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Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:52 pm
by jennandtonic
Ooh, four days until BRACE DAY! How exciting!

I just read through your story, congratulations on taking the plunge. And you are a SAINT for being able to stand that RPE, I know I would NOT be able to!

And those warm salt water rinses, especially at the beginning, are wonderful, definitely keep up with those if you can. I know it toughened up my cheeks so I didn't have to wear wax as much, not to mention just gave me some relief from the pain.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:05 pm
by kisses14
Thanks guys! I used my roommate's boyfriend's digital camera to attempt to take some clearer pics of my teeth before I get my braces on's how they turned out...

With Flash:


Without Flash:

Upper Arch w/Expander and Flash:


I'll post more when I get my upper braces placed! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:46 pm
by lisaemtp
Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how it goes :) After surviving the RPE hopefully braces won't be too bad...just take small bites of soft foods and you'll be ok!


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:42 pm
by kisses14

Back to the camera phone...this is day 1 in top braces....

I can't post about my experience right now...but will over my Thanksgiving break...I'll post better pictures too

5 Month Progress Pics!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:04 am
by kisses14
Well, it's been quite a while since I posted. I got my top braces on in November 2006, and it's been just about 5 months. I figured I would post some progress pictures below. (picture quality is not great - I would like for my ortho to copy my pictures from my file onto a disk for me).

Mouth Open:

Biting Down:

Slowly but surely the teeth are moving. I feel like this process is very slow!!!! My canine tooth that was way out of alignment is slowly getting into place, but not where it needs to be yet. ALMOST though! I feel like some people on this site have such quick movement! I wish my teeth would move faster! I am always looking in the mirror at my teeth looking for the slightest bit of movement! :)

In the second picture I am biting down. As you can see, my bite is not centered. The ortho said they probably couldn't completely fix this without surgery, due to the assymetry and the jaw forming longer on one side as I grew. I guess that's okay, I just want straight teeth and I'll be happy!

I have also noticed that I have some chipped incisors...can these be sanded down or bonded after treatment?

Thanks! :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:36 am
by becks
Hi Kisses,
I think your teeth look wonderful!! I am in the same boat with your feelings about movement being slow. I would love to be one of those people that has dramatic results right away but looks like I'm gonna be one of turtles in the race. But you know what they say, slow and steady right?! Here's to quicker movement for the both of us :)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:53 pm
by kisses14
Thanks Becks! It's nice to get other people's opinions on these things because you know what they say - "We are our own worst critic" Yes, it does seem like progress is slow, but I think it will be important for you to take progress pics as your go along in your journey. I decided to take pictures today after 5 months in braces, and here I thought I wasn't experiencing much movement, until I took a look at Day 1 and where I am now! I must say I'm shocked at the change! Especially in these pictures below of my upper arch. It's been dramatic improvement for me and it's very exciting! I almost don't even recognize those teeth from Day 1!!!

Here is Day 1 with the Expander:


Here is today:


Here's to HEAPS of Movement for everyone! Woo Hoo! :-)o

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:29 pm
by becks
Wow! That is one beautiful arch. Your movement may have been slow but it has been wonderful.


Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:30 pm
by kisses14
OK - it has literally been forever since I've posted anything about my story - I'm really bad at keeping progress pics. I've just kinda been living my life without focusing too much on these braces and WA LA!!! I'm 20 1/2 months in braces and I only have a few months to go! I must say it's gone pretty fast but I'm ready for them to be OFF!!! I had an adjustment two days ago, and my ortho told me I'm almost done!!! WOO HOO!!! How exciting. I know how everyone loves to see pictures so I figured I would post mine below:




I have some cosmetic stuff that needs to be done (crown lengthening on two teeth, bleaching, cosmetic shaping and bonding), but overall, I'm really happy I did this. Enjoy!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:53 pm
by real2
I REALLY like what they did with your arch.

Turned it from a "U" shape to a "C" shape! Beautiful :)

I'm hoping for similar results in my finals (eta 1.5 years)

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:06 am
by kisses14
Thanks Real2! Good Luck with your braces saga - I'm sure you will be very happy with the results. I am definitely happy with my results so far that I'm anxious to get them off to see what they will look like naked! I was looking at some old pics and I figured I would post them here so you can see the change and how much wider my smile is now - it was so narrow before:

Pre-Braces Open Bite:

Pre-Braces Biting Down:

20 & 1/2 Months in Braces Open Bite:

20 & 1/2 Months in Braces Biting Down: