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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:43 pm
by wiredinLA
WOW Flora!! That is awesome progress!!! You must be so excited. It's such a relief to know that something is actually happening!

I still laugh at the fact that we were taking pics like 2 days in & looking for movement. LOL

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:41 am
by hollywood_smile
wow flora what a progresss so inspiring!!!!! and what a picture! i can even notice your saliva dropping that is so awesome!!!! (hope you dont mind this comment, but i always find things that people doesnt notice, of course nothing wrong with this after all is a mouth, please tell me you dont mind this comment )

how many mpixels has your camera?

and your progress is awesome i can tottally find that impressive cos it havent been too long since you got braces and your canine is like running!! wow!!! in short time it will aligne!! really CONGRATS!! so awesome :shock: :wink: :D

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:10 am
by Flora2006
Thank you everyone for your kind words. You guys are great!! :jump:

hollywood_smile wrote:wow flora what a progresss so inspiring!!!!! and what a picture! i can even notice your saliva dropping that is so awesome!!!! (hope you dont mind this comment, but i always find things that people doesnt notice, of course nothing wrong with this after all is a mouth, please tell me you dont mind this comment )

how many mpixels has your camera?

and your progress is awesome i can tottally find that impressive cos it havent been too long since you got braces and your canine is like running!! wow!!! in short time it will aligne!! really CONGRATS!! so awesome :shock: :wink: :D
Hollywood_smile - Thank you so much. My ortho really is putting pressure on that one but surprisingly, that tooth has never hurt me at all. I would have thought that my canine would be the most sensitive considering it has to move so much, but I've never had a problem with it.

My ortho said that in 2-3 months, that canine should be in line so I can't wait :)

Don't worry, I am not offended by the saliva comment lol. My camera has 4.1 mega that good? lol I don't even know what that really means.

Again, thank you all for your support. I love this site!!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:35 am
by stclair5211
Awesome progress! :D Now go out and try some purple ligs! Colored ligs are all the rage. 8)

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:23 pm
by Flora2006
stclair5211 wrote:Awesome progress! :D Now go out and try some purple ligs! Colored ligs are all the rage. 8)
Thank you. And trust me, I really do want to try purple...I'm just scared to try because I am still self-conscious about the braces. BUT I am planning on trying sometime this summer :D

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:54 pm
by Flora2006
Hi guys!

I went for my 3rd adjustment today. Got some good and bad news. First, I guess I should mention that my upper 2nd bicuspid is impacted because I got the baby tooth extracted in hasn't moved at all and my ortho will be putting a button to pull it down when I get the lower braces on. I have the same case with my lower 2nd bicuspid...although that one is better.

Anyways, my ortho said that he isn't worried about getting the lower one to come up...but he is worried about the top one and that if the button doesn't work, we will have to proceed with something else. When I asked what that something else might be, he said that we'll talk about it if it comes to that and that he doesn't want to worry me...I am guessing an exposure? Which I don't want to go I am hoping it will come down on its own with the help of the button!!

Anyways, so my adjustment went well :) I got white ligs (not brave enough for colors). He put a wire tie around the WHOLE bracket of my canine :jump: used to always be on only 1 side. He also added a clear powerchain going from that canine to my 1st bicuspid...I'm guessing its to move it a bite more to one side while moving it forward...

He also said that my next adjustment, I will have my lower braces :( I was kind of hoping that I would have at least half the summer without the bottom ones...I guess that's not going to happen. He also said that my canine will be completely aligned in 2 months. I'm SO exctied!!

Right now I feel pressure on that canine...I guess the powerchain is doing its job. He also didn't put a lig on the tooth next to my canine (the one in between the front tooth and my canine) anyone knows why? Not to apply pressure? I hope he didn't forget! lol

Day 1:


Day 2:


This is how my canine looks now...I have a clear powerchain on it that goes to my 1st bicuspid :) My front teeth aren't flared like that...I guess it's just the way I took the picture ;)


I think I am getting better with the pics! ;);)

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:13 am
by Flora2006
Thank you KK for your kind words. :)

On a good note, that powerchain is really doing its thing; the canine is getting closer to my 1st bicuspid so that's good. My teeth close to my canine have also been a bit painful...especially when I wake up. I wonder what is up with that, especiallu since the pain goes away after about 10 minutes of being awake...maybe grinding and clenching :roll:

Also, I can finally bite down and my teeth are touching. This is the first time since I got my braces on. So today, at my 3 year anniversary of having my top braces on, I can close my mouth and feel my teeth touching. I've missed that feeling sooo much!!!! I can finally eat salads again :lol:

What a great day :rawk:

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:27 pm
by wiredinLA

That is awesome progress!!! Oh... the millimeters that our canines have traveled... <sigh> amazing!
Don't you kinda enjoy that "tigh" feeling in the morning? I kinda like it! Am I weird? It's kinda like being sore after a work-out. It means things are "working". LOL
Congrats on your adj. And I like your ortho's philosophy of "we'll deal with if we have to."

I can't believe that you're almost at your 4th adj!! Time is just flying... :)

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:20 pm
by Flora2006
So I had my first cleaning since I got my top braces on. My hygienist was so happy! I like her. We talked a bit about how I'm going to be so happy about having beautiful teeth at the end.

She said that I've been keeping my teeth pretty clean. She said there are still some areas where I bleed but that she is really happy about my improvement. (My teeth were in really bad shape the first time I got them cleaned in november) So that's good :)

My next appointment is in 4 months and I will also have my dental check-up...hopefully by then my teeth will have moved tremendously so that they can both be impressed with how my teeth have moved :lol:
wiredinLA wrote:I can't believe that you're almost at your 4th adj!! Time is just flying... :)
Thank you WiredinLA! My adjustments are every 4 weeks...I actually really like it because it feels like its going faster. :) Hope to hear from you soon! Your teeth are looking really great. Those 2 canines are making so much movement :)

KK, thank you :) I hope your powerchain hasn't stained too much. Mine is still perfectly the same color...but that's because I haven't had coffee or anything that could possibley stain the ligs and powerchain!

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:34 pm
by wiredinLA
Congrats on the good cleaning!! I'm sure next time you go in they'll be lots to celebrate :wink:

And you have to let me know how those bottom braces feel in 18 days!! I'm dying to know.

Keep those pics and good news coming....
Talk to you soon.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:45 pm
by Flora2006
Hey guys!

I though I would give a little update :)

My canine is almost there which is really exciting. Today I was smiling in the mirror and I could see so much of my's weird to actually be able to see it just because I've NEVER seen that tooth before! In another month or less that tooth should be completely aligned so I am looking forward to that :)

My powerchain has done a great job of moving that canine in its place so now its just a question of pulling that tooth straighforward (instead of moving it forward AND towards the left)

Here are some pics taken today...Week 15 of having my top braces on:


In other news, I am getting my lower METAL :shock: braces on on Monday and I am starting to freak out! I'm really scared of how I will look and this has been on my mind for quit some time now.

I am also probably getting 2 buttons on my 2 impacted teeth to start pulling them out of the gums...should be interesting.

Monday will be a very emotional day I think!
I am planning on using my wax this time around! I learned my lesson the hard way!!

How do the lower brackets feel? Is it the same feeling or worse/better? Brushing is going to take SO much more time now :roll:

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:52 pm
by Flora2006
Thank you KK and Rage31 for your thoughts. :P

I had my 4th adjustment yesterday and I got my lower braces on. The whole process wasn't too bad. For some reason, it took a bit longer than when he was putting the ceramic brackets on top but oh well.

It was kind of a shock to see myself in the mirror! I was scared I woulc cry in front of my ortho but thankfully I didn't. It's weird because my bottom teeth weren't too crocked when seen without braces but that wire is going all over the place! That's what surprised me the most! I didn't expect the wire to be straight but I really didn't expect it to be that crooked.

Other than that, he took out the top powerchain so I only have ligs...I chose this creamy/beige color that is supposedly hard to stain while still remaining pretty invisible...we'll see how that goes. I'm getting SO annoyed with those ligs!! I'm starting to think that I should go with black...that way I won't have to worry...EVER :lol:

Right now, my lower braces are killing me!! :roll: I actually had to take an advil because I just can't deal with the pain anymore...but it's not working! :shock: I've never felt any pain caused my the braces but ever since I got the lower ones...OMG. I really hope it gets better soon! The brackets aren't even hurting/bothering's just the braces themselves.

Here are some pictures I took yesterday right after my adjustment. As you can see, that lower wire is going pretty wild. My top canine is making its way into its proper alignment so that's exciting. I can't wait for it to fully come out!




Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:01 pm
by Flora2006
Since I got my bottom braces 3 weeks ago...this whole experience with braces has gotten so difficult!!! I really need things to get better because I am tired of all this pain and discomfort!

My left cheek has gotten SO bad. Nothing I do helps either. I have really bad cuts which you can kind of see in this pic but they are much worse than they appear...and so painful.

This is really getting to me just because it is always getting worse...never better. :roll: I work in a place where I have to talk a lot and can't drink as much as I want because there is no time so with my mouth getting gets worse :(


I also have this one tooth that hurts a lot and I'm starting to worry but I don't want to say anything to my ortho because I'm scared :roll: My lower jaw is also hurting me when I brush... :twisted:

This is how my teeth look now...I'm getting annoyed and pissed because all I seem to be getting is pain...I'm not noticing a lot of movement which really sucks and frustrate me... And those silver brackets are really getting to me...I feel so self-conscious. I work at this really posh place and with me having braces...I don't feel too confident :roll:


The only thing I am happy with is that no matter how much coffee I tooth colored ligs are not staining...which is awesome :)

Anyways, I am sorry to be rambling on and being so negative...It's just that I'm not seeing much progress since my last adjustment and my metal brackets on my lower teeth were put on 3 weeks ago...and the pain from my cheek is really getting to me... :shock: :roll: :twisted:

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:50 pm
by Granola
Hang in there, Flora!

It is hard to be dealing with the constant pain when you are well into treatment and not seeing changes to make it all feel worthwhile.

Sorry your cheeks are getting cut up so much. Is wax not helping? Have you tried Biotene or some other healing rinses (such as salt water)? I went through a period between getting my lowers on and my first adjustment where I was wearing tons of wax, not fun.

I too got my bottom metals on at a different time than my ceramics. I love my ceramics, so it was hard to deal with the look of metals. I think once you've had them on for a month or two, you'll notice them less. That has been the case for me, though I certainly still wish I could have had ceramics on the bottom. For what it's worth, I think your bottoms look great, and I like the silver ligs you got. Generally, your teeth look really nice, and I'm sure people that you encounter where you work only notice that--that your teeth look great.

I know you are scared, but you should definitely mention any unusual pain to your ortho. They may very well be able to explain it away, which would set your mind at ease. I'm guessing it is just referred pain from all of the changes and movement your mouth is dealing with, but I would still check in with them about it. Maybe they can do a quick x-ray to make sure that everything is okay.

I hope things improve soon, but at least you know you can come here and vent away, and everyone here can understand and relate to what you are going through.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:06 am
by ssfw
Hi Flora,

As others have posted, you need to call your ortho's office as soon as possible. If they say it's a common symptom, then fine. If your ortho wants to see you, then hopefully you can schedule an appt. as soon as possible. If they find it's the common symptoms, then at least you will leave the office feeling alot better and not stressed/worried about your pain. They can probably recommend something to give you relief from the sores and soreness created from your lower brackets. I hope you don't have to commute a long distance to your ortho's office. I am so glad that my orthodontist is about 10 minutes from me - and it is easy to park also.

I think your lower brackets look great! I think both you and I have the same concerns - the visual aspect of braces. If it wasn't for that, I think I would choose the metal brackets. I think you will get use to the metal brackets but with the pain its causing you, I'm sure that's not helping. I may have to get lower braces but will not know for another 3-4 months and I'm not sure if I will have an option of clear/metal, but I'm okay with that. I'm also hoping for the day that I am brave enough to get colored ligs because I love color. Let me know if you ever adjust to your metal brackets - I really think they look great on your teeth!

I know you mentioned that you are self-conscious about your braces, especially the metal brackets, but keep in mind that you are doing it to have healthier teeth/gums and your teeth will look their greatest sooner than you think. People that you work with are probably happy that you are doing something to better yourself. I think there are so many people out there that wishes they were brave enough to get braces and envy you. I know if I didn't proceed with orthodontic treatment, it would be on my mind for the rest of my life. I just keep thinking in approximately 20 months from January 2006, my braces will be removed and I will be so happy that I made the decision to get braces. I just kept telling myself, the sooner I start orthodontic treatment, the sooner I will be done and I wanted to avoid changing my mind. I probably would have started in October 2005 if it wasn't for tax purposes. I felt it was a good way to start off the New Year.

Keep us posted and I hope you feel better soon.
