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Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:07 pm
by secretsmile
Hi Klobird,

I got the forsus on my left side today... I wrote the whole story on my blog. I was so nervous this morning, but so far it's not any more painful than anything else i've been through so far. I think the main thing is going to getting used to the creepy noises it makes and having an alien device in my mouth! We'll see how it goes... But I think it could be a lot worse.

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:29 pm
by klobird
25 weeks down-79 weeks to go...

Absolutely nothing new to report. I eat now and it's like it was before braces almost! I barely even notice them, I can practically clean my teeth with my tongue (until I get to the bathroom), and I've got my bathroom cleanup down to about 5 mins. So, I don't dread it anymore...I don't even dread my 30min. night time ritual. It's really getting like really normal. I can kind of see why people start dropping off from this site when they get to this point. Nothing is happening worth blogging!!

Ok, so that's not entirely true--my teeth are progressing really well, and adjustments will be something to blog about.
But that's about it--it's just all so normal now. At work, some drug reps brought us lunch today--we started talking about my braces and he asked how long I have had them on. I told him 6 months next week--he was shocked--he told me that my teeth looked perfectly straight!!!! I have NEVER heard that one before!!! :D

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:35 am
by belistic10
now that must feel great getting a compliment already :) sounds like everything is going along nicely :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:28 am
by klobird
Hey Belistic!

It is really nice to hear compliments---it makes it even all the more worth it! I used to feel so trapped by the braces because of the time I will be in them (18 more months). But at this point, it's sort of like no problem--it gets that much easier after a while.

Good luck on braces day!! (Where do you live that they are open on Sunday--I know you said that in another blog too and I was just wondering).

You tomorrow--- :tingrin: !!!!

:) :D :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:44 pm
by Beauty is Pain
Hey Klobird!! Haven't been on here in quite a while. Great to hear you are making amazing progress!!! I am guessing belistic lives in the Southern hemisphere somewhere (just a guess), because tomorrow would be Monday for us. Oh wow, haha that is a very nice compliment!! I swear, my tongue has gotten uber flexible and can just clean out the entire mouth (<- ew that just sounds a bit gross). Good to hear everything is going well, when is your next adjustment??? :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:00 pm
by klobird
Hey BiP!!

How are your braces coming along?!! Do you see your ticker!!!???? Almost 1/2 year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-* :-* :-*
Can you EVEN believe that????

Ya, I am really good at inconspicuously sucking on my braces and cleaning them with my tongue after eating--amazing how good you can get at it! A drug rep came by yesterday--she said she had braces in 8th grade, and I'd say she's about 35 now--and she still does the sucking, tongue thing on her teeth. (Wow, that sounds kind of nasty... :oops: )

So ya, my next adjustment is Nov. 7-- in 2 weeks....when's yours??--I'm supposed to get heavier wires, power chains (haven't had those yet) and heavier elastics (and I think the final answer on the forsus appliance... :yuck: )....

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:47 pm
by klobird
I have a few things to report--

First my teeth must be on the move again--the elastics that I have now have rarely been an issue because they are way further back. But they're bugging me now. They just seem really tight, and are kind of beginning to rub. Not too bad, but considering I have had few problems with these.... I have Dolphin (also come in Angelfish), and I found out that their records say I have Shark, when I went in to get a new supply yesterday. Um nope--but I guess that's what will be next...He had said he was giving me heavier elastics at the last adjustment, and then changed his mind in the middle of the appt.. It must not have been changed in my record.

OK, so I finally had a talk with the office manager. It wasn't very easy. I asked for a different assistant--I just said that I thought there was a generation gap between us, and that I would prefer someone older and more mature... She signed me up with the coolest assistant in the office--it's like a HUGE weight has been lifted off of me. I mean my self esteem was really circling the toilet, and I just couldn't figure out why the assistant was always so damn rude to me..I saw her yesterday (long story, but their office has been collecting much needed school supples--my family is full of school teachers, and I know the need is great. So, I've had my friends and co-workers collecting...and I went in to drop them off...that's when I saw "super b*tch...) I can't even stand to see her face--really, that's honestly how bad it's been...

Then the big one--I, more tactfully than usual :huh: , told them that the office seems to run hot and cold as far as friendliness. I gave her personal examples. I told her that sometimes they are more friendly to me at McDonald's. (Actually they are always nice to me at McDonald's...)

And guess what she said!!! The whole office just got back from a 4-day workshop on improving their patient relationship skills, and to point out areas where their office may be lacking. And apparently all of them just looked at each other and said basically "OMG, that's us!"...They realized that they really have lost that "lovin feeling", she said. She said she really didn't want to make excuses, but that they lost a really good assistant last June, and haven't found a suitable one since. So, for months, everyone has been totally overworked. And I told her--well, you know, that's almost since I got braces...
I think she was more able to see things from my perspective.

Anyway, she thanked me and double thanked me for my input, and said that the timing couldn't have been better! She said that very rarely will someone honestly let them know how they are doing. They will either say nothing, or call and complain about their bill, and then tell them that their office is trash. (After years of experience dealing with patients who are angry about even a $12 balance because their condition isn't at 100% yet, I really can't even imagine what she goes through..)

Sooooo, in addition, the PR person called today and is sending our office a gift for the school donations!!! :D

I'm thinking and hoping things will be getting much better!!! :thumbsup:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:52 pm
by belistic10
wow you sure have had alot going on!! glad you will now have a nicer assistant to deal with on adjustments!! must be a big relief! ouch elastics sound rather annoying and painful!! bet i will get them at some point too how fun! :lol: it will all be worth it in the longrun which is what i keep trying to tell myself!

:lol: yes my appointment was infact a monday, I am in south australia :lol:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:53 pm
by belistic10
haha that is so funny you mention about cleaning around them with your tongue, i have been doing the same already :lol: anything gets stuck and it bugs me if its there while i am trying to eat so i try and poke it out with my tongue, and then brush after of course :roll:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:04 am
by catgyrl
Oh, Klo - I am SO happy for you!! That really took a lot of courage for you to bring up those topics. I, too, hate confrontations and am not sure I'd be brave enough to do what you did. Kudos!! :jump:

I never thought about it before, but I do think I am also "assigned" to my particular assistant. I'm thinking that probably because I'm towards the end of my treatment, and all of the really hard stuff has been completed, they gave me the less-experienced assistant. Now it's basically switching out powerchains, giving me elastics, and the ortho bending the wires. I say that because my initial assistant is still there during my appointments, but she does the braces application, molar bands, and other fun-but-harder stuff like that.

It's quite interesting that others are experiencing the same type of behavior in their orthodontists' offices, too. Mine has been much friendlier the past couple of months, and even though my assistant is still rather quiet, she's opened up a little more, too. It's not like I want to hold half-hour conversations with them (can't, because I'm usually on my way to work), but I don't like feeling like I can't ask questions, or I have to rush through them. I'm curious to see if I'll get to do some sort of evaluation after I'm done with my treatment.

Anyway, good for you, girl!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:58 pm
by klobird
Hey Cat---Ya, an after braces evaluation is a great idea! Maybe I will have something good to say then-- I've got my hoping shoes on!

Belistic--Oh dang--I forgot what I was going to say :-+ --I'm going to have to go back and look at your posts again--brb!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:01 pm
by klobird
Oh ya, the cleaning with your tongue thing---it's working really well!! But now I do this sucking on my braces with my tongue. Like all the time. I'm wondering if all that tongue juice can cause cavities--because if it does, my front teeth are going to be rotten by the time I'm done! :shock: :shock:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:14 pm
by belistic10
:lol: i sure hope it doesnt! i think it would be ok :shock: soda etc would be worse i bet

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:30 am
by Beauty is Pain
Hey klobird!! I just thought I will pop over, 6 months soon!!!! :) Good to hear about the confrontation, makes me feel lucky that I get my ortho working on me all the time, no assistants. Hopefully, they will be nicer to you from now on, after you have endured so much!!!


Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:58 pm
by klobird
26 weeks down--78 to go....



:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :-)o :-)o :-#) :-#) :-#) +\+ +\+ :-* :-* :singing: :singing: :HugeGrin: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: