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Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:25 pm
by braceshereicome
Thank you! You too. So exciting isn't it? Eeeek!!! Lol

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:26 pm
Your teeth are looking amazing! You must be excited!

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:32 am
by Angel269
They look fab-remarkable changes :-)

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:58 pm
by Braceland
Wow ! The transformation of your teeth is amazing, they look fantastic and your story/photos are very inspirational.
January will be here before you know it !

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:43 am
by Gravecat
So happy you are doing this for yourself!

I am middle-aged and just got braces 3 days ago. What an experience. Pain, pain and more pain but I am happy to finally do this.

I am so glad I found this website and forum. I feel so alone in all this, but now I can connect with everyone here for questions and support. Every post I've read seems so very nice and the people here are very encouraging, helpful ad supportive. The advice is wonderful, too.

Your recent picture is lovely! What a stunning transformation! Isn't it wonderful what modern dentistry/ortho treatment can do? I'm always amazed by the "before" and "after" pictures of ortho treatment!

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:03 am
by Roboto
I looove those Radiance brackets! So jealous! ..and your teeth are beeeeeautiful!! :jump: :D

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:13 pm
by catj1981
That transformation is amazing! Love it!!! As a newbie, this is the type of thing I need to see to reassure myself that be made the right decision. Thank you.

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:12 am
by braceshereicome
Thank you! It is amazing to me and has been from day one. It's a little miracle for me haha, something I have been so unhappy with for so long - and nearly done. I feel very excited and proud of myself for sorting it out.

I can say to those new to all this - it is worth it. Every last bit of it! I had four teeth removed and I was terrified, but it's worth it. I had to do a very new, very visible role at work, delivering training, presenting to Directors etc - all nerve wracking but still worth it. I see people looking at my braces all the time but I just smile widely and go with the flow. No one really ever mentions them and they'll have forgotten all about it in a few months, once my teeth are naked. I can also honestly say my teeth haven't hurt too much. Yes a bit of course, but nowhere near the agony I was expecting lol. Just discomfort most of the time really.

My only fear now is the braces coming off - I guess it's like child birth! You know it's coming but you can't worry too much about's gonna happen no matter what you do haha


Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:44 pm
by JMSmith
W-O-W!!! How awesome!! My teeth were crowded almost exactly like yours. I've been in braces for about 9 months now and have just now got the left lateral incisor on the archwire and it is SO EXCITING!! Now, reading your story and seeing your progress in such a short time has me even more giddy. I'm glad I stumbled upon your posts and I can't wait to see a picture once the braces come off!! :-*


Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:13 pm
by braceshereicome
DEBRACE DATE!!!! 29 January 2013. Woooooohooooooo! Lol

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:57 pm
by Tobilei
Congratulations!!! I bet you can't wait :mrgreen:

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:11 pm
by SunshineRay
your teeth look amazing!

Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:41 pm
by oktobergoud
braceshereicome wrote:DEBRACE DATE!!!! 29 January 2013. Woooooohooooooo! Lol
Congrats! Your teeth are looking AWESOME :D What a transformation! :)

Re: 30yr old - just got braces! UPDATE BRACES OFF!!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:57 pm
by braceshereicome
So they are off!




And here's what they used to be like....


Re: 30yr old - just got braces!

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:02 pm
by braceshereicome
So Tuesday 29th Jan they came off. I was sooooo nervous. Scared of the brackets popping off and the sanding and everything else. It took about an hour in total, but I had bonded retainers too and molds taken for night time full retainers. It wasn't all pain lol!

It was uncomfortable, and a bit painful on my bottom front teeth which are sensitive, but all in all it was ok. Three days on and I am still struggling to get used to this new smile. Feels so odd, like it's not my face or my teeth! Feels like I'm wearing dentures to be honest lol. The bonded retainers are irritating and make me have a lisp when speaking, but it's getting better and less noticeable. Worth it I guess to keep my teeth nice and straight.

Wouldn't change a thing though. So glad I did this. It's all paid for now, the worst is totally over and I can now smile with confidence. Once I teach myself how to smile again without braces haha! 18 months really really flew by, I can't believe it to be honest!!!!
