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Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:03 am
by catgyrl
Oh, klobird - I really feel your frustration!! I went through similar things with mine, and I made it very clear to them that they really need to check their work before I leave the office because I was tired of calling them about these kinds of things (and I'm sure they're tired of hearing from me).

I'd probably go back in and as (in my "dumbest blonde" voice - no offense to blondes) "Do I not need the wire ties on the front anymore?" And if they say, "No, they left them off on purpose," you can thank them and say you were "just checking". More probably, though, they forgot them, and I'd hit it home that the assistant really needs to pay more attention because while they feel it may be a waste of their time when you have to keep coming in for one thing or another... it's also a waste of YOUR time when they're incompetent.

@TinkB: BE A BRAT!! I always check my teeth in the mirror before I leave. I see them looking at me sometimes, so I just smile and say, "Just checkin'!" I always try to listen to the ortho as he's giving her the instructions... I always count along as she's removing and replacing ligs or powerchains to make sure she doesn't miss a tooth. Last time I went in, he specifically told her to remove the powerchain (my zigzag one), and lo and behold... she left it in. He told her afterward, "I said remove that chain." I wish I could get the original assistant I had. She still works there, but for some reason, she doesn't work on me anymore. She's pleasant, has a sense of humor, and actually apologizes when she accidentally pokes me.

Sorry to ramble...

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:41 am
by klobird
I was thinking---maybe I should charge THEM $50 every time I have to go back in because THEY did something stupid!!

Another thing that just really gets to me---I think that "bugar face" assistant is assigned to me or something!! It seemed really random at first, as to who would be working on me, but now it's always her. For 2 years--her!! I am going to try to be nice and give her a real chance, but I will ask for someone else if it constantly seems that we are both stressed when I come in...I really just don't care for her at all....

OK so---16 weeks down -- 88 weeks to go!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:33 am
by klobird
I needed to add that after 3 months of no movement (and finally finding out that the ortho was only working on the bite!),
my teeth are moving FAST!! It is mega cool!! I can finally see it, and I am ecstatic. When I saw him on July 26, he said they would start moving--yipppeeeee!!!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:12 pm
by Beauty is Pain
hey klobird! Good to hear your little babies are moving well :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:06 pm
by klobird
HEY BIP!!!!!

Good to hear from you! Can you even believe that we are getting close to 4 months already????!!!

I was thinking--wow, this is going way too fast which means my life is passing by way too fast----which is really not a good thing when you're 55!!!

I really don't want to wish my life away!!! So, I guess I will just wish for miracle teeth. The next time I go in, my teeth will be perfect and they will say "wow!, this has never happened before--looks like those braces are ready to come off today!!".

Miracle teeth.... :-#)

Oh ya, I wanted to add---I have been using Oral-B superfloss since I got braces....everyone keeps raving about Crest Glide Threader floss, so I decided to try it. It costs about twice as much as the Oral-B, and that's why I have been hesistant to try it. But oh my, oh my....The Crest Glide is sooooooo much easier to use---worth the extra cost!!!! The threader part is stiffer and easier to get in between the archwire and the tooth. There is no spongy part that shreds on your hooks etc.,
and the floss is strong and really does glide has really cut down on the flossing time, as well as my dread about flossing....

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:30 am
by Beauty is Pain
Hey KLOBIRD!!!! Haven't been on for quite a while! Wow, 4 months - that sounds like a long time......remember the days when we were both dreading about braces, and the length of time we will be in the torture chamber. To think that we have only around 20 months to go is amazing!! hahaa I would kill for miracle teeth, those bunnies need to move faster...I just wish, that my bite would miraculously change itself so I don't have to go through the torture of having elastics. On that note, are you having elastics for a full 2-year? I am loving the progress of my upper teeth, ah if only that gap can close quicker :P hehehe I like oral-B superfloss, maybe I'll try crest glide. Is it really really good??? :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:51 pm
by klobird

Ya, the Crest Glide really is worth trying--I bet you won't go back to the other after you try it. But I still have Oral-B on hand too. The Crest Glide can get really spendy.

Yep, I will be in elastics the whole 2 years it seems. Well, I will have the Forsus, which is actually a fixed metal type device that does the same thing as elastics, but I can't take it out. I am really wondering which will be worse--the ones I have now, or the Forsus. The elastics I have now, and their position--well, I am really, really used to them. I mostly don't even notice them.

Like yesterday!! I went thru a Dairy Queen and got an ice cream cone. I forgot about my elastics, and while eating, unbeknownst to me--I swallowed one!!! These are not the little elastics I had in the beginning. These are humongous, heavy ones. I think I could feel it going down!! YUCCKKKKYYYY!!!!!

OK, big booboo last night. I went to bed at 2am (today is my day off). I guess I was really, really tired. I slept 8 hours straight thru--which is like unbelievable for me. This morning my tongue, out of habit, went feeling for my elastics.
None there--I forgot to put them in last night!!! :huh: :huh: :huh:

Maybe that's why I slept the best I have in a very, very long time!!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:35 am
by Beauty is Pain
Hey Klobird! Oh wow, 2 years with elastics/forsus - how do you survive?! I am dreading my elastics, in precisely 2 months' time. Last Tuesday, went for another appointment - didn't change any wires, he asked me to open and close my teeth so many times that I thought i was going to get elastics, I was getting excited right there...but that didn't happen. This is contradictory :p omg icecream with braces on is a killer! Especially after adjustments, icecreams seem to be the best soft food to eat...not really :p hahaah I might try crestGlide - but don't want to spend a huge fortune on buying floss when I can buy loads of food :P

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:34 am
by klobird
Hey Bip--I am really dreading that Forsus too. I try not to think about it. The elastics are really not that bad!!! They can be annoying at times, and rub wrong at other times, but most of the time I don't even notice them....

Well, unless you get like 6 at a time or something :shock: :shock: :shock: . OK, that was mean....(he he). Or if you get the kind that go clear across the front of your teeth....hahahaha :twisted:

Don't worry about it!! It will be fine, and besides, you can take them out for eating, brushing etc...You may find that if you talk,talk,talk all day long that the elastics will rub the insides of your cheeks more and that can be uncomfortable. That happened to me a couple of times....(but I had so much fun chatting all day! :-* )

REALLY--all they hype about elastics make them sound worse than they actually are....well, for me anyway... But I only have one on each side....

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:21 am
by Beauty is Pain
haha klobird! Hey! Omg, you meanie, all do those people with full mouth elastics look awful, thank god orthos don't use headgears anymore, imagine that!!! What are forsus appliances exactly?? enlighten me please :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:36 am
by klobird

The Forsus is dreadful looking online. It's similar to a Herbst appliance (which also looks dreadful to me--but tons of kids do ok with it), but the Forsus has springs instead of rods. On both sides it is permanently (while needed during braces) attached to a back molar and then attached below to somewhere around those canine things on the bottom. They are metal spring elastics basically, and will help bring my overjet in. It's some kind of opposite forces thing.

I told the ortho I wasn't so sure about it, but basically they said that if I really couldn't handle it, they would take it out.
They really put the decision in my hands. I feel a lot better about that. With a 7mm overjet (well now it's 5mm!!!--my regular dentist measured it), I will try to do what it takes to get these teeth moved in. I am sick of looking like a horse!! :paperbag:

Have you had a power chain yet? That seems kind of freaky to me....sounds like it would really hurt at first after the adjustment. I have another adjustment on Sept. 12 and the ortho said this is going to be a long (finally),
x-rays, re-positioning if necessary--who knows what else..I don't get the forsus until later this year.

My teeth are finally moving!!!! YIPPPEEEEEE :D

After that first adjustment a few weeks ago, I am NOT looking forward to the next appt!!! That was the first time I had pain with braces. So not fun!!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:00 am
by Beauty is Pain
Hey klobird! Join the club :P My next adjustment is on the 17th of Sept. Oh that is soo good!! My Class III malocclusion is slowly being changed to Class II - not quite there yet, but once that is done, I will get elastics. Oh powerchains, I think I am getting them in a couple months after my teeth have finished rotating - just now, one tooth (yes, only ONE) started hurting, it is sooo soo weird. Wow, forsus, that sounds painful, good thing you can call a stop to it if you are not comfortable with it. How are your teeth feeling, pictures up soon? I am eager to see them!! :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:20 am
by klobird
Yep--comparison pics up soon hopefully--my ortho takes the pictures and then puts them online in my personal account on his website. Then I can bring the old pics and the new pics here to compare. So, I should have them up by mid-Sept. I hope!

The Forsus doesn't look painful to me exactly--it looks big,bulky,and irritating to me. I've been playing around with my elastics putting them from the one hook closest to where the top will be fixed and then to the bottom where that part will be fixed. Actually, it's more comfortable than where my elastics are now--and where they are now is a huge improvement from where they were the first 3 months, even though the ones now are way heavier.

Has anyone else gone thru periods of extreme thirst with the braces? Sometimes it seems like I will never get enough liquid to satisfy my dry mouth. Now that's uncomfortable!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:16 am
by klobird
17 weeks down---87 weeks to go.....

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:09 pm
by Beauty is Pain
Hey klobird! Omg, yes, after each adjustment, I turn into a water-gulping machine, drinking so much water but never able to quench my thirst till 3 days later, it is insane!