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Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:11 am
by Marley
hah! I'm here Patricia! I'll give an update after my adj on May 14th. It is suposed to be my first one, but I had a bracket come off 3 weeks ago and when I was there the ortho thought things were going along pretty good, that he gave me a thicker wire.

I haven't been taking pictures because I'm not seeing results.. so I figure the longer I wait the better?!?

I've been away so I have lots of reading up to do on everyones progress!!

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:11 pm
by Marley
Hey all! I had my second adj, first scheduled ajustment. Got a thicker wire put on.

I won't really be seeing any crazy changes until August. My ortho is putting in a spring between my front tooth and the canine to make room to put in my missing tooth. Even though I won't be looking too hot, I am looking forward to it! Here are my updated pictures:

Brace Day

2 months 2 weeks



Crossbite .. not sure when I will receive the elastics to correct it


Now that I've had my braces for over 2 and a half months, I never think of them, other then when I feel the food in them and it's no big deal! I know I'll be very happy when this is all over.. but it's been easy!

I've been a bit busy but looking forward to going back and reading all your stories and progress! This site has been great!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:34 am
by Marley
Thanks guys! I went back and read both your stories.

You guys have gone through a lot! Looking forward to keeping up with your stories!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:51 pm
by kirjax
victor36 wrote:great pics! and good luck with your treatment!
(as Kiwi posted, the teeth that you're referring to are called lateral incisors, a.k.a. 'laterals') laterals are way far back and will be brought forward & down:



I notice you have similar teeth like I do. And I see your avatar. Did your teeth really move that fast? I also have the spring over my tooth like you do. So does it work really fast? I'd like to follow your progess since you seem to be closest to what my treatment will be!!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 7:15 pm
by Laurie
I think when it's all said and done your teeth are going to look fantastic. You really have nicely shaped teeth (what an odd but true complement).

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 6:02 am
by Marley
That's kind of you to say Laurie. Unfortunately my molars don't look too great! I have been a teeth grinder for years and have grinded them down to almost nothing! hah oops!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:01 am
by Marley
Well.. another adjustment! First one since May. So no real movement, but I got a spring put on. It's between my front tooth and canine. It will be opening a spot for my missing lateral. This really feels like the beginning point now. Where I'll see the most change! My next adj is Sept 18th. Looking forward to seeing an opening and having two front teeth instead of one :)

Anyways.. here are some pics. This isn't really a very exciting one! haha!

Image Image
Image Image

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:31 am
by Laurie
Get to working spring! Hopefully by your next adjustment you'll have lots more room in that one space.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:49 am
by Marley
Thanks!! Hopefully everything will move quickly! Next adj I am getting a powerchain on my lowers to close the gaps. I couldn't care less about the lowers!! I just want a big gap!

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:36 pm
by Marley
Well.. another adjustment today. This is 5 weeks after my last one and not as much change as I had hoped.. but that's okay! This adj they put a powerchain on my bottoms and changed the wire. Nothing with the tops. Next adj, Oct 30th, I'll have a new wire on top as well as a new spring and a powerchain between my front top tooth and my lateral incisor. Need these teeth to move over! Anyways.. here are some pics..

Aug 8th

Sept 18

Not too much movement!


Well.. most of my shots were a bit too blurry.. next adj I'll make sure they are better!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:40 am
by Marley
Well another adjustment a few days ago. They put in a new spring to make room for the lateral incisor I will be getting after the braces. They were suposed to put on a powerchain from my front tooth to the other canine, but they forgot! Oh well, I'll be back Dec. So, another month of no crazy changes! I'm actually looking forward to getting my elastics (not sure when) so I can start fixing this crossbite!

I have added two pictures of my Halloween Costume at a party Sat night. I thought I would go as Ugly Betty!



Making room for my future tooth!

And will be getting a powerhcain next visit for this space


And on to Halloween!


Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:18 pm
by Rebelda
What a great idea for a costume! I didn't even think about doing that--and I just went to a costume party on saturday! Man, oh well, too late...anyway your teeth are looking great. Glad to see that you're making room for your future tooth. Here's to more progress! :rawk:

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:25 am
by Marley
Rebelda - Thanks! Your photos in your photoblog are great! You must be happy!

KK - I had another peek at yours. They are similar! Here's to yours closing and mine opening!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:05 am
by iBorg
As a member of the soon to have an implant club, I thought I'd stop by and check your progress. I've had springs since April 15. They've been replaced and tightened and while I don't think I'm making much progress, every time Dr. P sees me she says shes thrilled at how well my space is opening. While I'm paranoid that not enough space will open she always tells me that i'm way ahead of where she thought I'd be and I'm getting closer to having enough space.

I thought of the Ugly Betty outfit also but thought people would thought it was a bit strange.


Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:08 am
by Marley
Well I had an adj this week on my 9 Month Anniversary! Woohooo :) Still lots of time to go, but it has been so fast! Just waiting for this gap to open. I got good news. I thought I wasn't getting a fake tooth or flipper until my retainer, but my Otrho told me as I was leaving that as soon as they space is fully open, he'll put in a fake tooth!!! Holler :)

I have power chains on both arches. Once my top teeth are where they should be, I'l be getting elastics and working on my bite.



My Beauty Gap :)


This was my arch in August

Next adj is the end of January. Hope everyone has a great Holiday!

Oh! For those who love music, you have to check out Jenn Grant. She's from my city, but for some reason I never went to check her out. Shame on me. I picked up her album last night and can't stop. I love finding new great cds, but this is by far the best one I've ever found. That may be extreme, but I can't think of any! She's playing in my city on Feb 2nd.
Anyways - She has 3 songs from her cd on her myspace page. I'm not very good at comparrisons, so it's best you listen yourself!
