Blonde Metals Road to Recovery W/ Pics. Some Advice Needed..

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#31 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hello everyone!
Thanks for visiting my story and offering words of support and encouragement.... It's been about 4 days since these puppies went on and, my Canine has moved dramatically, all of my teeth are loose, and my bite feels completely different! I've noticed areas that are much smoother than they used to be and all of these changes are what has been pulling me through these rough first days...

As far as the pain is concerned... it was A LOT worse than what I was expecting... and I am not sensitive to pain, in fact, I've been told that I have a high pain tolerance.... I think my mouth is just I never get canker sores or anything so I have never really had to deal with all of these mouth sores... all of the cavities I have ever had have all been minor, so I've never had a toothache or root canal or anything... I think basically all of this pressure on my teeth and cutting in my mouth is something my mouth has never remotely experienced, so that is what is making this transition so hard...

The good news is that, today, my teeth ONLY ache when I try to eat.... other than that, they have been comfortable.... Before today, they ached all day, everyday, with no relief! This morning when I woke up, I was in heaven... Brushing and flossing was so much better... not the torture chamber that it has been... and I am just waiting for the day until I can eat with ease... I am getting sick of mashed veggies and smoothies :wink:

I want to thank everyone who has been encouraging me because that has been a big help in easing the pain as well...

I mentioned in my last post that my bracket popped off.... so I went into the ortho, in TONS of pain, and he was so impressed with the movement, he changed my wires and ligs!! OMG I thought I was going to die!! All of the pressure on my teeth that he and the assistant were putting.... But at least I know I had a lot of progress to get a new wire in just one day! The Ortho told me that he would wait a week or so to change it if I liked because my teeth were so tender, but I told him I just wanted to get it over with because I was already in pain anyway....--Dont worry he wasn't trying to torture me or anything...

Well, this is what's new... I will post some pics of my new ligs/movement in a while....

Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#32 Post by swiss1 »

Hi BM! Congratulations on getting braced and on getting some movement so quickly :jump: That's amazing! And you have such great teeth already - hopefully the headache thing will get sorted out in no time.

Hope the pain is settling down - can't give you any tips on that as I haven't started my journey yet....

Good luck with more movement!

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#33 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Thanks Guys!!

So, here is the long-awaited picture of my new wire and ligs after just one day...Sorry it didn't come over the weekend but I got a terrible migraine and was unable to function.... but you only had to wait two days!! lol... anyway, I think that you can see movement.. I SURE CAN..... and let me tell you, I think all of the pain has been because, since I am 19, my teeth are still young enough to move rapidly!!..

So here is the picture.. I chose teal ligs.... but I miss my old colors.. :(


I am glad that my teeth are moving so rapidly, because my ortho told me that he gave me the estimate of 18-24 months because typically it takes 24 months if the mouth is fully developed, because the teeth wont move as rapidly, but since mine are moving so fast, that I can expect 18months or less... This makes me happy because the less time in these things, the better....I've started elastics to move the canines down, and they are called ELEPHANTS by SMILE SAFARI and they have an elephant on the cover... they are 3/16" (4.8mm Heavy)

Since I changed wires so fast, he made my next appointment for October 13th... so here's to hoping that they move even more and that my treatment time can become less and less!!

Cheers everyone.
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#34 Post by Xero »

Thanks for the support in my log! I think I may be getting elastics like you too! Not on my canine, but a tooth near that one...I think next to it. It needs to be moved down.

About three years since being braced. Changed ortho twice, so it's hard to keep track.

A very special thanks to KK & linda21 for constantly reading my log. Thanks!


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#35 Post by dark_angel475 »

Looking good so far! The pain wont be as bad in a few months... promise. :D

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#36 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

So.. I haven't updated in a while because not a lot has gone on, really... lol... anyway, I had my second adjustment yesterday..
My ortho was pleased with my progress, and he upgraded my wire and gave me a stronger elastic. My canine is being a little stubborn about moving down. He told me I have to get the ball rolling regarding removing my wisdom teeth. Im terrified of having oral surgery. Im not concerned about the pain, but more about being put to sleep. In highscool, I knew a boy who died under the anastesia... he had a heart attack from it.. so I have always been a little afraid of it. Needless to say, I scheduled my appointment for a consultation with an OS on the 28th... *gulp*..
My ortho was really pleased at how well I have been keeping up my oral hygene! He said that most of his teenagers don't take good care of their teethies... Well, this teenager does!.. My dad was always too poor growing up to go to a dentist, he just lived on a farm in Colorado... So he made sure that, since now he is better off... his children take good care of their teeth!..
I decided on purple and pink ligs this time, as I was really tired of teal and wanted some spunk.. Lol... colors are the funnest thing about braces, besides movement that is.
I talked to my ortho about my sore teeth when flossing, and he said my gums are in tip top shape, and its just the added pressure making my gums hurt. He explained to me how my roots are pushing on my gums, so that makes sense that they would hurt..

Now, here's what you're all waiting for, the picture!

Here is the day before I was braced:
And here is today, after one month of braces:

I can tell a difference. My front upper teeth go over my front lower teeth much more, and the canine has come down... it just needs some extra encouragement, and hopefully my new elastics will give it just that...

Well, take care everyone!!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#37 Post by KJNELLAMORE »

You've definitely had movement!! Awesome!

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#38 Post by Lisa65 »

I can definitely see movement there BM, it's all looking good.

I have pink and purple ligs too at the moment (well I did have until a week or so back when I had a curry :lol: ). I hope you're not a lover of curry because it turns the pink ligs peachy-orange!

Good luck with the wisdom teeth removal. I'm sure you know that the risk of death under anaesthetic is very low, although of course it will prey on your mind when you know somebody it happened to.

Once it's done, you'll be able to carry on down the road to your perfect smile and hopefully an end to all those migraines.

L x

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#39 Post by jenfire »

Wow, your teeth are looking great Blonde_Metal04. They're so white and I love the pink and purple ligs!
Ceramic Braces and RPE, estimated treatment 18 months


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#40 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hi everyone!!

KJNEELLAMORE: Thank you for noticing movement. It makes it all worthwhile.

Lisa65: Haha, luckily, I am not a big fan of curry, so I dont think I have too much to worry about. Thanks for the well wishes... Im just a really big worry-wart when it comes to things like that...

Jenfire: I love my ligs, too... Thanks for the compliments!

KK: I love it when all of my hard work is payed off by an A+ from my Ortho. Thanks for the compliments!

Linda21: Im glad that you have enjoyed reading my blog. I really hope that is does resolve my problems, and thank you for your support and encouragement, I really appreciate it, very much...

Other than responding to all of you lovelys, there's not really much to say. My canine has been hurting like a b**** because of the strong elastics, but I know that means movement. I think out of all of my treatment so far, my front four teeth have hurt the worst. I think because it is really important to my ortho to fix my bite first thing...

I also forgot to mention that, at my last adjustment, I looked over at the computer (there are computers at every workstation so that the ortho can look over all he's done and add to things he needs to do), and I saw "expected completion time: 8/16/08".... when I saw this, I mentioned it to him, because at my first adjustment he had told me that my teeth were moving so fast that I would probably only need the 18 month treatment time.. he told me that he expects my teeth to move really quickly, but that he thinks my midlines will take a while because they are pretty off, but he still thinks it will take less time than that.. I know its a little early to worry about how long it will take, but it's just something I noticed.. lol..

well, take care everyone!
Spacers: 08/09/2006


SDFD TSchott
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#41 Post by SDFD TSchott »


Congrats on getting braces it took me almost a full half-hour to read what you've posted in regards to your treatment phase. So once again congrats and let the future be with you.

TMJ Yes its a pain in th @$$ glad I didn't have it however a friend of mine had it when she was young and now shes 23 and haven't had a single migrane since having ortho treatment and she also had the surgury done to so in all it cost her double what its costing me just for some minor tuneups and filling the gaps where they removed the four molars from me other then that I'm only looking for about year and a half for my treatment so I will keep you updated and I will continue reading your adventures.

SDFD TSchott
Code 4


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
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#42 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Hello Everyone, and thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement....
I need some advice....
I had my consultation with my oral surgeon today, and he gave me two options for the removal of my wisdom teeth:
1. Local Anasthetic (11 shots of novacain in each area)..
2. Genreal Anastesia (Put to sleep through the procedure through IV)...
..He recommended the later of the options because he said that it takes about 30 minutes to get everything done, and that it would be most likely easier on me if I had it done that way..
I am terrified of being put to sleep. I have never been put to sleep in my life, and I know that its probably something that I am not going to be able to avoid for the rest of my life, but this is a choice. The only reason I am so scared is because someone I went to school with died while under general anasthesia while getting his wisdoms out, and I am a big worry wart and feel like that may happen to me..
It seemed so scary to hear how, though VERY unlikely, I may lose all sensation in my lips and chin because of the nerves.... But this is unlikely..
But anyway---- if anyone has any support, encouragement, or advice for me, I would highly appreciate it...
Thanks everyone!!
:( :( :? :?
Spacers: 08/09/2006


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#43 Post by KJNELLAMORE »

It's no fun.. but honestly, put yourself to sleep. I can only imagine what mine would have been like if I were awake.. ::shutters::. It sucked for a week, but then I was fine.. I really just slept away the first 3-4 days and then I could function. Somehow, I got home and in bed without ever really being awake.. and slept there the rest of the day. I had part of a tooth extracted while I was awake, and that was bad enough for me. I know how scary it is, but IMPO, it's really worth the minimal risk.

SDFD TSchott
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#44 Post by SDFD TSchott »

I Will have to say this is a difficult choice I know your worried about being put to sleep and things can go wrong but if I was doing it I would rather be asleep then awake seeing these things happening to me and my mouth.

SDFD TSchott

PS I have been put to sleep once for reconstructive surgury on my ankle. I came back to it all after it was done and I was in recovery.


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
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#45 Post by jennandtonic »

When I had my wisdom teeth out I didn't get the option, they just put me to sleep. Yeah, I was kinda nervous, but really, I was glad they knocked me out for that, I really didn't want to be awake to see what they were doing to my mouth! Believe me, there's not much to worry about. When they put you to sleep it feels like you had just closed your eyes when they wake you up again.

Also, there are always risks involved, but put your trust in your oral surgeon...he knows what he is doing!

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