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Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:46 am
by TuZZi
w000 I finally got my camera back! Look at the lovely progress!

Day 1

3 months, 1 week - My front teeth are almost separated!

Look at all that new room! And notice how far my front tooth has moved back? It's not nearly sticking out as far as it was!

As you can see, the extractions and springs are working wonderfully. I have new gaps between the upper cuspids, but not the lowers. I also have gaps between my molars now too!

Overall, my front teeth have been pretty sore lately, and I got new springs at my adjustment yesterday, so my molars and cuspids have been pretty sore today and yesterday too.

Only downside.... I have a canker sore the size of Timbuktu where my right lower molar band is. I've had wax on it 24/7 for the last 3 weeks but it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:29 pm
by Dodger(UK)
Your making great progress there TuZZi - Your teeth are starting to line up, and I guess it won't be long before your ortho can engage the wire into the brackets on the teeth that aren't yet linked up with the wire.

My central insicors were off centre too, so I know how great it feels when you finally have them lined up side-by-side as they should be ;)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:48 pm
by hannah164
THat is some amazing progress Tuzzi! Its inspirational! Congratulations!
:dance: :-#) :-)o :banana:

I really like your Christmas ligs! You've definitely got a lot of gear there but a great attitude! :thumbsup: I also have a huge sore right where a new bottom bracket with a hook is and the waz doesn't seem to be helping! :x

Keep it up! Good luck wiht the rest of your treatment!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 4:40 am
by TuZZi
Houston..... we almost have an arch!

Well! What a difference a month makes! I've just been comparing the pictures, and DAAAAAMN what a diference. My upper arch is doing great; there's only the one pesky tooth that has a ways to go before it's in line, and my front tooth is about one week away (if that) from being able to be attached to the archwire!

I had an adjustment on wednesday, and the ortho tried to pop the archwire into my front tooth until I almost jumped outta the chair! He then made a casual comment of "oh, I guess that's still a little tight" GEE YA THINK? haha So the assistant just tied a thread around the wire and the bracket, and now the wire is sitting right on the outside of the groove, just waiting to be fitted into the bracket. I think I'm going to go back to the office on monday and see if one of the assistants can fit that wire in there... the string is getting pretty annoying... it's sticking out of my mouth and my tongue just CONSTANTLY has to play with it.

The assistant also moved my top springs over one more tooth, so now the uppers are in the corners of my mouth, and are stretched between 4 teeth. The lowers stayed in the same spot, but she gave me new less springy springs.

There's now a zoo in my mouth! I now house a lion and a zebra! The zebra on my right forms a triangle, (one tooth on top and 2 teeth on the bottom,) and the lion on my left is really annoying, and it doesn't want to stay on. It's supposed to stretch from my molar band, to my front corner tooth, go around the bracket, and under the hook. Except there is no room around the bracket because the lig is there, and the hook has just the width of the elastic exposed for it to attach to. I was so frustrated the other night putting the elastics in for the first time. I snapped my lips and cheeks sooooo many times I was almost ready to give up. But after about 20 minutes of swearing, I got it to at least stay around the hook, after I twisted it around and pushed the lig as high up as I could so it wasn't taking up any extra room.

I've learned elastics aren't that bad.... as long as you can get them on :D I actually like them... I can feel them working, and I'm constantly reminded not to yawn! haha it hurts too much to yawn so I have to try and limit myself. Maybe I'll actually try and get some sleep too instead of being up at 3:30 am typing all this. :D

I'll add a pic of the elastics when and if I can get a good shot of them.

Here's a pic from right before I was banded and wired, and a pic from 2 days ago.


This is my upper arch from Dec 10, and Jan 13

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 8:32 am
by Anticipator
Congrats on getting another tooth onto the wire.

I can relate to the impatience. For me it's like "but these are the ones I
really want to move! Get them on there!"

Our teeth decide the timeline more than our ortho does, but yours definitely look like they're cooporating nicely.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:17 am
by hannah164

Your story continues to give me inspiration and hope that someday my teeth will move! :wink: Hopefully it happens soon pretty much after 15 months! I have seen some movement some of the time! :roll:

Congratulations on your awesometacular progress! :thumbsup: :dance: :-#)

Hopefully your teeth adjust to all the new stuff in your mouth soon! :wink:

Good luck with your elastics! I really hope I get some at my next adjustment, my bite is way wacky! :(

BTW: I really like your ligs! :D

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Next Adjustment was supposed to be 1/11/06 but now is rescheduled to 1/21/06


Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:17 am
by weird_wired
Tuzzi your pics are so inspirational. The movement is dramatic.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:50 am
by TuZZi
Happy 6 months...... to meeeeeeeeeee. :D :D :D

I've been meaning to post some progress over the last month and a half, but just can't seem to get it done lately. I'll post some more pics and a lil story in a few days :D


Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:17 pm
by Der_Todesengel
Very nice progress TuZZy. I remember you posting before and I was looking at your photos, they are straightening out for you. I like the new spring on the back as well, it is very nice. Anyhow. Keep us informed of how it's going and the best of luck.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:04 am
by TuZZi
haha I forgot I was supposed to do an update a "few days" down the road from my last post. I swear I'll take some pics before my next adjustment on April 4. I have a nice improvement to my upper arch that I can't wait to see proper pictures of. I never knew how much of an impact a little piece of thread could make :D

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:14 pm
by TuZZi
I'm free! No springs or elastics this month! At my appointment today I got all my springs taken out, and wire ties in place instead. They also re-bonded one of my front teeth and now I have every one of my teeth attached to the wire! Phew! Only 7 months to get them all in there!

Now my mouth is pretty sore tonight... probably the sorest it's ever been from actual adjustments... but it's all good.... I love knowing things are moving! I also got moved up to a heavier wire for both the top and bottom today, although I can't remember what it's called. It had a fancy name that sounded like Nonoxyl or something like that.

Apparently my bicuspids are scissored on my right side, and if I was to continue wearing elastics this month, I'd have to try and keep my mouth open as much as possible to pull those teeth around and away from each other. I had a good lil laugh when the assistant told me I had to keep my mouth open as much as possible.... I know my friends will have a few snide comments to say when I tell them that :) But the 2nd ortho and assistant decided I should just take a month off from elastics, as my left side was over torqued from wearing the class 2's the last 2.5 months. It's a good thing I didn't wear the elastics as much as I was supposed to.... or else that side would really be screwed!! haha

Pics to come later.... I'm still in a metallic phase... I was gold since february, and now I'll be silver into may :P

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:26 am
by sjsarre
Blimey... I can't believe your progress.

I had my brace on today. Just gonna update my thread with the pics.

I'm hoping I might be as lucky as you!!


Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:38 am
by sjsarre
Hi TuZZi

Just wondered how you were doing and if you've had any progress? I'm having springs put on in 25 days so i'm interested to know how they helped with closing up the gaps etc and what you recommend so I don't end up with a real sore mouth!!!



Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:04 am
by TuZZi
P-P-P-P-POWERCHAINS!!! That's right people.... we're getting somewhere!

I think today has been the most productive ortho day since getting them put on. I finally got to see my main ortho, after seeing only his dad or the assistants for the last 3 months, and it was definately worth it! Not only did he put me in 2 power chains, he also upped the wire strength, took out my pesky T-Bar, AND removed my lingual arch!! And let me tell you.... HOLY CRAP has my mouth been sore ever since.

So after I was told the wire got upped at my last appointment, my ortho said someone seemed to have forgot to up the wire, but wrote it down as it was changed, so I'm finally up to a steel wire.... no more wussy stuff.

I was then put into what they called "soft ties" and there was a bit of pressure but it was nothing unbearable. The assistant then told me that eventhough I picked out colours for this month, they wouldn't really show up because the ties were covering the front, and I'd only have 4 teeth that would be coloured. I asked to see the mirror, and when I looked, I said "ooooooooh you mean powerchains!" and the assistant and ortho both looked at each other like I was nuts, but the assistant made a remark about them having to use the "big girl words" around me instead of all the little things they make up for the kids. hahaha seeee I'm learning things by coming to this board!

So after I was all tied in, I had to switch chairs and get my T-Bar taken out, and since I had the trouble with it viewtopic.php?t=10677&highlight= there was still some skin that was flapped over and inflamed surrounding it. Well that pinched trying to get it out... it felt like he was ripping the top layer of skin off my pallette. It was wedged in there pretty good, and since my mouth has changed shape so much, there wasn't much room to wiggle it out of it's cleats without hitting things first. But after it was out... I felt the new and improved roof of my mouth, and WOW! what a difference!

I then had to switch chairs again - and got my lingual arch cut out! Well that tasted absolutely terrible, it felt like there were metal pieces in my mouth, and it smelled like burnt wires. But it was soon over, and after a lengthly rinse, I was out the door, and in line for an Iced Capp at Tim Hortons!

Here's some pics taken a few minutes ago - excuse any crud you may see on my teeth.... my mouth is REEEEALLLY sore tonight, so my electric toothbrush hurt like heck, and needless to say I didn't push very hard or floss tonight. I just needed to get the pics taken so I have something to go from to show my gaps disappearing!


Uppers - bye-bye T-Bar

Lowers - bye-bye Lingual Arch

My right gaps

My left gaps

And here's a before pic so you can see how far they've come in almost 9 months!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:34 am
by x3trinity