PrincessMelody's journey - adjustment #14 update! Now w/pics

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Location: Orange County, California

#151 Post by PrincessMelody »

Oh yeah, forgot to add... a tiny gap has opened up again between my right central and lateral. So it looks like I will have to get powerchains...again.

Funny story too... I was fishing in my bag of elastics last night to get two new ones to put in. I felt something hitting my feet and looked down to see what it was and saw elastics all over the floor. I looked at my bag trying to figure out what was going on only to discover the bottom of my bag had ripped from side to side. I have absolutely no clue how that happened but since almost all but 9 or so elastics landed on the ground I had to go in today and get a new bag. I wasn't about to crawl around on my hands and knees picking up all those elastics (on the ground) and then stick them in my mouth :yuck: The receptionsit was laughing when I went in to get a new bag and showed her what happened to the other bag.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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Location: Orange County, California

#152 Post by PrincessMelody »

Thanks Karen! You are always such a morale booster :D Well it looks like I spoke too soon about my left side because it has quickly caught up with my right.

I had my 14th adjustment Friday and my ortho was very pleased with how my bite looked. So pleased in fact that he told me I didn't need to wear elastics (for the time being). Although he said if things open up again I will have to wear them again. I have a feeling I will be in them again especially since my left side looks like it's already regressed a bit. It will be nice to enjoy Thanksgiving elastic free.

I pointed out to my ortho that I was concerned about my left second molars not touching. He took a look and said they needed to be pulled :shock: I was a bit tired and didn't catch on that he was joking and he quickly had to say that he was kidding and told me they would band the upper left molar as it it's the cause of the problem and isn't level with the others. Thankfully I had enough room and didn't need a spacer so I was able to get the band on today. I had to go down to the smallest wire though since that tooth needs to be leveled with the rest. I've forgotten how tiny that wire is since it's been a while since I've had one on either of my arches. Of course after that I completely forgot to mention about my upper left premolar and how I think the bracket needs to be repositioned :roll: so I will bring it up at my next adjustment.

I stuck with my purple and pink ligs like I had mentioned before. I liked them a lot before so I figured why not? I'm pleased that I'm not in too much discomfort with that new band. It's not irritating my cheek or tongue at all and my molar isn't too sore either. I took some advil in preperation, but it wasn't needed at all

I would post pics, except my camera has decided to act up so I couldn't manage to get a good picture before it would just poop out on me :evil: I'll try again tomorrow (let it have a rest) and if I don't succeed I will make do with what I managed to get tonight or try my camera on my cell phone. Either way there will be some kind of pictures up soon.

On a personal front. I am still jobless, but thanks to my wonderful mommy :lol: I was still able to start playing hockey again this season like I had planned. I thought with the lack of cash I was going to have to wait another year or so :( but she said as a b-day present she would pay for this season. I was very very grateful as that is a very generous present (it costs about $700 for me to play!) I've already played one game and scored the first goal of the season! I was very pleased and proud of myself since it has been over 2 years since I last played. I am horribly out of shape, however, and I am definately feeling it. But hopefully I will be back up to normal in no time. I am so happy to be playing again. I missed it SO much.

Anyhow, thanks for stopping by. I'll get those pics up asap.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

Posts: 346
Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:57 pm
Location: Orange County, California

#153 Post by PrincessMelody »

Thanks Karen! I really am enjoying life without elastics right now. I had more of them snap on me then I can count. It was almost an every day occurence when eating. I was getting fed up with fishing them out of my mouth and dealing with the sting from wherever they smacked my lip :x I no longer feel any pressure in my newly banded molar which is nice since it seems I have adapted to it. I have a feeling my old wire had shifted as I'm feeling pressure in the same areas that I had felt when my wire had shifted before and they had fixed it. Anywho, I managed to get my camera working again and I have a little picture update for you all.

I think my bite looks pretty darn good

and here is my new lovely molar band
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

Posts: 346
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Location: Orange County, California

#154 Post by PrincessMelody »

Thanks Karen and Denise. I'm not sure why my elastics kept snapping on me. Maybe I'm just an agressive chewer :? It's definately not pleasant when they snap. I hope you don't ever have to experience it and if you do hopefully it won't cause pain. First time one snapped the only reason I knew it had snapped was the release in pressure. I had a couple snap when talking and once it actually caused saliva to get flung into my friends face when I was talking to him. I felt really bad and slightly embarrased :oops: but he was able to laugh about it. I would send them flying across the bathroom all the time when I was putting them on. They would slip out of my grip and then I'd have to hunt for them.

Update on the season as requested.
Lost our first game (which is the one I scored the first goal in). We started out strong in the first period scoring 3 goals but it was all downhill from there. They ended up catching up in the second period and then scored 2 more goals in the third causing us to lose 5-3.
Won our second game in a shut out 5-0. I didn't score any goals, but came very close. All of them were rebounds I just couldn't manage to get up in the air enough to get them in or I'd have 3 of their team mates on me tying me up in front of the net preventing me from getting a proper shot.
Our next game is the 15th and hopefully I will be over this cold I have been fighting. I first came down with it on Tuesday (my birthday :evil: ) and I've got this cough that's lingering which is of course aggrevated by any heavy breathing or physical activity. If it doesn't clear up soon I'm gonna head to the Dr. for fear that it might be bronchitis since most of my symptoms match those of previous times with it. Although I have no fever. Seeing as I'll be on the east coast for Thanksgiving the 19th-29th I definately don't want to go out there without being in the clear though.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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Location: Orange County, California

#155 Post by PrincessMelody »

Thanks again Karen and Denise. I feel MUCH better. Just have a little bit of a cough let so I'm sure I'll be back to normal or close to it come my game on Thursday.

Had a check up at the dentist today. Unfortunately I had 2 small occlusal cavities on my lower 1st molars. The were so small that she didn't even have to numb me (like my last cavity 9 months ago). So nice when I don't have to be numbed and am not drooling all over myself for hours :lol: She told me the ridges are really deep in my molars that they just act as little traps. I have fillings in all but 2 of my molars. None of my premolars have fillings at least. Thankfully they all have been really small so it does make me feel a bit better about how well I'm keeping my teeth clean. I'm also very relieved because I thought I had a cavity on my upper right lateral and it turned out to be just a stain. It came right off when the hygenist polished my teeth. I was not going to be happy if I had to have a filling in a very visible location.

6 days until I leave for the east coast, and 9 days until Turkey day :D
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

Miss Smiley
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#156 Post by Miss Smiley »

Turkey, GOBBLE GOBBLE! I'm going to Disneyland this Sunday! There are 8 of us and two of their passes expire and won't be renewing this year so we're making a full day out of it. We're gonna grab some beer at DCA ! Hahaha Sorry about those tiny tiny cavities! Better fixed now than later!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

Posts: 346
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Location: Orange County, California

#157 Post by PrincessMelody »

Hey Miss Smiley! I had no idea you had stopped by here... seems the topic reply notifications are "buggy" again.

Going to Disneyland eh? I'm jealous. I haven't been in about a month :( I've never had the beer at DCA... is it good? I do get the margaritas pretty often though, that is when I manage to remember my ID. I usually don't bring a purse or anything (too much hassle) and just stuff my pass, a $20, and my cell phone in my pocket and go.

Thanks for the sympathy on the cavities :lol: But like you said, better now then later...when they are bigger.

My 15 month braceaversary will pass while I'm still on the other side of the country so I won't be able to post any pictures until after I return on the 29th. You will all just have to remain in suspense for a few extra days. Not like I have anything spectacular going on though. My newly banded molar hasn't even budged. I wish I felt some pressure back there to make me think it's moving even though I can't see anything. I'm starting to get ancy since I'm close to the end and keep being told this as well. People are starting to ask me how much longer I have (mom, close friends, my dentist!) And I've got no reply except for I'm just happy with how great they look and they'll be done when their done :wink:
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

Posts: 346
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Location: Orange County, California

#158 Post by PrincessMelody »

I know it's been quite a while since I've posted... over a year :? but I am now naked!! And I thought I would share my amazing teeth (in my not so humble opinion). It was a long 2 years, 4 months, and 22 days but it was totally worth it! Since my last post not much really happened. Mostly it was just some tweaking with elastics. I lost count of how many different configurations and sizes of elastics I had. I had triangles, boxes, class 2... the list goes on. But I was diligent... I wore them, did my time, and this is the reward. So here they are... my naked teeth!

with retainer

And this was my last week in braces right after my last adjustment. A had wire ties on all of my teeth to make sure nothing moved and ironically my lower wire shifted and I had to go in for an emergency appointment. It totally came out of the band and was poking me in the cheek. The only trouble I had my entire time in braces had to happen the last week.

And just for comparison purposes here are some older pics :D

Thanks for all the help and support you guys gave. Don't know if I would've been able to get through it without you.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

Miss Smiley
Posts: 2008
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Location: Sunny SoCal

#159 Post by Miss Smiley »

Princess Melody, they look great!!! I wonder what kind of design you've got on those hawleys. :wink:
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

Posts: 346
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Location: Orange County, California

#160 Post by PrincessMelody »

Thanks Miss Smiley. Unfortunately the lab that makes retainers for my ortho doesn't do designs :( I was really bummed about that cuz I really wanted a sparkly purple retainer. So my retainer is just plain, clear pink. That's why I didn't bother posting any pics of it cuz it's not even exciting, lol.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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