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Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:16 pm
by belmikry
hooray4mediocrity: :lol: i do the pep talks too- I keeep thinking if I talk optimistically, my teeth will loosen up a tad to the crazy metal which are invading their personal space ;)

I still haven't seen a real change, I think its like growing taller, you don't notice until you see the progress pictures! :)

about the braces: [looks] they look like regular metals, but you said they slide across the wire? although they aren't damon's, they may be another type of self ligating brace [self ligating meaning slides on the wire without the use of ligs/elastics] Damon's are a popular name, but I'd ask for curiousity sake next time :) remember it isn't necessarily the type/brand of braces, but the ortho's skills/your teeth movement which make all the difference! ;) personally , i kinda like the metal ones now, its like flashing tooth jewelery [not going to say a "grill" lol] at people- I've only got compliments, no fainting, shrieks of horror or disgust [which i totally thought would happen the minute my braces went on! :oops:]

btw- your teeth are looking fantastic- can't wait to see some updated pictures! :) I bet we'll all notice tons of changes before you do- I think looking in the mirror constantly [if you are anything like me :lol:] to see if something magically moved, you never see the slight adjustments until someone else points them out ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:19 pm
by belmikry
ps: awesome picture! I love your haircut! :D I want to do something short and stylish, but haven't taken the plunge yet- last year I chopped off my long locks for charity and I am still in the regrowth stage :lol:


Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:10 pm
by polkadotbabe101
Im Glad your doing good with your braces(Kinda...No IM Totally Joking)! I have not gotten braces yet but i am in about a week and a half so im nervous but kind of exited! :D ! WEll i hope ur braces turn out great!♥Gtg BYe!


Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:14 pm
by polkadotbabe101
[quote="KK"]Christin I forgot to add ... buy a Dentakit ... or make one

Hey how could you make one?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:14 pm
by polkadotbabe101
Thnx 4 The Help! It'll Help me a lot!


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:41 am
by hooray4mediocrity
I put together my own denta-kit of sorts.. (Not to knock the one on this site, I'm sure it works quite well!).. but I found a slim make-up case for $2 and just added in my own supplies.. all of the ones in the denta kit, except for the collapse-able cup.. which I sometimes wish I had, darn it all! and, a lot of the preliminary supplies I received from my ortho- like a fanastic travel ortho brush that I haven't seen anywhere else.. not that I have to replace it yet.. I just a little OCD on supplies, I guess.

Goodness gracious...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:38 pm
by hooray4mediocrity
i haven't been around for a bit, my apologies! Work has had me running in circles.. but sometimes getting SOMETHING done.. haha

My lovely teeth have been hard at work too... as of tomorrow it will have been one month in braces.. hooray! (?) I can definitely tell there has been some changes.. it almost seems more so on the bottom than the top? Which is different than what I expected. I still don't have my first adjustment for almost a month though... so I wonder how much more progress I'll see? Do they usually change your archwire to a heavier one right off the bat?

I also think my teeth are talking amongst themselves and deciding who is going to ache/feel spongy on what day. I must admit though, I think I'm becoming a bit of a masochist, as I welcome the feeling b/c I know things are moving!

But... like a bad made-for-tv movie, I'm going to make you wait until at least tomorrow for photos! dun dun dun.. (to mark the one-month mark, of course.. )

I hope you all are doing well!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:41 pm
by hooray4mediocrity
belmikry wrote:ps: awesome picture! I love your haircut! :D I want to do something short and stylish, but haven't taken the plunge yet- last year I chopped off my long locks for charity and I am still in the regrowth stage :lol:
oh.. and this is awesome! I had chopped off my hair when I was 15.. I wish I would have given my hair to locks of love! I'm not sure how long it would have had to be, but I bet it would have been close! I went from hair down to the small of my back to a short pixie cut! I haven't been able to grow it out since though! How very cool of you, Belmikry!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:14 pm
by polkadotbabe101

goodness.. its been a while, eh?

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:33 pm
by hooray4mediocrity
My apologies.. I was waiting for my darling to get a better camera (so I could steal it, no less.. and then he had to send it in for repairs already)... so I'm back to bad pics.. anyway...

Now 2 adjustments into it.. I must say that I wish I would have taken pictures last month.. My teeth seem to be going straight, and then rocked to one side, then straight again.. at least they are moving, but it seems like they are going to have to look worse before they look better...

For example, in the picctures of my side gaps.. (granted, my lower gaps are almost fully closed now, due to power chains- hooray! Although one is particularly slow these days..).. but.. my upper gaps are CRAWLING along. I've worn these elastics for almost 3 1/2 months with little movement.. and now my one canine is pulling away from the pack! argh!

But it still looks better than the old..
It also worries me that I won't have enough teeth to fill the gaps they made.. so I hope I dont have a gappy smile when I'm done with this!

However, my worries are probably a bit premature.. My top teeth still have an overbite, so maybe they all will move back more.. we shall see..

Until then.. here are the newest lovelies.. in comparison to a couple old ones as well..

Old fake toothy grin... Jan 06

New look from the front.. July 06

different angle..
I'm starting to be able to bite sandwiches (which is in itself a small feat!) and see an arch, instead of a jumbled mess!! Also, notice the darling shark tooth still does not want to join the party and play nice...

Last, the other side.. old pic

and now.. progress!


Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 7:44 am
by hooray4mediocrity
for your kind words, bracedagain and KK! I am happy with the progress, but like us greedy americans, I can wait for more! (You know, bigger, faster changes, whiter teeth, etc.. argh!)

One question though.. to anyone that wears elastics, do you break them often? At first, I was breaking the left elastic 2-4 times a day.. My ortho's assistant told me to change both of them when that happened, so there would be an equal amount of tension on both sides (although I'm only supposed to change them in the morning, if nothing snaps!). I had been worried, as I know changing them too often can actually slow the process down. Then last time I had a different assistant, and she said she changes hers at least once a day, or everytime she eats.. ? Who knows.. maybe I should remember to ask my ortho next time he swings by for 5 minutes.. ha