XxNecraxX's Braces Story - 4 Month Update Pg 14 w/Pics!!!!!!

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#211 Post by Miranbrady20 »

lol you should see my hair right now its awesome!... I have black hair with fire red highlights... i had it done professionally at this place called hollywood vampires by my job! its an awesome place and they did a banging job!

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#212 Post by ripchord »

Awesome :) I usually do it myself because I plan on being a cosmetologist and it's fun for me.
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#213 Post by Danielle »

You're smile is looking great! Congrats on all the progress.
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#214 Post by Miranbrady20 »

So i've been thinking about my smile lately... and when I smile you can still see alot of gums and not alot of teeth and the far corners... my ortho said that the damon braces will move the teeth up into thos areas of the mouth to show a full smile but I'm just not seeing it happen yet and I wonder at what point of treatment will it do that... and what appliance moves that part of the teeth in that fassion... a thicker archwaire? or elastics?


even the videos for the damon braces shows that the teeth will show in the back of the smile but im not seeing anything yet :( just got to wait i guess!!

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#215 Post by angel84 »

Wow Peggy! And you say MY teeth have moved alot!!! Look at yours!!!! That is some amzing progress girl!!!! :shock: :D I think your smile looks fantastic!!!! :tingrin:
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December! :)


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#216 Post by Miranbrady20 »

Thanks!!! your so sweet!! :D seems like only yesterday i was sitting in the ortho chair getting them on!! lol :lol:

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#217 Post by ripchord »

I think you have a nice tooth to gum ratio. My braces helped with my gummy smile a bit, so it's possible. I'm really not sure what helps that happen, but you could always ask your orthodontist :) If you're still not satisfied with your gums you can get them laser contoured. That's something I'm looking into but it's kind of pricey.
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#218 Post by *tap* »

thanks for your post you have come so far you must be well chuffed i am after just 8 weeks and there not even straight yet!! that gum graft thing looked abit sore well done for getting stuck in and doing it.. braces are cool eh there doing ace for you and i think your teeth are looking bigger and the gums defo look less obvious than in the before pic :)
1 step closer!!!!!!!!

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#219 Post by Miranbrady20 »

Thanks for your support! yea that gum graft wass hell! lol but u got to do what ya got to do right?

I ordered a Dentakit for my teeth... i need to start brushing after each meal again like i used to so im gonna keep that on me ALLLLL the time! Im getting white spots in between my teeth and idk what to do about them! its scares me cause i would hate to have ugly teeth even after all this work... i dont get it cause I brush rather well but i guess not enough? well im gonna try and do better!

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#220 Post by Marley »

Necra - I thought for sure I wasn't going to have a full smile when I started. I thought there is no way!

It took a bit, and it's still hard to see my full smile with braces on, but it's happening!!

Hang in there! When they come off you'll see a big smile!

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#221 Post by angel84 »

Hey there girlie!! How did your adjustment go today??? What colors did ya go with this time???
*SKYE aka Amanda* 25, Army wife and Mommy of 5 ages 10, 5, 3, 19 months, and due in December! :)


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#222 Post by Miranbrady20 »

HEY!!! sorry I didnt post right away!! The site kept telling me it had been temp. disabled and i had no way to post or ANYTHING!!!!! anyway! I am now in ELASTICS!!!!!!!! the ortho put in a bigger archwire on top to help the crossbite and an elastic on my right side to help with the same crossbite. He said to wait a week after the the adjustment to start the elastics because my mouth will be sore from the adjustment ... but i started that day anyway cause i didnt care if it hurts i enjoy the pain of the movement... well anyway he told me about the 2 different types of elastics he wants me to start with... RED and GREEN... red are bigger and loose... green and smaller and tighter.... he said to wear one "red" sized elastic night and day for one week then to wear 2 "green" sized elastics at night and one during the day untill i feel the teeth sitting right then i move to one "red" sized elastic at night only!!

I wanna know if starting the elastics sooner then later is better or worse? the pain wasnt much and its non existant now so i dont think it really matters!!

I will be posting update on my braces around the 14th of April for my 9th month!!


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#223 Post by Andromeda »

Cool, I just started elastics last month but mine are soooo painful. You are lucky ! :) I've definitely seen movement so that's awesome. I hope the are working well for your crossbite. I don't think it matters that you started wearing it right away, seems like the ortho was mainly just worried about the pain but if you don't mind it then all the better!

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#224 Post by KLC »

Never thought I'd say this... but you're sooo lucky :lol: ! I always think elastics mean you are well on your way and I haven't gotten to that point yet.
he said to wear one "red" sized elastic night and day for one week then to wear 2 "green" sized elastics at night and one during the day untill i feel the teeth sitting right then i move to one "red" sized elastic at night only!!
Are you going to be able to tell this??? I'd be nervous I would switch over too soon or wait too long. Hopefully you can feel it but I'm surprised he didn't tell you to come back in so he could check first. GOOD LUCK!!!

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#225 Post by Miranbrady20 »

he said that when i feel my teeth with my tongue right now i feel the top molar sticking over the bottom when my mouth is closed... but it should be the oppisite when its right

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