If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Good Job!

#16 Post by Leslie022 »

I went to the dentist today for a cleaning and check up and he told me I've been taking "very good care" of my teeth. Said to keep doing what I'm doing! Let's all say "Good job Leslie!" :lol:

I decided to reward myself by baking a Kahlua Chocolate Cake. After I did that, I decided to finish off the rest of the ice cream in the freezer with a Kahlua shake. Let me say, this is great with braces!! :wink: If anyone would like to make it here is my little concoction:

6 oz of whole milk
1 1/2 - 2 oz Kahlua
2 or 3 scoopes of Vanilla Ice cream

I'm sure there is an official recipe somewhere online but my little experiment was pretty darn tasty!!
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#17 Post by Leslie022 »

I found out some great news today! I received a check in the mail from my insurance company. Unless this is a screw up by the insurance company, I think they may have decided to pay half of my treatment! That is the best news I could receive! I'll have to wait and see if I receive another check next month before I'll know if this is really happening or if it was just a fluke!
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#18 Post by belmikry »

oh wow leslie- thats fantastic news! congrats :)

"Good Job Leslie!" on that hygeine- thumbs up from me! :lol:

now- where is that Kahlua cake? lol- that sounds fantastic! o_o...

i'm totally making that shake after my first adjustment :lol:
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
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#19 Post by Leslie022 »

Bah, I'm aggravated. I haven't noticed any progress lately. Life is a little stressful right now, as well. I always get stressed midway through spring semester of classes. On top of that, I'm a little aggravated with my oh so lovely boyfriend. MEN! (no offence guys!) Anyway, I have an adjustment in 9 almost 8 days, so hopefully there will be some progress after that.

Just a little venting...
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#20 Post by Leslie022 »

Lucy--The daffodils are blooming in full right now and I couldn't resist showing of my flowers. I love my "scrambled egg" daffodils! My "black mog" will be back before too long.

<b>My week couldn't get any worse, right</b> I am officially single! I've felt this coming for a couple weeks. I actually really relieved that he and I talked about it. We've decided to just be friends, which is what we have basically been for a couple weeks now. I've been really stressed out trying to figure out what wasn't clicking in our relationship, so it's like a weight has been lifted. I love him but we both need to figure out what is best for ourselves right now.

I have my first adjustment tomorrow. Hopefully they'll put something new in my mouth! I would love powerchains, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I'll take pictures tomorrow morning before I go and then I'll update when I get home.
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#21 Post by belmikry »

i'm sorry to here that leslie- relationships can really take a beating on yourself mentally and physically- I promise in a few days you'll start feeling much better- it's always the firt couple weeks which even if you [know] deep down it isn't meant to be, you still hold on for 'something'- been there, done that- probably doing so right now actually :? ...

but, on a plus side- we are all here for you- don't let it bring you down! :)
...and he'll be sorry once he sees how happy you are and how fantastic your smile looks for someone else in the future ;)

can't wait to hear how your adjustment went! keep in touch missy! :)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
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#22 Post by belmikry »

PS: we need some update pictures! :lol: don't keep us hanging :lol:
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#23 Post by Leslie022 »

I had a great adjustment today! They took out my old wires (I think he said they were 16's) and they put in new wires on top and bottom. These wires are 20's. They are square and as soon as she put them in, I felt crazy pressure! I also got a powerchain across my front four teeth. I decided to go with silver because of how much coffee I drink. She said she usually tries to talk people out of clear but most don't listen and end up having to have them changed. I also had a different assistant today. I really like this one. She's a little older than the other girls and seems to know what she's doing! Anyway, here's some pics. I stole the idea from Kim (belmikry).

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#24 Post by blueberry »

wow that gap sure it closing up fast! great progress! and lovely white teeth, and congrats on getting something new attatched lol thats probably gunna speed things up anymore. so nice to see fantastic progress pics,
good luck with your continuing and obviously sucessful journey!
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#25 Post by Marzipan »

Nice work on closing that gap! Don't hesitate to go over and see pictures of MY lovely gap in "Our Braces Stories." I have one heck of a space in the front teeth, plus assorted other spaces. My side gaps have to be closed first. While those power chains are pulling the front teeth together, gaps are bound to show up here and there, but they will eventually be closed, so don't worry about that.

Keep up the good work!

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#26 Post by belmikry »

great improvements missy! look at how much your teeth ar emoving! lucky girl :)

thanksf ro the update- qnd yes, the powerchain looks great- congrats! :)

can't wait to see / hear more ;)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
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#27 Post by Leslie022 »

OH MY GOODNESS!! I'm in so much pain! It's great though! My teeth have moved a good bit since having the new wires and powerchain put on this morning. I tried eating tonight at work and it was a lost cause. I couldn't bite into anything. I wanted to cry at one point from the pain. I guess I'll go with soup and eggs.

Thanks for the nice comments!
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#28 Post by Leslie022 »


Obviously, y'all aren't. I really wish we could edit our posts again.
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#29 Post by rockexrolloh »

Wow! My teeth look just like yours did when you first got braces. I won't get my braces probably until June. I have a 3mm gap between my front teeth. I also have that piece of skin that pulls the two front teeth apart; can't quite remember what it's called. Not sure if I'll have to get that removed yet or not. Anyway, your posts are so encouraging! I'm going to continue to check your progress. Hopefully, my teeth will move as fast as yours.

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#30 Post by Leslie022 »

Alrighty, since y'all weren't getting enough pictures from me, here are more! This is a comparison shot of my teeth right after my adjustment yesterday and then a shot 24 hours later. Let me know what YOU see!!

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