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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:26 pm
by -Michael-
Hi everyone,

I really appreciate all the wonderful feedback on everything! This forum has been a tremendous resource for me in learning all about braces, and I especially enjoy reading all of your stories and seeing what others are going through. This is a great group of people!

One thing I haven't done is post any info on my teeth really. So here goes!

First off, I never realized what a challenge it is to try and take self pictures of your teeth and jaw! I must of took about 30 pics before I got it right! Now I've marked on the floor where to put the tripod and exactly how far away from the wall, and at what height the camera needs to go. So as long as I don't move my tripod for two years, we should be good to go there...hehe :D

This is Day 007 of having braces. One full week into it and I don't see any noticeable changes from Day 001. I am sad but realize that's probably asking a bit much of the human body to respond that quickly ;)

So here are the pics I took this evening of my progress (or lack there-of).




As you can see, I have a messed up smile! It's never been where I want it, which is smack dab in the middle of Hollywood. But that's where I'm headed finally! I'm going Hollywood :P

The hard part in all this is that I only have two years to figure out what kind of roles I want to start auditioning for...hehehe.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:55 am
by Marley
Looking good Michael! How long did your ortho say the treatment would be? It doesn't look like it should take that long!

Keep up the good work! hah

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:17 am
by Beana803
I think since your teeth are already sort of straight, you might not notice as big of a difference right away...maybe by months end. Then again, I've just been reading these posts. I don't have my braces on yet. *That's tomorrow, wish me luck!* Try to post "1st day pics" next to your current pics so you can see the difference...might be more than you think!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:13 pm
by belmikry
great pictures Michael! just remember- the changes are subtle- and the best way to check your progress is to take images every week or two, then compare- you will see slight changes soon- promise!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:12 pm
by -Michael-
Hi belmikry. :D Thanks for the encouragement! I guess I am a bit impatient with wanting to see some change already since I paid up front....haha. I can't wait until that little guy (front center; lowers) moves forward. He always has to be the rebel in the group and do something different!

Denise, great idea on the toothpaste commercials. I could totally work that angle ;) think I have straight teeth already? Sheesh I wish I felt the same. Would have saved me about 5k..hahaha :)

Ortho said it would be about 24 months, but a slight possibility that it could be a shorter amount. I've got Damon 3's. I will add some information to the beginning of the first post that will have all my specs.

Princess, I went to Sierra Summit with my friends. It's a fairly small mountain but it's really close to home. Would like to go to Mammoth or Tahoe more often but they are quite a drive and almost impossible to do for a day trip.

smallbutmighty...I teach advertising design and I love it. Although between 3 classes and my full time job, I'm pulling 14 hour days for this semester. Thus my tired look in one of the pics on the first day.

SDFD...I'm jealous :P Think of me when at your at the top of Dave's Run about to drop in. Take a pic and let's see what braces look like at 11,000ft :D


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:18 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Mammoth Mountain here I come, I'm thinking about taking a trip towards the mid of next month! Glad to read all about your treatment -Michael- looking forward to seeing more!

SDFD TSchott

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:59 pm
by Danielle
First off, I never realized what a challenge it is to try and take self pictures of your teeth and jaw! I must of took about 30 pics before I got it right! Now I've marked on the floor where to put the tripod and exactly how far away from the wall, and at what height the camera needs to go. So as long as I don't move my tripod for two years, we should be good to go there...hehe
Tripod??? No wonder my pictures never come out right. I take three pictures of my smile when I get home from each appointment... I figure if I can't get it in three, then I'll just have to live with the bad lighting. :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:08 pm
by PrincessMelody
Michael, you'll be surprised at how fast that little tooth will come forward. I had a lower canine that stuck out from the rest of my teeth, and it moved along real fast. It's already in line with the rest of my teeth and looking at my lower arch now, you would have never known it was messed up. You upper arch already looks great, it just needs to round out a bit.
Mammoth Mountain here I come, I'm thinking about taking a trip towards the mid of next month!

MAMMOTH?!? I am so jealous Tim. I'ts been about 6 years since the last time I went to Mammoth. I've only managed trips to Big Bear since then. I am even wearing my Mammoth sweatshirt as we speak. I am dying to go... can I stow away with you :lol: Have fun with that 8 hour drive...

I popped a wire!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:21 pm
by -Michael-
The Word, I Mean 'Wire' Is Out.

Not even two weeks into things and I popped a wire out of the last tooth along my lowers!

I was standing there flossing (I should get a chair since it takes so long), and the floss got caught in between the two teeth. This is nothing new as it gets caught between quite a few teeth. I normally gently pull or see-saw the floss out from being stuck, but this time my hands slipped (they have slobber all over them) and the floss 'popped' out. I felt it come all the way out of my mouth without me having to 'un-thread' the floss, and I knew right away what happened. Um....what do I do now?

It's not poking me, but it definitely could. :shock:

Damon brackets seem odd, in that the wire is only sitting in certain brackets and not truly locked in. The very back bracket which is a direct bond, just has a hole in the bracket that the wire slides into. I don't think there is a door or anything that holds it back there like the rest of the brackets.

Either way, I need to get that bad body back in there!?!? I guess I'll be calling my ortho first thing in the morning. :o

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I popped a wire!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:22 pm
by -Michael-
'Note to self........don't get all over zealous with a new post and keep pressing the submit duh :P '


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:51 pm
by -Michael-

I had to get creative on things and bust out my dental scraper-thing. I went all day with the wire 'out' as I did this last night. But on my way home from class, I thought that perhaps the dental scraper-thing I got a while back would come in handy.

So I carefully reached back there and lifted the wire and then gently placed it back into the last bracket on my rear tooth. It was quite easy and the wire doesn't look bent. So I guess I am good to go. Woohoo! :)




Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:15 pm
by lionfish
Well done, you, love the free form graphic. I wouldn't have the courage to do this, but then I can't see a bl**dy thing behind my teeth anyway (linguals are great as long as they stay put).

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:28 am
by Chantel
Hi Michael, have just finished reading all 4 pages of your braces journey, it's made me feel slightly better about my own journey that's set to start in around a week's time! You almost make it sound fun to have braces (let's hope) look forward to reading more updates from you :)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:02 am
by -Michael-
Thanks KK. It's good to know I didn't need to worry. In fact, that's why I figured it was ok to go all day at work with the wire just sitting there. I tucked it underneath the bracket that it came out and it didn't poke me one bit, so that was nice.

lionfish...thanks for the compliment. My sketch is just that...a quick 30 second sketch..haha. Not exactly a 'picasso' eh :)

Chantel...good luck on getting braces! You can do it :D I believe strongly that the experience will be whatever you want to make it into! I wanted a fun experience so I chose to make it a fun experience. Sure there is discomfort and it now takes 15 minutes out of my day just to floss, but those are things I can definitely deal with, and it's exciting knowing my smile is going to be perfect! Make it fun. Life is more enjoyable that way ;)


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:03 pm
by manglemouth
love the drawing :lol: :lol:

Glad you could avoid a trip to the ortho!! How creative :D