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Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:25 am
by Beauty is Pain

6 months down!!!! WOOHOOO!!

:tingrin: :tingrin: :tingrin: :-* :-* :-* :jump: :jump: :jump: :crazy: :crazy:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:52 am
by EbonyQ
congrats K-bird! Wow, it went fast! I fell you just got them! :shock: :D :mrgreen:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:45 pm
by klobird
Thanks BiP---It went by pretty darn fast, huh!!! :thumbsup:

Ya Eb--I feel like I just got them too---except now they're more like just part of the scenery--and my teeth have never gotten this much attention before! No, I don't have skype, and I probably wouldn't be able to get it going anyway...getting the pics up was bad enough!!

It's a little scary at my age that time goes by that fast!! :huh: :yikes: Because it really has gone by fast!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:21 pm
by belistic10
woohooooo 6mths!! :-88 :-**

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:36 pm
by klobird
It's always interesting to me when I describe here that I went and did this or that and look back on it later...The thing is,
the time in braces seems to be flying by--but when I go back and read about something I was doing back in June or July, it seems like I did it ages ago...

So, this will be another one of those "events"...

My hubby and I just returned from a little mini-vacation along the Olympic National Forest...we stayed in a yurt that we rented for a couple of nights. I had never seen a fully outfitted yurt before, just the ones that look like a big round tent and have a couple of cots and night stands in them...

This one had everything--it was more fully equipped than many of the cabins we have stayed had a full kitchen (2 fridges and 2 microwaves etc etc), a full living area with a wood stove, computer desk (no computer though), rocking chairs, a couch, and a TV for DVD's and VHS movies. They also had 5 shelves of movies to choose from, and another 5 shelves full of books. There was a loft where we slept--there were 3 double beds up there and a huge dome skylight thru which we could look at the stars...This place had a gigantic deck with a gigantic gazebo, under which was a BBQ, and tables and chairs--all looking out onto the forest and was really beautiful...

Oh ya, forgot to mention the waterless, self-contained composting toilet.....OK, then the bubble burst!! :huh: :yikes: :ThumbsDown:

So, it was a real trick figuring this thing out--(if I hadn't been with my hubby,well, I would have had to go elsewhere cuz I sure wasn't getting it!) :

1. Raise the toilet seat.
2. See nothing but metal.
3. Turn the winder until you find the hole thru which you do your business--sort of looks like an outhouse down that hole.
4. Do your business.
5. Get up and get the soil---2 cups worth.
6. Dump it into the hole.
7. Turn the winder thing around 10 times to mix the soil with your "stuff".
8. Lock the winder in place until the next time.
9. Put the seat down.

OK, so my husband wasn't having any of that....he preferred the wide outdoors...even in the middle of the night in his 40 degrees...several times during the night....I would have also, if well, I was built a little differently. :roll:

So, enough of that--it was still great fun--we went hiking on the Duckabush trail along the Dosewallups river. It has been a couple of beautiful, crisp, sunny fall days full of color, and there it was really spectacular. We also went up to Rocky Brook falls--which can only be found by word of mouth. There are absolutely no signs along the road that there is a trail and mammoth waterfall just a short walking distance off the road. Really stunning waterfall.

And the braces just took a back seat for a few days--still took care of them and all, but wasn't so obsessed for a while.
It was just so nice to get away for a while! :)

Next Monday is my 3rd adjustment in just over 6 months in braces...I am NOT looking forward to all!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:28 am
by klobird
27 weeks down--77 weeks to go.....

I will be blogging more on Sunday about my dreaded Monday adjustment. I decided to put off full freak-out until the day before the adjustment....

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:53 pm
by klobird
I am a very happy camper today!

I went for my 3rd adjustment today. I wanted most of all to know the final word on whether or not I was going to be needing the Forsus. The answer is NOOOOO!!!!! :dance: :jump: :D :-* Apparently my teeth are already past that stage!
The ortho said my teeth have moved "alarmingly fast" for an adult! The bite on my right side is already perfect!

So, I got my final wires, and heavier elastics. I now wear 2 heavy elastics on the left side and 1 heavy elastic on the right side. The wonderful assistant I got this time put hooks on the ARCHWIRE slightly more toward my front teeth. The other hooks were on the TEETH on either side. I now use each hook that's on the archwire, and the elastics otherwise are in the exact same position as before, just heavier and 1 extra on the left.

No power chain, no Forsus--he said he has plenty of time to do the things he wants to do to get my teeth where they need to be---I'm thinking that I won't have to go beyond the 2yr mark at all--maybe I might even get lucky and get them off before the 2yr mark! (wishful thinking!).

So--he said I will be sore later today, and I can feel that these wires are tighter, but it's not bad. I have all my soft, fattening foods ready to go....I'm sure I will blog about my pain later... :roll:

So ya, I'm pretty happy--and my next appointment isn't until the middle of January!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:18 pm
by anngie27
Great news klobird! :jump: You are on your way!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:03 pm
by klobird
I know Anngie--it's really a great feeling to be getting past a lot of that beginner stuff that can be so difficult--mostly because it is all so unfamiliar at the time...

I forgot to mention that bugar face assistant called me back--after I specifically and adamently requested that she not be my assistant ever again. So ya, I was pretty angry. And the office mgr. was standing right there watching. So, I made a lot of angry faces, and eyeball looks, and finally bugar face went away and I got the assistant I had requested.

Apparently, that was the plan--bugar face was just bringing me back. And I'm just a little sorry that she had to see my angry looks, but at the same time, I sure have put up with a lot of her cr*p. And I'm soooo glad I didn't have her today!!
The one I got made all the difference in the world. I am truly glad that I said something. Now, I won't have to have a terrible, uncomfortable 1 1/2 more yrs ahead of me....

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:37 pm
by klobird
I keep forgetting things!! (I'm so excited) --I got the lingual cleats taken off!!! They are double hook like things on the underside of teeth on either side of my mouth. They are for elastics for teeth I guess don't need them anymore...It's like getting a little bit of braces off--it is such a welcome relief--my tongue is happy!! :BigGrin:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:00 pm
by VancouverJude
Hey that is great news! I pretty much figured this would happen after your initial time using elastics.

The Forsus really hasn't been, at least for me, as horrible as I expected. I just had my second adjustment since getting it and I told the Ortho I was okay without any comfort bumpers. Four days before my appointment I cut the bumper off to test the feeling. My lower lip area is a lot less puffy looking as a result. I'll be doing a writeup on bracesreview real soon.

The Devil, really, is what we don't know. Now I'm nervous about moving on to elastics when I get the Forsus off (to keep the mindline in position.) LOL it's all never ending.

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:22 pm
by ashesgap
Congrats on no Forsus and getting the lingual stuff off. My ortho didn't even tell me when he was taking my lingual buttons off, he just clipped em. And I said, oh thank god. I don't know how people with full lingual braces manage.
My ortho also told me my teeth moved much faster than he thought they would. I actually would have been done two months ago if my roots weren't in the way off where the implants need to go. That would have been 6 months earlier than his shortest etimated time limit. Hopefully you get lucky and they do come off early.

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:50 pm
by klobird
Hey Jude and Ashe!

Jude---Absolutely--one of the hardest things about braces is the unfamiliar. I am a very controlling person (hence, the OCD) and to have something like the Forsus in my mouth, that I can't remove, is really scary. Even though, on every youtube video about the Forsus, they all say it's not that bad. And everyone complains about the elastics-and they have only been a rubbing annoyance at times for me.Well, ok a really rubbing annoyance, but mostly that was just in the beginning. I would really like to know how you compare elastics to the Forsus. My only problem now is that they added a hook that is more toward the front, so now my much heavier elastics are pretty visible. No getting around that one. I'm ok with it though.

Ashe--ya, I know--I don't know how the people with lingual braces do it! I would think that they would just tear up your tongue. I was waxing the cleats all the time. It just feels so good to have them out of there!
I won't let myself even go there about getting the braces off earlier than expected. But getting them off earlier would be absolutely awesome!

Ok with all of my whining, I have been very fortunate in that my only "appliance" has been the elastics the whole time.
I have had it so much easier than so many in braces. And I'm very thankful for that. I pretty much thought they would have to throw everything on my teeth and in my mouth!!

Whining time--ya, I'm pretty sore tonight, but nothing a little Ibuprofen can't handle. I have absolutely no bite at all--I walked out of the office with no bite! Weird. I'm trying to think how to describe the adjustment discomfort to someone not in braces yet. It's not throbbing. It's not a toothache feeling. (I think a toothache is much worse). It's when I bite down, the pressure of the top teeth on the bottom makes them all pretty sore. And it's a feeling I'm thankful for because I know that my teeth are moving!! So it's all good! :tingrin:

I am still so absolutely thankful that I am able to have braces--I really am!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:03 am
by Beauty is Pain
Hey klobird!! Good to hear all is going well!!! :) YAY no forsus!!! That is so so good! :)

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:20 am
by klobird
HEY BIP!!! Long time!!

Ok, so ya, owwww. I didn't really have that punched in the teeth feeling in the beginning that everyone seems to have---but now I know what it is!!

The thing about it is that I know that it goes away in a couple of days--when you're just starting out it's hard to know that.

But ya, oooowwwwwiiiiieeeee!! :yikes: