Loving My Sexy New Smile

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#16 Post by SweetSheena »

I'm So sorry to hear that bracesgrrl i know how it is to lose a close friend. I hope for you all the best, for you and his family. :cry: I want you all to keep you heads up and remember the best.
*~*I was here to leave my mark!*~* :)

06/2007 - Braces off

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#17 Post by MadeIn1984 »

You have my deepest sympathies and condolensces, bracesgrrl.

I, too, know how it feels to lose a very close friend. My best friend, with whom I grew up, along with her father, were killed three weeks ago in an apartment fire. It was hard saying goodbye to them, but I'm comforted by the fact that they at least have each other now...wherever they may be, they're at peace.

Chris' family is in my thoughts and prayers. I am truly sorry for your and their loss.
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#18 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hi MadeIn1984 & SweetSheena, thank-you for the kind posts and prayers.
Made, I am sorry to hear of your loss, may you too find comfort when you need it the most. And yes, I must admit that when I feel very sad, it helps me to know that when we pass on, we leave all of the pain and suffering behind and go on to a better place. :rose:

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#19 Post by bracesgrrl »

I have not been able to post due to Hurricane Wilma. I have not had any power for a week now, but I'm hoping the power will be restored sometime soon. Happy Halloween to everyone! :smoken: I can't wait till 5:00 to get off of work, then the real party begins! My braces are coming along just great, they are such a major part of me now. I really feel connected to my braces. :-} Gotta keep them clean and shiny! I have my orange ligs in now, very festive! Yummy, I just ate pizza for lunch, now it's time for Oreos! I've been so good about running lately, I can really eat what I desire! Just not too much at once though. :FeelSick: LOL Man, I have missed being online for the past week, but I must confess, being off of work for a week wasn't so bad either! How is everyone doing with their treatment? Very good I hope. 3:45, almost time to go! Take care, and Happy Haunting!


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#20 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hi Kiwi, good to hear from you! Yeah, it has been tough not having power for over a week now, my electricity still has not come back on yet, we are patiently waiting! But that is what happens when you live in a place where you can take a suntan in December! Hurricanes are a part of life where I live, I take the good with the bad, you know? Halloween was fun, lots of good times. I'm gonna get back to work now, take care!

BracesGrrl :banana:

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#21 Post by bracesgrrl »

Monday... What is there to say about Monday? Work, work, work, and that stinks. On well, it's 3:30, only an hour and a half to go, than it will be 5:00, and then? 4:20!!! YEY! :lol: So, what's everyone been up to lately? I finally got me electricity back this weekend, and boy, you don;y realize how great electric is until you lose it for 10 days! :crazy: It was nuts, to say the least. But alas, my power is back on and everything is getting back to normal again. I have a ortho visit Nov.8th and then a cleaning with my dentist the same day! That should be real fun, two visits in the same day, great. :shock: Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to time passing by, and I'm never one to wish time away, but since I'm getting engaged on May 30,2006, I am estatic!! :dance: I just can not wait! My man an I have been together for 8 years this month, and we could not be more in love. :heart: The day he proposes to me will be the second day of my dreams.. the first is our wedding! Ok, I'm out for now, I'll write more tomorrow,


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#22 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hi Kiwi! My boyfriend and I have been together for eight years now, in fact, today is out 8th year anniversary. He asked me to be his girlfriend while we were hanging out in a park acting like carefree teenagers on 11-14-97. Well, after living together with my mum, who passed away when I was 17, we went off to live on our own. since we were so young, the billls were too overwhelming, so we moved in with my great-grandpa, who we are still living with today (thank God, he is 88!). Anyhoo, we have always dreamed of being engaged for about two years, and then we will finally take our vows before God and be husband and wife forever! I am especially excited about the engagement ring he'll present to me, it is a Tiffany & Co ring, which I've always dreamed of since I was a little girl! :D I find it romantic to go through the stages of the relationship, the courtship of BF and girlfriend, and then the fiance part, and finally you take the plunge! How excited I am ! I hope you are doing very well, take good care.



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#23 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hey Kiwi! What's new with you? I hope your braces are doing well and your treatment is coming along fine. Yeah, I am excited, it's just great to know when you have found the one who will grow old with you. At least I can dream, right? I am so happy that I made the decision to get braced, but the cost is killing me! The extra cost per month really adds up, you know? But hey, this was my dream, and I'm living it! LOL :lol: Anyhoo, I'm just stuck here at work, and the boss told me that b/c I was out sick, they are taking away my vacation time at the end of December. Man, I'm NOT too happy about that :-+ But I will not let them get me down, oh to hell with them. I still have my weekends and I can still have fun after 5:00. :roll: Ok, I'm gonna get back to work, see ya...

Bracesgrrl :wink:

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#24 Post by bracesgrrl »

What's new Kiwi? Oh, I woke up today with a sore mouth, I'm about seven months into my treatment and I have very little holes all inside my mouth! It really hurts when I talk, and that is all I do at my job, talk on the phone with clients! :shock: But I laugh at myself, it's my fault for not ever wearing the wax. I hate the stuff, I just go bare. LOL :lol: I'm happy to hear your treatment is coming along for you, that makes me happy. You know, all this pain and suffering is really worth every second, even the expander they tighten every 30 days on the roof of my mouth. Oh my gosh, that really hurts the most, it feels like slow torture. :soremouth: It has changed the entire look of my face, no kidding. My teeth are almost all straight, and my lips have gotten fuller, according to my sweetheart.He loves to kiss them! Geesh... I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would change not only my teeth, but my entire life by having braces. I am so much more confident, that's for sure. I used too never smile wide & proud like I do now. I would spend the time and $5,000 all over again in a heartbeat! I'm so glad I found a braces buddy in you, I really think you are swell! :-88


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#25 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hi Kiwi, the holes do hurt, but I guess I just deal with it. I mean, I just don't like the wax. I end up eating it or spitting it out. Maybe I use too much, but when I try to use only a little, it doesn't work. :roll: I'll just deal, and hey, thanks for the warm salt water advice. My great-grandpa told me to do the same thing. :lol: I guess I thought brushing & flossing were enough "work" for me to do for my braces. I'll try to post again later, at work now and it's busy. Take care Kiwi! :banana:


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#26 Post by bracesgrrl »

I went for a follow-up on Saturday, I got RED ligs. I love em, so festive! I have not posted for a while, but the good news is, my braces feel pretty good today. Considering my adjustment on Sat hurt like heck, esp when they tighten my expander on the roof of my mouth, yikes. :soremouth: I miss having a mouth with no metal, but time is flying by, I'll have my sexy dream smile in no time! +\+ See ya later....


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#27 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hi Kiwi, I think you'd have fun switching from purple to Christmas colors. I like to change the colors every month, it makes the braces more fashionable, if that's possible! :-#) You can always go back to purple, right? I'm looking forward to Dec.29th & 30th, I have off from work those days and plan on spending some time just chilling out. I work 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday, and it does get so routine, I'm in desperate need of a mini vacation... Thanks for the blessings, and I send some your way too. :-1 Good luck with your treatment, keep in touch...

Bracesgrrl :wink:

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#28 Post by bracesgrrl »

I have not posted for a while, soooo....first off, Happy New Year to all... 2006 Baby!! :-)o I have had a rough holiday season, and NOT b/c of my braces, my mouth is just fine. But on 12-12-05, my mean, two-faced, a**hole boss decided to FIRE me for being sick. :-(( So here I am , miserable. Just when I thought everything was going ok, this sesame happens. I worked there for THREE years.

Whatever, I'll just collect my unemployment and chill out at the beach and in parks having 4:20 time. :smoken:

F@** those bastards, I'll find a better, greater job in the long run. I was so unhappy with that place anyway. I believe in destiny and fate, and it just was not in my cards to stay at that job. Maybe I'll finally get the much needed, long vacation I need. I've been working from 15-25 years old, with no break, it's about time.

Bracesgrrl :wink:

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#29 Post by marcTO »

its all about 4:20 time!
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#30 Post by bracesgrrl »

Hey marcTO and Kiwi, thanks for the inspiring words. I'll keep my head up and yeah, it was hard not being able to buy anyone gifts for the holidays b/c I was fired, but it's 06 and time to start a new. A lady just told me that when one door closes, another opens. I'll go ponder that thought for a while.


PS. marcTO, yes, we need to have ourselves a 4:20 moment one of these days. :smoken: And Kiwi, cheers. :-88

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