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Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:36 pm
by MadeIn1984
Hmm, I'm awfully sorry to hear about the pain you're going through.

I guess everyone's experience with braces is truely unique. The first 4 days or so I had them I experienced no discomfort whatsoever. It wasn't until about the 5th day or so did my teeth finally start to ache a bit whever I bit down, but that subsided within 2 days. Currently, I'm not experiencing any pain at all. I'm very lucky and pleased.

If the pain is *really* bothering you or creating difficulties, I'd suggest you speak with your orthodontist.

Much luck!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:22 pm
by gempop1

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 12:43 pm
by arnette
A quick couple of questions:

Are you paying or are you covered under NHS? I'm in Scotland for school but too old for NHS coverage... I'm trying to get a ballpark idea of how much ceramic braces would cost before I go in to see the orthodonist.

What was your estimated length of time in those puppies? Doesn't really look like you'll be in them too long! My teeth are maybe a bit more misaligned than yours were at the start (hard to say exactly, I know) so I thought you'd be a good guinea pig for me.

You look great! Keep up the blog and best of luck in the future.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:18 pm
by gempop1


Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:35 am
by gempop1
I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted! Well, here's an update!

My upper gap (I had 2 extractions, both on the left side of my face, one upper one lower) has almost completely closed, which is very exciting. I've had a power chain for the last 3 months in an attempt to close both gaps. Only the upper has responded so well though. My gap at the bottom is still as gappy as ever!! Unfortunatly I managed to loose a power chain last night! :yikes: I was cleaning a bit too enthusiastically and out it popped! I was actually quite pleased because it was stained and looked gross... :BigTeethGrin:

It's funny how your attitudes change towards your braces when youve had them for a while isn't it? I'm so much more laid back now! If I lost a power chain 9 months ago I would have been so stressed out!

My front teeth, both upper and lower are so staight though! I'm so excited that my smile is nice and straight. :tingrin: I guess what takes such a long time though is closing the gaps and sorting out the bite... which is rubbish! I can only eat on the right side of my mouth because the molars on the left just don't meet at all. Which is a bit bothering...

My appointment to see the jaw surgeon has finally come though though! I'm seeing him and my ortho in a joint appointment to sort out my treatment plan. I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure they're going to give me some kind of a jaw implant on the left to sort out the asymmetry. The only problem is that my appointment is on the last day of term :( It's my last day with my class and the 'goodbye' afternoon before the big summer holidays... then I'll have a new class in September! I'll miss them so much. Everyone has told my that your first class is always special to you... It's a bit of a dilema because the next available appointment after that is not till august a nd I'd love to get my surgery out of the way as soon as possible... what to do?!!

I don't have any photos just now, but i will try to sort some out this wekend and get them posted!

Cheers, happy Saturday to everyone

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:16 pm
by MsTee
Hi Gempop!

I'm new to the board. I read through your thread, and see that we have some things in common! I majored in English during college. Now I'm a high school English teacher! I have also found ways to manipulate the camera and give a great smile from my "good side." Once I am able to post pics, you'll see what I mean. You're one of the posters on this board that's inspiring me to toy w/ the possibility of getting ceramics on top & metals on the bottom...thanks! :)

*~Ms Tee~*

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:14 am
by M1k3y
Your smile is looking great. Keep it up!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:34 pm
by gempop1
M1K3y - Thank you very much!
MsTee - How sweet! Thanks! It's exciting to be an inspiration to someone! How's it going? Did you make your decision yet?

NOTHING seems to have happened for months... I go to my adjustments, but the big extraction gap at the back just isn't moving at all..... I'm getting very impatient now. Especially as my smile looks good. I almost feel like saying - to hell with it - I got my smile, I'll forget about the gaps and get the braces off early.... I know I won't do tha because it would just be silly, but I'm getting frustrated. :cry:

Did anyone else have a similar experience?