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Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:17 pm
by lionfish
Nice to hear from you, nahky, and that your journey is almost at an end. Great that you've got some part time work, too.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:20 pm
by nahky

Well, I was under the impression my braces will be coming off on the 21st of November. ANNNNNGGG!!!! (thats my interpretation of a quiz show buzzer) wrong!

The ortho (not my main ortho, but i ahve had appointments with this one for the past few months) clearly stated they will be coming off in a months time when i had my last adjustment 2 weeks ago. He said he knows im itchin to get them off and pretty sure they'll be off.

Well, since i had a day off today, i took it upon myself to make another appointment in the mean time to make sure adn ask some niggling questions that were bothering me prior to the removal of my braces.

1. being the midlines not matching up

2. Gaps appearing larger on one side of my mouth

When i arived into the office. They all seemed weird i was there because it wasnt my usual adjustment. When i pointed all the things that were bohtering me. He said there was going to be some descrepencies because of the slight assymetry of my jaw, which was fair enough. But, he goes and gives me elastics, this time a different configuration on one side of the mouth. to close the larger gap.

I asked again whent he removal will be, he, being all vague again, saida couple of months. very vague.

I left very frustrated. But still glad i made the appointment. Becuase somethins being done now to tweak the minor problems. But im annoyed i hafta go to extra appointments and ask ask ask so i can get a decent service from my ortho.

So, back to elastics for me, for an unknown amount of time. No braces removal before my birthday. I paid off the remainder of my balance for braces anyhow. So, no more payments. And just hope these things come off soon.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:47 pm
by nahky

Thanks Karen, All too true, a few more months for a lifetime of dazzling smiles, worth the wait. Thats ok with me.

I do encourage others to be pro-active within their own treatments, may speed things up a little. Plus it saves me the 'worry' if things are going how they should be.

Well, I thought i'd post a pic or two. It has certainly grounded me and show how far ive come, and that a few extra months of braces aint that bad, considering the result thus far.

The first pic is my profile. Of a closed bite.

This second pic is my bite. The little things may bother me now because im itchin to get these braces off, but on the whole scheme of things, the change has been huge, i can wait a lil longer! :)

Any questions welcomed.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:04 am
by lionfish
I can only! You look absolutely fantastic, jason.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:17 am
by lemonlyme
just wanted to say you have a gorgeous jawline now with gorgeous teeth to match! :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:49 am
by joplin
Jason, I can only come up with one word to say: WOW!

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:08 am
by Svensk Tiger
You really do look great. After everything you've been through you can do a few more months :D

Great progress

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:12 am
by Meghan's braces Part Deux
Your teeth look fantastic, and so does your profile! I've been following your story for a while, and it's evident you've come very far in the past year and a half or so. Congratulations!

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:23 pm
by Delag
Amazing! I was wondering how you wee doing since I haven't seen you post over on the surgery board. You really look amazing and all of your patience and hard work has really paid off. Don't let a couple of months get you down - after everything you have been through a few weeks is nothing.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:56 am
by nahky
Thanks for all the kind comments everyone.

I'll keep on updating as things progress. As for now, i shall have fun with my new elastics. I'll add some more pics on later

If anyone has questions regarding surgery or braces, feel free.



Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:25 pm
by chillin-in-grilz
Awesome results. you are very detailed. Most guys dont bother with all that chatting lol

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:36 am
by nvcarissa
Wow Jason! You are looking good!

Quick question. Are you still a bit swollen even after all these months? I find that I am as well. I know that others have posted this in the past, but how long does it take for the swelling to go completely away?

I mean, my swelling isn't visible, but I can feel it myself (mostly on my left side). Very annoying!

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:26 pm
by nahky
hey nvcarissa, sorry didnt see your question until now. In regards to the swelling, i feel it has completely gone down for me. No longer feel swollen at all. a teeny-weeny bit numb under the bottom lip where the genioplasty though. I think its becuase there isnt much muscle movement in there. So i have to exercise it around to warm and loosen it up.

Well, in recent weeks, i really feel the swollen has gone for the most part.


Had an ortho appointment the other week. Hes put me into looser elastics. He said he wants to ease back ont he force of the elastics.

What really bugs me about these elastics, is that after a night of wearing them (he said only to wear them at night) is that when i wake up, the midline is great. its spot on. and the little gaps that need closing are very minimal. But once i take them off, 5-10 minutes later, everything riverts back to their original positions. midline off, gaps open. Maybe they are getting better slowly and im just exagerating, or maybe the ease of the force from the new elastics will help things along. I dont know.

Well, as i wished, my ortho is making appoinments in closer intervals now. 3 weeks. and i didnt have to ask! wow...

I have my day off today. Think i might go get that x-ray that is long overdue. To see the new position of my jaw.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:21 pm
by nahky
8 months on...(from Jaw surgery) much as i'd love to say i've made great progress since my last post, it would be a great big lie. Unfortunately, my midline refuses to stay put.

The uncomfortable elastics i am to wear arent working. Maybe i should just convince the ortho that my teeth have declared mutiny and refuse to budge. I mean, honestly, he was the one that intially told me the midline was there because there is a slight assymentry to my jaw. Yet, now hes trying to fix it. Im glad hes trying to... but is there a point if t is to no avail. Can't harm in trying i guess. "Patience Jason, patience..." I tell myself. "You've invested a great deal of time and money into this"...words stay in my head...

Can't help having a whinge though :lol: . My adjustments are 3 weeks apart and he does the same config on me all the time. and gives me the same elusive answer in regards to the conclusion of my treatment. e.i "Next time i see you, hopefully, it will be close then"

Its a small world.... not sure if i have mentioned this before, but when i strated working at the THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR. THIS IS SPAM PLEASE REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATOR., during my training, two of the guys i was training with, told me of their experience with jaw surgery. one had an underbite, and the other a overbite. funny that... makes me wonder how many others i have come across who have undergone the same precedure as myself. This was only revealed because i asked of one about his bottom braces he was still wearing. And the other because i was talking what i was doing in regards to employment during the past year.

Even more amusing is the fact each and every one of them said that their surgeon is the best, the most reknown... "I thought i had the bestest surgeon !" :P i thought to myself. Oh well, he did a great job and they have to a selling point i guess. and yes, mine is the BESTEST 8)

I guess thats that for another update/vent/rant/moan.

More than happy to Answer any questions, pm's are ok too.

til then...

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:36 pm
by nahky

Removal Of Braces Appointments Set!28th FEB

Im on a high!..... The light at the tunnel is in sight. Yesterday, i went to my last orthodontic appointment. Little did i know it would be my last. I religiously wore my elastics leading upto my adjustment.

He poked in my mouth, passed me the mirror. And pointed out that both rows of my teeth were straight. My midline is good. But one side when i bite down isnt as balanced as the other side due to some slight assymetry.

He said i have been wearing elastics long enough, and this was the best result i was going to get. Still a great result as he said.

3 more weeks. Less than that actually. 20 more days.
2 Appointments. One for debonding, and the other for retainer fitting.

Im so happy about it all. Its been a long wait. 28th FEB is the day. 8 days short of me wearing braces for 2 Years and just short of 9 months after my Jaw surgery.

I Will definately be posting pics. I totally wasnt expecting a removal date. I came in with the mindset i had couple of months left. So it was a splendid suprise. As dramatic as i'd like to make it, the reality of naked teeth hasnt set in yet. Im so used to these braces. No complaints here :) I have most definately gotten used to them, but it will be awesome to get the bulk outta my mouth and eating! That will be sweet, eating without tongue wrestling my teeth and braces to get food out

Ok, Thats enough for now, im so glad im finally posting something other than a rant :P :o Updates soon :)