which braces?!!

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Re: which braces?!!

#16 Post by jem »

Hi wal3.

As everyone here has said, the choice between metal and ceramic is very much a personal one. I was very self conscious about having a brace so was pleased to be offered Damon clear brackets which are a bit less visible. You can see candid pictures of them in the "white wires" thread in the metal mouth forum on this site.

Good luck with your treatment.

Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months
. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)

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Re: which braces?!!

#17 Post by kellyb »

my current orthodontist did not even suggest metal to me (not that i wanted them anyway). i guess because he specialises in adult orthodontics and from his experience he assumed i wanted ceramics.


In braces 07/01/2012 - 29/06/2013

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Re: which braces?!!

#18 Post by smilingoutloud22 »

I'm kinda in between. My ortho said he'd rather use metal on me based on my overbite and crowding, but I was able to get the top six clear. I have Damon metal and clear. My first day back in the office, some people standing in my doorway a couple feet away and even one woman sitting right next to me didnt notice I had them right away when I was talking (and my wire is regular color).

Good luck with the choice!

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Re: which braces?!!

#19 Post by wal3 »

yeah i know someone who had clear and in photos you can't even tell she has them, but never seen any up close in person. have you got any photos up?

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Re: which braces?!!

#20 Post by EbonyQ »

I had the choice between clear and metal, and all the way I was leaning towards clear. It was not before the bracing day that I went for metal.

The clear ones were a bit bigger and I pictured me eating strawberry with red brackets. It would of course go away with brushing as they don’t stain but when you eat and some strawberry gets on the bracket, it’s more visible.

It did cost more and would work slower, so I just went for metal (and don’t regret it :) ).


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