A progress update.
I had a specific thread on this issue, but wanted to put it in my story thread as well.
I was having a concern with gum recession around one particular tooth. Today I saw a periodontist about it. I need a frenectomy and a gum graft on that tooth. Luckily, it won't really affect my ortho progress at all. I go for my next ortho adjustment Tuesday morning of next week (the 29th), and then the frenectomy/graft will be a few days later on Monday Feb. 4th. The periodontist said I will need to give it 4 weeks to heal before going for another adjustment. That's basically on track for when my next adjustment would be scheduled anyway, so that makes me really happy. The gum graft she is doing will be to strengthen the gum, not correct the gum line at this point since orthodontics cause that to move anyway. Once I am out of braces, we will go over it all again and see if it needs more grafting or if anywhere else does. I asked if any of this could wait, and she said no it will only continue to get worse and it needs to be dealt with now. The gums are thin there to begin with and then the frenum is pulling on the thin gum causing it to recess and hurt.
I was happy to hear that I have absolutely no gum disease, and that the recession I do have (other than this 1 tooth) is all fine for now. She recommended I keep an eye on my front teeth where the roots are prominent and the gums are thin (the uppers she wasn't overly concerned about, but the lower gums are thinner for sure). She hopes it will actually improve over the rest of my treatment because she thinks my teeth will likely need to move back a bit which would help reduce the prominent roots. I will likely schedule regular appointments with her just for check ups and to keep and eye on the gums throughout the rest of my ortho treatment. I will see what she recommends, but maybe every 4-6 months.
When she was doing my evaluation she said "Basically class 1 on the right side" and that's it. When I first got braces I was class 2 on the right side and class 1 on the left side. The left must be looking good, and the right has improved from class 2. I am really really happy to hear that things are starting to line up properly.
I can't say I am looking forward to the procedure, but this issue has had me worrying quite a lot over the last month or so, so knowing it will be corrected is a wonderful relief. I will keep it updated here!