Drew's braces story. BIG adjustment today! Pics.

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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"Time Is On My Side"

#31 Post by Drewjb007 »

Sorry I have been out of pocket for so long but I have been very busy. I am done with all my trips so things should start slowing down alot, ( until school starts anyway :wink: ). My braces journey... or adventure... or struggle...whatever you want to call it... is moving along nicely :) . I have been seeing a little bit of movement going on which is always a good thing. One sorta bad bit that has recently hit me, that I feel I should share with you because I feel you should waste your time reading it issssss ... I have been thinking I have been in braces for 3 months :D WOO HOO!!! Until I looked at the calendar and noticed I've only been in them for 2 :( .
But hey, looking on the bright side, I have had alot of movement in the past, (VERY long), two months. My 2nd adjustment is coming up Tuesday, ( I think anyways), so I am looking forward to that. I should get some more powerchains, possibly on the front 4 teeth. Well I guess that's all I got right now, nothing exciting or out of the ordinary but post anyway because it makes me feel like I didn't waste all my time typing this near worthless information for nothing :wink: . I will update with pictures again after my adjustment Tuesday. Thanks for all the support :D !

Drewjb007 :D
Last edited by Drewjb007 on Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

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Location: Mississippi, USA

2nd Adjustment Today

#32 Post by Drewjb007 »

Well I woke up this morning thinking tomarrow was my 2nd braces adjustment. I was wrong. My mom informed me that it was actually today at 3:50. So I apologize for telling y'all wrong. My adjustment was kinda eventful. My ortho told me everything was looking great. He said I was ahead of my original estimate time in braces, which really excited me. I was thinking I would get powerchains on just my front 4 teeth. Once again... I was WRONG. I got powerchains on all but my back 4 teeth. I also got a wire wrapped around my front 2 teeth to keep them from moving. The pain hasn't kicked in as fast as it did at my last adjustment. My ortho told me to set up my next adjustment in 4 weeks instead of the regular 6. To all of those who are wondering how my fishing trip went... well I lost. But so did everybody else that I was fishing with. But we had a great time and caught lots of different varieties of fish. We were fishing about 18 miles from shore. We also made some new friends when we were at the beach. I guess that just about sums it all up. I will update with some pics in a day or so when I get some free time. Until then, thanks for all the continued support, and reply so I don't think all this typing time has been wasted :wink: .

Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

Posts: 39
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Location: Mississippi, USA

More Pain, My Gain

#33 Post by Drewjb007 »

I am sorry I haven't posted any pics, my stinking camera is acting up to where every single picture is blurry. I have had some serious pain since my adjustment. All of my teeth that have powerchains, (all except the back four), are killing me just when I touch them. One tooth is so loose I feel like it might fall out. Is that normal? I will try to get my camera working properly and get some pics up quickly, (even though there isn't a whole lot to see).

Drewjb007 :wink:
Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

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Location: Mississippi, USA


#34 Post by Drewjb007 »

What's up y'all? I have been busy here lately so I haven't had time to post any pictures (even though there isn't alot to see :roll: ). I will try and post some quickly. My gaps aren't closing like that first one did ( you know the one that closed in 5 hours) to be honest... their not closing at all. What is the deal? Why can't they close like the front gap did? WHY? WHY? WWWWHHHYYYY??????Sorry... had a bit of a moment there... but anywho... where was I...OH YEAHHHHH I was talking about my braces! Back on the subject at hand... I was at a homeschool function the other day (WOO HOO! :roll: ) and a few good looking teenage women (they are my age, I am 15 not some child stalking 45 year old man) told me I was hot. They didn't say anything about my braces... they just told me I was hot 8) . That is a BIGGG self esteem booster. So I guess I could say things are going well... except for the fact that I...that I... have GRAY HAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked in the mirror this morning and I have 7 GRAY HAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ME??????????????? WHHYYY? WHHHHYYY? WWWWHHHHYYYY??????? Sorry... had another bit of a moment there.... Well that's all I got. To summarize things up; My gaps aren't closing, chicks dig me, and I have gray hair. I will get them pics up in a jiffy...... Thanks for all your support :D !

Last edited by Drewjb007 on Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

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Location: New Jersey

#35 Post by njdana »

Aww its ok everything will be fine. You probably may think that nothing is moving but they actually are. And if they're not, be patient because your treatment is only 10 months while mine is 24-30 months. Your lucky. Lol. But ]HAHAHHA YOU HAVE GRAY HAIR!!! GRANDPA!! :jokerlaugh: Just kidding. Thats a normal thing just dont pick it out or more will grow.I suggest just comb your natural hair over that.Thats nice that a girl said your hot....Thats just a way to boost up your self-esteem. Dont worry, it will be okay. :wink:

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#36 Post by Drewjb007 »

Image Image Image Image

Well I haven't posted in a while so I figured with the extra five minutes I had... What the heck :) ! I am moving right along with the whole braces thing. My gaps are really starting to close nicely ( as you can see by the professional photography above :wink: ) and my bite is changing. I have had two adjustments since I last posted. The First: I went in and out. The ortho put powerchains on my front eight teeth. They moved a little bit but nothing to pee your pants about. PEE YOUR PANTS, HA HA HA :biglaf: !!! You gotta admit that was HILARIOUS!!! Okay so maby it wasn' t that funny...

My next adjustment (fourth all together) was another in and out. He brought powerchains back to just my front six teeth to get them to go ahead and be closing up. My next adjustment is sometime in October... I know that doesn't help much seeing as there is 31 days in that month but oh well...

Now that we've got all the good juicy stuff out of the way, I must share with you another one of my Trials and Tribulations of the mighty teenage years. I am a huge football fan (not soccer AMERICAN football :wink: ). Well my team stinks and it is really getting me depressed. My team is the Mississippi State Bulldogs (if you have ever heard of them) and they have gone their first two games without scoring one single point! THAT IS HORRIBLE :evil: ! They got stomped by Auburn this morning. I am really... deeply... saddened :-(( ! But oh well...

Well if you managed to read through this entire story without falling asleep :-Z you win a prize. Well not really... but if you post I will feel better :D !!! After all making somebody feel better is the real prize after all right?
Last edited by Drewjb007 on Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:34 am

#37 Post by Smiley77 »

LOL your posts make me laugh :)

Looking good, hang in there ;)
7 extractions 19 July 2006

8 spacers put in 7th August


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#38 Post by juf_84 »

Hey Drewjb007!

Good to see all the movement! Your arch is looking pretty good too :D

Sorry about your footy team- but hang in there!
Banded 22 June 2006.
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Just A Small Update

#39 Post by Drewjb007 »

Thanks for all the posts you guys it means alot :D ! To give a small update on the whole braces thing, my gaps are closing slowly. Why can't they just close overnight instead of a long 10 month process? If you have the answer to that question feel free to let me know :wink:. Nothing good and juicy has happened here lately as far as braces go. No archwire breaking, no ligs popping off, no brackets falling off, nothing cool and juicy like that. Just the same-o same-o. For all of those who don't know, school really stinks! It is SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO boring :roll: ! What is the whole point in Algebra 2? What is the point of a prepositional pronoun? Why would I care about any history that happened 10 million years ago? WHY, WHY, WHY???? But I guess it is all worth it in the long run of things. Just as long as I grow up, get rich, and marry a hot chick I should be ok. In other news.... My Mississippi State Bulldogs still stink as usual. They Finally beat UAB (University of Alabama Birmingham) and got their first win of the season. But they fell to yet another team last week (a good one at that) and now they are back to their old losing selves again. I don't know when they will get good again but I still keep my hopes up anyway. Well I can't think of anything else to say so I guess I will leave it at that. My next adjustment (just in case you were wondering) is Oct. 11.
Thanks alot!
Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

Posts: 39
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Location: Mississippi, USA

Upcoming Adjustment

#40 Post by Drewjb007 »

Yeah your right Linda education does mean alot in life. It would just really float my boat if it was a little bit more... well.... exciting :wink: . But oh well.... In case anybody was wondering, If you look at alot of my front view pics my top teeth are behind my bottom teeth. That is a mistake on my part. My bite is almost perfect, I just (for some odd reason) put my top teeth behind my bottom teeth when I take the pictures. I will have to remind myself not to do that next time.

I have another adjustment coming up Wednesday so I will post some new pictures then. Thanks for all the support!

Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

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Location: Mississippi, USA

Big Adjustment Today

#41 Post by Drewjb007 »

Well today I had another adjustment and boy was it something! Words can't describe how awesome it was ( well maybe they can seeing as I am typing it for you right now) but anywho it was BIG!!! I went in there thinking it would be a quick in and out lig change but boy was I wrong! Now before I go any further let me tell you about me and my ortho's office. I know all the assisants and the ortho well because my ortho is also my dentist. I have been going to him all my life. Every time I walk in there we always have one hum-dinger of a time. Well today all the dental assitants (they are all women and you will find out why that matters in just another few words) wanted me to go out with their daughters. It was crazy! Then they tried to hook me up with the book keeper lady (she is 18 by the way). I am only 15 years old! 15 I TELL YA!!! But I must say even though I enjoyed all the extra attention, I think I will wait a while before getting a woman. I mean goodness, I got all the time in the world for that kind of stuff! But anywho onto the braces saga:

They fitted me with a new nice, big, thick wire (and I can feel it LOL :lol: ), they also put powerchains on all my brackets and another gap closer thing (don't know what it's called but it looks just like a powerchain except it's made of metal). I tell you what... I am having some serious pain :ouch: ! But one of my front gaps has almost closed so I am satisfied anyway. Well now I guess it's time for another story from my... Trials and Tribulations of The Mighty Teenage Years! YIPPEE!
Well to update on my football team... they suck... really bad too.
They are now 1 and 5 and there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. In other news... I am going to be getting my intermediate drivers licence here soon so that will be good. I can drive by myself until 10 at night! On school... it is totally boring. Algebra 2 is a serious pain in the buhunkus (rear end :wink: ) and it seem to go on... and on... and OOONNNNNNNN! But anywho, I guess that's about it. I will try to get them pictures up in a day or two. Thanks for reading and please reply! :D

Drewjb007 :D
Braces are for winners!
Estimated Braces Time: 10 Months.
So Far: Going On 3 Months.

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