New Braces at Age 66
Moderator: bbsadmin
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well it has been four hours since my adjustment. The past 6 weeks has been with out any real problems to report and thank goodness. So what has been happening, the bottom right premolar, second premolar and molar have moved back and are real easy to proxy brush as you can guess. The left canine has really moved and while not completely in the space yet where the tooth was pulled, it is standing straight up and does not stick out as much. I am pleased with that since that was the tooth that always annoyed me the most. They took off all the springs on the bottom teeth except the one attached to the canine on the left. That was nice since flossing was a pain and proxy brushes are/were my real and true friend. I will see if brushing and flossing are a little easier now. I found that flossing while not only being difficult but it was hard to really get around each tooth so I do have some stain I can see. Again get a good supply of different size proxy brushes since the spaces between individual teeth change all the time. In the 4 hours since the tightening, my bottom teeth have already started to align up better and are clearly straighter, amazing!
Regarding the top teeth, they put on a stronger wire, they look good and seem to be aligning up pretty well. It also seems that my top left canine tooth has receded upward into my jaw and the bite plane is straighter.
I have my perio cleaning and scaling next Tuesday and that should be fun. Since the hygienist uses a sonic scaler, she should have a field day going around each tooth and Dr. Wilson gave me dispensation to take an Ibuprofen for that appointment. The acetaminophen is good for the everyday soreness you get but not the cleaning. I hope the hygienist is pleased and she should have an easier time removing stain then before. When I am done with the cleaning next week I will post some updated pictures.
I really love the office and staff, always attentive, friendly, professional and when going through this be sure to pick a practice you are comfortable with. I think it's cool while waiting to be seen, the other patients are young and I smile when they see me, the fossil getting treated.
Well my teeth are already getting sore especially the bottoms and I ate as soon as I got home, pancakes, hash, bread and butter, calories be darned. I will be looking forward to my mashed potatoes for dinner, haha.
Well see you in a week with pictures and take care until then.
Regarding the top teeth, they put on a stronger wire, they look good and seem to be aligning up pretty well. It also seems that my top left canine tooth has receded upward into my jaw and the bite plane is straighter.
I have my perio cleaning and scaling next Tuesday and that should be fun. Since the hygienist uses a sonic scaler, she should have a field day going around each tooth and Dr. Wilson gave me dispensation to take an Ibuprofen for that appointment. The acetaminophen is good for the everyday soreness you get but not the cleaning. I hope the hygienist is pleased and she should have an easier time removing stain then before. When I am done with the cleaning next week I will post some updated pictures.
I really love the office and staff, always attentive, friendly, professional and when going through this be sure to pick a practice you are comfortable with. I think it's cool while waiting to be seen, the other patients are young and I smile when they see me, the fossil getting treated.
Well my teeth are already getting sore especially the bottoms and I ate as soon as I got home, pancakes, hash, bread and butter, calories be darned. I will be looking forward to my mashed potatoes for dinner, haha.
Well see you in a week with pictures and take care until then.
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well I am back from the perio and my teeth are really sore now. The hygienist was pleased with my care and the numbers were very consistent. Now she did find one problem with my far back left molar and the gum was really inflamed so she did a really deep scaling on that tooth. Blood galore and I am still spitting it out. I was going to have the implants (three tooth bridge type) since I have always had gum issues on that tooth and the pulled broken molar made the three tooth one the way to go. I go back to the perio in 6 weeks to check on it and see if my hygiene is better and I am thinking of having them scale it every two months to be on the safe side. I need that tooth because it's the anchor for the wire. I guess at my age it was expected that some things will go wrong and to be candid I expected it on that tooth. I also have the second right pre-molar that seems to have gotten higher and it bangs on the upper tooth now but the ortho says to leave it alone and not file it as it will move. It seems that all my teeth move all the time and something is always banging on something.
Here are some updated pictures:
As you can see the uppers are fairly straight and a slight space has opened between the two front teeth but nothing to worry about.
The bottoms are straighter now and the left canine is moving into the space.
Well I will keep you updated as things happen.
Take care.
Here are some updated pictures:
As you can see the uppers are fairly straight and a slight space has opened between the two front teeth but nothing to worry about.
The bottoms are straighter now and the left canine is moving into the space.
Well I will keep you updated as things happen.
Take care.
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Re: New Braces at Age 66
Thanks for the updates, looking like good progress!
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Hey guys, here is my 6 week update and I am posting a picture of the bottom teeth only as the tops only show a slight separation of the top front teeth because the changes going on with the tops are they are being pulled out and pushed further back so you really can't see changes other then I can feel them changing by the changing bite I get.
As far as the bottoms go the bottom left canine(cuspid) is still moving back and the lateral incisor next to it is also moving and a big space has opened between the lateral incisor and central incisor. I have not had any wire or bracket problems to speak of. A couple of the upper teeth are sensitive at times and it varies which teeth are sensitive but now problems with chewing. The bottom incisor's are sensitive when biting but no pain or soreness.
Now due to the coronavirus we are locked down here in Pennsylvania so all dental and medical treatments have been postponed unless an emergency. And as you can guess getting an Ortho adjustment is not considered an emergency so my appointment scheduled for today 04/07/2020 was cancelled. They have given me a new date of 05/05 which is tentative and that will make it almost 3 months between adjustments. I hope this does not extend my treatment schedule to much.
So all is all it has been over 4 months now and I am really getting good at cleaning my teeth and flossing. Practice makes perfect and it takes me less than 15 minutes now to do a complete job. Pain, soreness, the hassle of braces, eating are all an everyday situation and I rarely notice them other then when drooling on my pillow some times at night. I had a Perio cleaning and my numbers were decent with 2/3/4's and the hygienist said that was to be expected. I will post again when I hopefully have my May adjustment.
Take care everyone and stay safe.
As far as the bottoms go the bottom left canine(cuspid) is still moving back and the lateral incisor next to it is also moving and a big space has opened between the lateral incisor and central incisor. I have not had any wire or bracket problems to speak of. A couple of the upper teeth are sensitive at times and it varies which teeth are sensitive but now problems with chewing. The bottom incisor's are sensitive when biting but no pain or soreness.
Now due to the coronavirus we are locked down here in Pennsylvania so all dental and medical treatments have been postponed unless an emergency. And as you can guess getting an Ortho adjustment is not considered an emergency so my appointment scheduled for today 04/07/2020 was cancelled. They have given me a new date of 05/05 which is tentative and that will make it almost 3 months between adjustments. I hope this does not extend my treatment schedule to much.
So all is all it has been over 4 months now and I am really getting good at cleaning my teeth and flossing. Practice makes perfect and it takes me less than 15 minutes now to do a complete job. Pain, soreness, the hassle of braces, eating are all an everyday situation and I rarely notice them other then when drooling on my pillow some times at night. I had a Perio cleaning and my numbers were decent with 2/3/4's and the hygienist said that was to be expected. I will post again when I hopefully have my May adjustment.
Take care everyone and stay safe.
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Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well a little update, the virus lockdown has been extended until at least 05/08/2020 so my appointment for 05/05 is now a no go so I can't say when I will get in for the adjustment and that will make it over three months at the earliest. And as luck would have it, I broke a bracket on my right upper molar but at least it is the second one in so I am not getting stuck by any wires.
You know the sound right away when you brush with a broken bracket. I am kind of bummed since I was trying to be very careful and have eaten nothing but really soft food to avoid braking one. Now it is on a crown that has not broken before so I will have them sand blast it before gluing it back. As they say, anything that can go wrong will.
Well if anything changes I will let you know and stay safe.
You know the sound right away when you brush with a broken bracket. I am kind of bummed since I was trying to be very careful and have eaten nothing but really soft food to avoid braking one. Now it is on a crown that has not broken before so I will have them sand blast it before gluing it back. As they say, anything that can go wrong will.
Well if anything changes I will let you know and stay safe.
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well just got my new appointment date of 06/17/2020 for the adjustment and fixing the broken bracket so it will be over 4 months since my last visit. Interesting that all the sites state to get brackets fixed as soon as possible to not harm the treatment and I can only guess how much this will mess up mine. I have to be candid and say that this is the first time I am regretting getting the braces.
Of course not the Ortho's fault but the one thing I can't stand is aggravation and this is really aggravating. I knew at my age I would have more than normal problems considering the number of crowns and how easy it is to break a bracket on crowns but I was not concerned since I could within days get the brackets fixed. I was not even concerned if it cost me extra to have them fixed as long as I could get them fixed. So now I have to eat carefully, brush carefully and worry each day that I might brake another bracket and cause me more problems. Well what can you do and considering others are in the same boat we have no choice but to motivate along and accept the aggravation but I don't have to like it.
Of course not the Ortho's fault but the one thing I can't stand is aggravation and this is really aggravating. I knew at my age I would have more than normal problems considering the number of crowns and how easy it is to break a bracket on crowns but I was not concerned since I could within days get the brackets fixed. I was not even concerned if it cost me extra to have them fixed as long as I could get them fixed. So now I have to eat carefully, brush carefully and worry each day that I might brake another bracket and cause me more problems. Well what can you do and considering others are in the same boat we have no choice but to motivate along and accept the aggravation but I don't have to like it.
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well here are the latest updates. I had my dental cleaning last week and all was good except that due to Covid-19 they are not allowed to use the electronic scaler so they only removed the tarter and calcification but not the stain. But since we have to wear masks everywhere who will see it anyway, Ha Ha so lots of coffee, tea and wine for me for the foreseeable future. I thought it was funny when the Dentist came in for the check-up and he says everything looks good except for the stain. Well no kidding Sherlock, you didn't remove it.
Just got back for the ortho appointment that took 4 months to get and the next appointment is in 5 weeks. I had to wait outside in the car until they called me to come in. They asked questions, took my temperature and I had to use Purell and gargle with mouthwash. Before Covid-19 the office layout was open and now they have curtains between each chair and the tech wore a mask, gown and face shield. The bathroom was closed and there were no chairs to sit on.
Regarding treatment, they have now removed all the springs except the bottom back one on the left to keep the space open for the implant. They also fixed the broken bracket on the right back molar which was a annoying to brush since the bracket kept moving back and forth. My TMJ jaw clicking has gone away and as usual my bite felt real good until they changed the wires and now some teeth are getting sore and the bite feels funny again, who knew. Well here are some more pictures and sorry for the stain that shows, I just have to live with it for now but then again if all my teeth get a dingy yellow color, they will match the old crowns.
This is of course the full mouth picture and the space between the two front teeth is now closed and the teeth are just about all lined up correctly. They put a bit stronger wire on the top to get the back teeth to move outward a bit more so not much further work is needed on the tops.
This is the bottom and you can see that the springs are gone. The space you see between the bottom front teeth was to allow the canine to move backwards and fill the space left by the extraction and it has done so nicely. The tooth is now sitting straight up. The little black spot on the back of the bottom left canine is a filling that will be replaced with a composite one latter.
The before picture:
The most recent picture:
So all in all as the ortho says, things are progressing nicely. I guess he had to say that or I might get pissed having to wait 4 months for a visit. But I agree that things are looking better. So see you next time after my next visit. And for everyone, stay safe and healthy.
Just got back for the ortho appointment that took 4 months to get and the next appointment is in 5 weeks. I had to wait outside in the car until they called me to come in. They asked questions, took my temperature and I had to use Purell and gargle with mouthwash. Before Covid-19 the office layout was open and now they have curtains between each chair and the tech wore a mask, gown and face shield. The bathroom was closed and there were no chairs to sit on.
Regarding treatment, they have now removed all the springs except the bottom back one on the left to keep the space open for the implant. They also fixed the broken bracket on the right back molar which was a annoying to brush since the bracket kept moving back and forth. My TMJ jaw clicking has gone away and as usual my bite felt real good until they changed the wires and now some teeth are getting sore and the bite feels funny again, who knew. Well here are some more pictures and sorry for the stain that shows, I just have to live with it for now but then again if all my teeth get a dingy yellow color, they will match the old crowns.

This is of course the full mouth picture and the space between the two front teeth is now closed and the teeth are just about all lined up correctly. They put a bit stronger wire on the top to get the back teeth to move outward a bit more so not much further work is needed on the tops.
This is the bottom and you can see that the springs are gone. The space you see between the bottom front teeth was to allow the canine to move backwards and fill the space left by the extraction and it has done so nicely. The tooth is now sitting straight up. The little black spot on the back of the bottom left canine is a filling that will be replaced with a composite one latter.
The before picture:
The most recent picture:
So all in all as the ortho says, things are progressing nicely. I guess he had to say that or I might get pissed having to wait 4 months for a visit. But I agree that things are looking better. So see you next time after my next visit. And for everyone, stay safe and healthy.
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Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well I have returned and a lot has happened since my last post. I went for my visit July 21st and I had to have a broken bracket fixed that was on a right upper back crown. They put it back on and as luck would have it since the broken bracket 2 times messed up the front teeth moving correctly and that got me the springs again on the top as you can see from the picture. They then added power chains (the silver loops) on the bottom front teeth to bring them back together and from the picture you can see that the gaps have really closed nicely.
Now as luck would have it and when you are trying to fix old, ill-maintained teeth, the bracket I mentioned above pops off about two minutes after I leave the office, I guess the pressure was too much for it and this makes it the second time for that bracket and guess what that got me. I got an appointment this last Wed. and I got banded. Interesting procedure and while it did not hurt there was a lot of heavy pushing and pulling. The tooth is real sore now as I guess it is now required to move not by it's choice now. The only good part about it was that I did not need spacers first which would have been another appointment. Also since I guess the Ortho thinks I am a challenge he is not charging me for fixing the broken brackets and I am up to 7 and you get three fixes free. Now I should note that any further broken brackets on crowns will also get banded. I don't have a problem with this as I get as annoyed as the Ortho must.
Now what is next, my appointment is in 3 more weeks and I will have x-rays to see how the roots have moved and then they will correct any bracket placements that need to be changed. They estimate that the appointment will be about an hour. What really annoys me with the Covid-19 stuff is that I threw all caution to the wind, drinking coffee, iced tea, grape juice and others and my teeth are clearly not as white and I would like. I have my Perio maintenance appt. on September 9th and I hope they can do a better cleaning and get rid of the stain that the regular dentist hygienist was not able to do at my last appointment. I brush 3 times a day and many times 4, use proxy brushes and floss. I should note that the power chains make it impossible to floss the bottom front teeth since they are so close to the teeth. Since I was always prone to stain on my teeth, especially the bottoms it is a loosing battle to try and prevent the stain and that annoys me but nothing I can do about it. Hmmm, maybe a Brillo pad or some Ajax.
Well that is all for now and I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
Now as luck would have it and when you are trying to fix old, ill-maintained teeth, the bracket I mentioned above pops off about two minutes after I leave the office, I guess the pressure was too much for it and this makes it the second time for that bracket and guess what that got me. I got an appointment this last Wed. and I got banded. Interesting procedure and while it did not hurt there was a lot of heavy pushing and pulling. The tooth is real sore now as I guess it is now required to move not by it's choice now. The only good part about it was that I did not need spacers first which would have been another appointment. Also since I guess the Ortho thinks I am a challenge he is not charging me for fixing the broken brackets and I am up to 7 and you get three fixes free. Now I should note that any further broken brackets on crowns will also get banded. I don't have a problem with this as I get as annoyed as the Ortho must.
Now what is next, my appointment is in 3 more weeks and I will have x-rays to see how the roots have moved and then they will correct any bracket placements that need to be changed. They estimate that the appointment will be about an hour. What really annoys me with the Covid-19 stuff is that I threw all caution to the wind, drinking coffee, iced tea, grape juice and others and my teeth are clearly not as white and I would like. I have my Perio maintenance appt. on September 9th and I hope they can do a better cleaning and get rid of the stain that the regular dentist hygienist was not able to do at my last appointment. I brush 3 times a day and many times 4, use proxy brushes and floss. I should note that the power chains make it impossible to floss the bottom front teeth since they are so close to the teeth. Since I was always prone to stain on my teeth, especially the bottoms it is a loosing battle to try and prevent the stain and that annoys me but nothing I can do about it. Hmmm, maybe a Brillo pad or some Ajax.
Well that is all for now and I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
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Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well I had my last appointment on 08/18/2020 and they did the panoramic x-ray to see how the tooth roots are aligning up and they were all straight up except for one. That was good news as they did not have to move any brackets and the Ortho just bent the wire to correct the one root. I was looking at the x-ray and even I was able to see the straight roots, maybe a new career for me? They also check for any cavities or bone problems and all was good.
They took off the springs on the top and I have a much stronger wire now. The bottom teeth are really looking much better and my bite is also improving. The bottom teeth still have the power chains as they are improving but not quite together yet The top teeth are moving out and the bottoms inward and they have expanded the power chains on the bottom to include the pre-molars. My teeth were really sore for about three days this time but much better now.
I have my next appointment in 4 weeks and they will then have me in elastics (rubber bands) to continue to correct the underbite. I am not posting any pics yet as my next Perio appointment is on 09/04 and I should hopefully get a really good cleaning and scaling so they can get the stain off that was not done at my previous dental cleaning due to the Coronus.
I am now going on 10 months and while this has been annoying at times I do not regret doing this. Even for old teeth like mine the results are better then I had expected. As I have said I was doing this for function and not looks, but I am getting both and I am pleased. Well until next time, stay safe.
They took off the springs on the top and I have a much stronger wire now. The bottom teeth are really looking much better and my bite is also improving. The bottom teeth still have the power chains as they are improving but not quite together yet The top teeth are moving out and the bottoms inward and they have expanded the power chains on the bottom to include the pre-molars. My teeth were really sore for about three days this time but much better now.
I have my next appointment in 4 weeks and they will then have me in elastics (rubber bands) to continue to correct the underbite. I am not posting any pics yet as my next Perio appointment is on 09/04 and I should hopefully get a really good cleaning and scaling so they can get the stain off that was not done at my previous dental cleaning due to the Coronus.
I am now going on 10 months and while this has been annoying at times I do not regret doing this. Even for old teeth like mine the results are better then I had expected. As I have said I was doing this for function and not looks, but I am getting both and I am pleased. Well until next time, stay safe.
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well I had my Perio cleaning and scaling done yesterday, my gums hurt more than my teeth do and brushing hurts and burns. They did some bite wing x-rays and all was good and no caries. I did not realize that I had power chains on my top teeth until I saw the picture since the chains are silver and the color matches the brackets. Probably why me top teeth have been more sore than usual along with the stronger wire on the top. But since flossing was harder I should have realized the top had power chains but I am old and yes I am using that as my excuse. I have posted a picture now that they are clean and they feel much better. The hygienist really did a deep scaling and spent time on my top front crown and that really hurt. This is the crown that looks a funny white, has never really fit well and will be replaced. The teeth are much straighter and the elastics should bring my front teeth further out, I hope.
I liked that with the coronus, I had to sign a release that I was aware that my cleaning could kill me, I said go for it and threw caution to the wind. Well my next Ortho appt in next Tuesday and I should get the elastics so that should be fun. I like that my jaw has stopped clicking when I chew. Well I will post an update after my next Ortho appointment.
I liked that with the coronus, I had to sign a release that I was aware that my cleaning could kill me, I said go for it and threw caution to the wind. Well my next Ortho appt in next Tuesday and I should get the elastics so that should be fun. I like that my jaw has stopped clicking when I chew. Well I will post an update after my next Ortho appointment.
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Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well I am back from my Ortho appointment and I was beaten with a stick. It took every bit of an hour and they are now making my future appointments for an hour as something always seems to go wrong. And what went wrong do you ask, the tech popped a bracket on another crown. The result was that crowned tooth was banded and all will be if I or they pop future ones. I also have to admit that I don't like the banding process but it does serve it's purpose as future bonding's won't be needed. Always have to look on the bright side when going through this.
They took the power chains off the top but I still have them on the bottom arch. I also have springs again on the bottom arch to close a gap in the back and I have been switched to TMA wires. TMA wire is bendable and can be formed by doctors, provides force levels only about 40% of the equivalent stainless steel wire, and its elasticity is about 2 times than stainless steel wire. The Ortho was bending the wire to correct some specific teeth and lets say it was a bear when they finally put the wire in the brackets. The wire may be elastic but my teeth sure were not, my teeth are more sore than usual and the ortho specifically told me to take 2 Tylenol when I got home and I sure need them. He also told me that my front bottom teeth will move outward some but will move back again later.
I have elastics on my right side only at this point but that is probably because even I can see that my bite is tilted to one side. I have posted a pic to show the elastic. Once you start wearing the elastics they can never be off for more than 30 minutes and you have to wear them 24 hours a day. The special instructions that I was given state that once the elastic is on it takes 10 hours for the teeth to start moving and they will constantly keep moving. If you take the elastics off for over 30 minutes the teeth stop moving and when you put them back on, it will take 10 hours for the tooth movement to start again. I don't know yet what eating will be like with them on but I will know shortly assuming that I can even eat today. I see some Boost drink for dinner in my future. If eating with the elastics is to much to deal with, I will have to eat and brush within the 30 minute period. I'll let you know how it works out.
Well that's it for now and you all stay safe.
They took the power chains off the top but I still have them on the bottom arch. I also have springs again on the bottom arch to close a gap in the back and I have been switched to TMA wires. TMA wire is bendable and can be formed by doctors, provides force levels only about 40% of the equivalent stainless steel wire, and its elasticity is about 2 times than stainless steel wire. The Ortho was bending the wire to correct some specific teeth and lets say it was a bear when they finally put the wire in the brackets. The wire may be elastic but my teeth sure were not, my teeth are more sore than usual and the ortho specifically told me to take 2 Tylenol when I got home and I sure need them. He also told me that my front bottom teeth will move outward some but will move back again later.
I have elastics on my right side only at this point but that is probably because even I can see that my bite is tilted to one side. I have posted a pic to show the elastic. Once you start wearing the elastics they can never be off for more than 30 minutes and you have to wear them 24 hours a day. The special instructions that I was given state that once the elastic is on it takes 10 hours for the teeth to start moving and they will constantly keep moving. If you take the elastics off for over 30 minutes the teeth stop moving and when you put them back on, it will take 10 hours for the tooth movement to start again. I don't know yet what eating will be like with them on but I will know shortly assuming that I can even eat today. I see some Boost drink for dinner in my future. If eating with the elastics is to much to deal with, I will have to eat and brush within the 30 minute period. I'll let you know how it works out.
Well that's it for now and you all stay safe.
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Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well a little update on eating with elastics. This was not much of a problem as I only have the elastics on one side so chewing was no problem but I have broken some while eating. Brushing is no problem since you take the elastics out. When I first started putting them on, I did not realize I had to pull the spring down to put the elastic on the hook so I shot many across the bathroom and I am still finding them on the floor. Probably why so many are in the pack. They are tight when first put on and then loosen up thru the day. They also don't last for more then a day as the brackets cut into them and they fray. Well my next ortho appt is next Tuesday and I will see you then.
Take care and stay safe.
Take care and stay safe.
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Well I had my ortho appointment today and another hour in the chair. You guessed it, they were adjusting my TMA wires again, the tech popped another bracket off of a crown and my third band was placed. The good thing is only 7 more bands to go, Ha Ha. When they adjust the TMA wires they are putting tension on specific teeth and you can really feel it. I have learned that straightening the teeth and roots was the easy parts, the correction of the underbite and fine tuning is the hard and time consuming part. I still have the springs on the bottom arch as there are still small spaces that need to be closed. They have removed the power chains from the bottom front teeth. I also now have elastics on both sides, one in the shape of a triangle and on the left side in the shape of a trapezoid. Since two of the brackets did not have hooks to attach the elastics to, they put on Kobayashi Tie Hooks. Always something new when going through this, good times!
Now my teeth are a little sore and I will be eating shortly so this will be fun trying to eat with both sides having elastics. My mouth does not open very far so eating should be a trip. They did tell me that I could alternate the elastics on one side only while eating but either side can not be off for more than 30 minutes. I will let you know how it goes.
Until next time stay safe.
Now my teeth are a little sore and I will be eating shortly so this will be fun trying to eat with both sides having elastics. My mouth does not open very far so eating should be a trip. They did tell me that I could alternate the elastics on one side only while eating but either side can not be off for more than 30 minutes. I will let you know how it goes.
Until next time stay safe.
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Hey guys, long time no see. Sorry That I did not post the update after my last visit on November 17 as I had some really pressing family problems to deal with due to this Covid stuff.
The November ortho appointment was basically uneventful, and no broken brackets. Yea for me. I have power chains on the bottoms and springs placed on the two upper front teeth to make space to move them over to my right a little. The springs did what they were put there for as space has opened up. I have elastics on the right and left. A box on the left that I only have to wear at night and a triangle on the right and a band that runs from the top all the way to the back bottom molar. I was really frustrated the first few days trying to put the elastics on that I was going to quit wearing them. That of course would have been stupid so I called the office and they helped, we figured out a work around that solved the problem. Thanks A.
Now with this elastic setup my teeth felt like they were in a vice the whole month and I was not fond of that feeling at all. Oh what we will go through to get straight teeth. Eating was annoying as usual and many times the rubber band or bands would come off while eating and I would have to stop and put them back on. I am very compliant so I would not let them be off for over the 30 minute period. My ortho office may look at this so I am patting myself on the back for being such a great patient. I make myself sick some times LOL.
No pics on this one as the camera battery is charging as I write this. So the next post will have the pics and the current status as I
The November ortho appointment was basically uneventful, and no broken brackets. Yea for me. I have power chains on the bottoms and springs placed on the two upper front teeth to make space to move them over to my right a little. The springs did what they were put there for as space has opened up. I have elastics on the right and left. A box on the left that I only have to wear at night and a triangle on the right and a band that runs from the top all the way to the back bottom molar. I was really frustrated the first few days trying to put the elastics on that I was going to quit wearing them. That of course would have been stupid so I called the office and they helped, we figured out a work around that solved the problem. Thanks A.
Now with this elastic setup my teeth felt like they were in a vice the whole month and I was not fond of that feeling at all. Oh what we will go through to get straight teeth. Eating was annoying as usual and many times the rubber band or bands would come off while eating and I would have to stop and put them back on. I am very compliant so I would not let them be off for over the 30 minute period. My ortho office may look at this so I am patting myself on the back for being such a great patient. I make myself sick some times LOL.
No pics on this one as the camera battery is charging as I write this. So the next post will have the pics and the current status as I
Re: New Braces at Age 66
Ok, now for the current update and pics. I had my regular dentist visit and cleaning yesterday December 14 and all went well with no problems. They were able to use the electronic scaler this time and I think it does a better job.
My ortho appointment was today and again no broken brackets, another win. I am now over a year in braces and it has been a trip to say the least and I am still pleased with doing this. I again was never looking for perfection, just function and I feel I am doing well. I have power chains on the bottoms, springs, ties, TMA wires and you know how us old people are. If it's free we want it even if we can't use it. As far as my ortho treatment goes, the more the better, HaHa. I try to pay attention to what is going on and I can pretty much figure in general what is happening and why. Now I still have to wear the elastics on both sides but only at night. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can now eat and brush without them and I have to say this made me very happy. I guess L and the Doctor were giving me a Christmas present. Seems such a small thing but when you have elastics, even small is great. The tech asked if I wanted colored power chains for the holidays but I just could not do it. Maybe next time, not.
Now here are a few pictures:
This is a pic to show how the upper teeth are now in front of the bottoms instead of over top of each other:
This is a pic showing how the bottom teeth are a aligned up now:
This is a pic to show the elastics and sorry that this looks a little yellow, it was a different camera setting and I was too lazy to take the picture over again.
Well until next time, stay safe and everyone have a great Christmas/Hanukkah or your chosen holiday.
My ortho appointment was today and again no broken brackets, another win. I am now over a year in braces and it has been a trip to say the least and I am still pleased with doing this. I again was never looking for perfection, just function and I feel I am doing well. I have power chains on the bottoms, springs, ties, TMA wires and you know how us old people are. If it's free we want it even if we can't use it. As far as my ortho treatment goes, the more the better, HaHa. I try to pay attention to what is going on and I can pretty much figure in general what is happening and why. Now I still have to wear the elastics on both sides but only at night. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can now eat and brush without them and I have to say this made me very happy. I guess L and the Doctor were giving me a Christmas present. Seems such a small thing but when you have elastics, even small is great. The tech asked if I wanted colored power chains for the holidays but I just could not do it. Maybe next time, not.
Now here are a few pictures:
This is a pic to show how the upper teeth are now in front of the bottoms instead of over top of each other:
This is a pic showing how the bottom teeth are a aligned up now:
This is a pic to show the elastics and sorry that this looks a little yellow, it was a different camera setting and I was too lazy to take the picture over again.
Well until next time, stay safe and everyone have a great Christmas/Hanukkah or your chosen holiday.
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