thankfully. Now I'm scared she goes off travelling or something and leaves me in the lurch!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:50 am
by Maggie Brace
Ha ha i dont have that but i think the alive ones are bad enough :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope your friend dosent move out for your sake but i m sure you ll find someone else if she does.I did nt particularly want to live with a stranger but i have been really lucky and the girl turned out to be really nice. we re getting on very well.

Another work day down. Yipeeeeeeeee :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:16 am
by TDiamond
Hey how are you? You D day or should I say B day haha is fast approaching!!

I just got my dates. getting brackets on 9th April, two teeth extracted 14th April and two more on 16th April :yikes: then I'll be in Portgual for a week to recover from the trauma :banana: , then I get my wire on the 27th of April! I am pretty scared on the dentist anyway so I think April will be enough to put me off for life!! :soremouth:

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:19 am
by Maggie Brace
HI How are you. It gets scaryily real when you get the brace date dosent it. You re so right to get a holiday in first. Think it ll be at leat sept before i get to go on hols.

I m getting really nervous now. This time two weeks i ll be fully braced :? :? :? :pinkbraces:

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:57 am
by TDiamond
Hey I'm good thanks. Well actually I'm a little annoyed. My friend who has perfect teeth like a movie star just said to me she doesn't know why I'm going through all this money and pain there's nothing wrong with my teeth. Typical of someone who has perfect teeth :x

That has ruined my Friday feeling!!

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:53 am
by Maggie Brace
Dont mind her. :evil:
A lot of people have said that to me but i dont listen anymore. My teeth have always been horrible and anyone that says otherwise is straight out lying-I know they are only doing it for the right reasons but it s not what i need to hear.

People with perfect teeth just dont understand. You ve made the decision to change your teeth for yourself and not anyone else. I bet she has something about herself that she dosent like, that you think is fine but she d love to change. Everyone has something, and for me (& probably you) its always been my teeth. We re the ones using our own hard earned money to pay for this and we re the ones who are going to have to put up with the pain/awkwardness of braces so i wish people would just be happy for us and wish us well.
Someone even said to me- Whats next " a boob job". How Dare they.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:42 am
by TDiamond
A boob job, how cheeky!! It's like yeah thanks for your support mate!

I sent her a picture of my teeth and said now take a picture of yous and compare!! I am doing it for me and not anyone else, it bothers me!

And yeah she has spots which I don't notice at all but it bothers her so she should try to understand.

My mum was kind of skeptical at first but I said to her if it was you with these teeth you would be doing exactly the same and she was like yeah you're right. So now she is supportive. Well I hope she is coz I work for her and I need time off to get my teeth out etc!!

I am getting quite excited. I wonder how straight our teeth will be by like Christmas?!!

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:32 am
by Maggie Brace
I was wondering the same thing last week. I ve been looking at lots of pics on this site and some people seem to have lots of movement very quickly while others dont seem to notice any movement. I ve never seen so many teeth in my life :lol: :lol: :lol:

My friends older sister has had braces for the last two years. To be honest i never even noticed them on her before i became brace obsessed. I told her my plans one drunken night out and she was very supportive but warned me about the attitude of "the perfect teeth people". I have one friend in particular that i haven t told yet because i know she s going to be the worst.

I met a guy a few weeks ago and am sort of seeing him now.Not sure if i see it going anywhere so I haven t mentioned the B word yet. I ll say nothing yet and if it s still going on i ll tell him the night before and if he has an issue with it then thats his problem :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:22 am
by TDiamond
Lucky you I never meet anyone nice in this bloomin town! Or if I do they have girlfriends/wives already :roll: so they're actually not nice they are wannabe cheats anyway!!

Yeah if he cares is he totally not worth it anyway

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:41 am
by Maggie Brace
Oh believe me i never meet any decent guys either. This was just pure chance. Not sure if it ll go anywhere though- He lives 3.5 hours away. I ve tried the long distance before and its very hard to make it work.

The married guys are every where. Last year a friend of mine was seeing a guy for a few months. All was going well until a woman approached her in Tesco one day and asked her did she know that her boyfriend was married with 3 Kids!!!!! When my friend ended it he tried to say that it s not a huge town so she must have known all along that he was married. What a nice guy :evil: :evil:

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:37 am
by TDiamond
What a lovely guy!! Thank God she found out before too long though eh.

3.5 hours that is a loooong distance! Maybe he'll be so happy to see you he won't even notice the braces :lol:

On that note, I am leaving the office. Another week closer to 'B'day :BigGrin: Have a good weekend

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:54 am
by Maggie Brace
Have a good one. Think i ll hit the town tonight for my second last friday night with no braces :lol: :lol: :pinkbraces: