princess fang's metal mouth adventure WITH PICS!

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princess fang
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Location: tokyo, japan

my first adjustment (a prequel)

#16 Post by princess fang »

Thank you all for your messages! I haven't written for a while but there hasn't been all that much to say (usual drama's with lettuce lodging itself in previously non-existent holes and crevices and no end of digestive dramas from an inability to chew pickled bean sprouts and hence swallowing them whole... :? ) plus I've been busy as a manic marmoset with parent - teacher conferences :evil:

Although my jargon savvy is minimal, I think you are right Eleni, and no I'm not getting implants, everything is being shifted around to close the gaps (I HOPE!) My ortho asked me what my desired outcome was and I said I quite liked having fangs on prominent display at the front of my mouth, I just wanted them all to line up beautifully, so that is what we're going for... an aesthetically balanced vampire effect :wink:

Meanwhile, my fakies which were covering my monster holes have shifted along with the teeth next to them, which is good in theory since it means my braces are definately working, but in reality it means they have shifted to the side so there is like a 2 mm gap where you can see the holes behind them. So now the end result is like when you try to cover a bad toilet smell with cheap perfume and the stench mutates into new and unheard of vileness... if you follow the analogy...

I tried to take a pic to add visual reference to my description but it doesnt really show the dilemna, I think I'll put it up anyway cause it catches me at a rather striking angle :shock:

Well tomorrow is my first adjustment, 3 weeks since I had them put on and hopefully my ortho will be able to do something about my fakie situation... I'm actually kind of looking forward to it even though it may throw my teeth back into mush food status, I'm impatient so any change is a good change!

And finally, here is the recipe for Japanese Comfort Mush courtesy of my boy (I've added a western version just in case)

Japanese Comfort Mush

2 cups cooked Japanese rice
2 cups Dashi stock
2 eggs
1 can chopped shellfish

It's super quick and simple, heat the dashi stock till its simmering, add the rice, and drained shellfish, cook about 5-10 minutes till mushy, beat in 2 eggs and stir for one minute, turn off the heat and add shoyu to taste. Voila, mush!

Western Version:

2 cups short grain rice
2 cups chicken stock
Soy sauce (or salt and pepper)
2 eggs
1 small can of tuna in brine

Pretty much the same method. Voila, westernized mush!

It should end up looking like an unappetizing risotto, but its very yum and full of carbs and protein to keep you going when eating is a trauma.

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Re: princess fang's metal mouth adventure begins NOW WITH PI

#17 Post by Helen »

princess fang wrote:In the meantime I am searching for someone to drill holes in my ripped out baby canines so I can make necklaces, one for my mother and one for my father... yeah I know, I have a twisted sense of appropriate gifts :twisted:
That made me smile, Princess. Did you put that into action?

It remembers me of a patient whom I once removed a crown. He insisted in keeping it close to his body after wearing it for 20 years in his mouth. He asked me to drill a hole into it.

I did it, and since then he is wearing his former molar crown as a necklace. :mrgreen:


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#18 Post by bejay23 »

Ok, I'm dying to hear how the adjustment went!! :shock:
Damon 3 upper and lower; Crowding


princess fang
Posts: 18
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Location: tokyo, japan


#19 Post by princess fang »

:soremouth: OHMYGAWD I know I haven't written for ages but I figure I better post something before I die from the agony in my mouth :cry:

I just came back from my second adjustment (yeah yeah, I know I still haven't gotten around to writing about my first...) and it hurts already and this is after taking the painkillers! Last time I woke up in agony but I had at least one leisurely night before the pain kicked in, no such luck this time it seems.

I vaguely recall saying I didn't have to have power chains, well, it appears I lied, those got popped on my first adjustment, and everything you've heard is true, they hurt, and they suck, and then they hurt some more. My ortho, who has a sick sense of humor, described them as a 'gentle spring breeze'... ha ha har! :roll:

But despite the complain, my teeth have moved! My fangs are coming into line with my other teeth and the gap between my real teeth and my falsies is closing at top speed. I'll post some new pics as soon as I get my booty onto a computer that works better than this...

That's all, I got cooking to do and my hedgie is hungry too, just needed a quick vent before I O.D. on painkillers...

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#20 Post by hannah164 »

Congratulations Princess Fang on seeing some good movement! :dance: :banana:

Can't wait to see some pictures!

Hope your mouth feels better soon! :pinkbraces:

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

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