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Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:38 am
by pisceangirl
Hi Rachel!

I hope all goes well today :-1

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:04 am
by Rachel B
Thanks piscean girl!!

I went for my first adjustment today. I got a squarer wire on the top which apparantly will hurt more, a new wire on the bottom and hoooray a baby powerchain over my front teeth to close my silly gap!!!! The ortho said some numbers when he was putting the wires on but I have no idea what he said! I know that I will probably have to have a TAD to pull my front teeth round into the central position but until then he said he'd use the powerchains to close the silly gap I have next to my front tooth, from when the peg shaped incisor was extracted.
I feel really happy. My teeth are hurting but it's nothing really, just achy. When the ortho tightened the crossed wires I have between my lower gaps, wow that did hurt a bit but it wasn't too bad.
Overall a good first adjustment. I'm putting pics of my new baby powerchain.



Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:40 pm
by Tommm
Your teeth are looking good! Congrats on your first adjustment :)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:37 pm
by Shutter
Congratulations on your first adjustment. Your teeth are looking good. A lot of movement in a short period of time.

It looks like you've got a rotated canine - I've got one too. That tooth has taken longer then all of the others to move, but it is finally coming around.

I've heard that rotation is the most difficult movement to achieve - after 4 months I understand why.

Good luck with the square wire. Mine hurt for a few days, but then it was fine.


Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:16 am
by changes09
my bottom arch lookes just like yours...except unfortuently for me they are natural gaps...i have no excuse for my gap arches :) Its amazing how you got a square archwire and poerchains already. I guess that means your teeth are moving quick

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:03 am
by brika
Looking great, Rachel! Congrats on reaching your first adjustment! :D
How have the new wires been? I'm supposed to be getting my first stiffer wire in a few days, and I'm nervous about how much pain it'll cause. :shock:

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:09 pm
by Ivette
Hi Rachel,
It was very encouraging to read your story! Thanks for sharing :)

BTW, how do you post images here? I just joined yesterday and still can't figure it out. I read the FAQ but it says I need to post the images on a public website. What can I use for that purpose?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:52 pm
by Rachel B
Thanks for all the support guys.

The squarer wire is going well. My teeth hurt quite a bit the day after my adjustment but I took some nurofen and the pain subsided and felt much better. I actually like the pain - no I'm not that way inclined- it just lets me know that things are happening.
All in all it's good. I can feel changes again. I have a little gap that's opened up between my lower incisors and my lower right canine is now much more upright than it was.
I think the silly little gap is closing too. :-*

Rach x

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:53 pm
by Rachel B
Hi everyone,
So, It's now 9 and a half weeks since I was braced and I have my second adjustment next Friday.
I thought I'd update you on my progress.

The powerchain on the top is definitely closing the gap where my peg shaped lateral was extracted.

First adjustment:

First adjustment:


My bottom teeth have also straightened more although a little gap has opened up, but from what I've read, that's normal.
My teeth sporadically hurt when they're moving but it's not too bad at all really.



I'm really looking forward to my adjustment next week because I like that ouchy tight feeling!!

Keep smiling those bracey smiles!!


:lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:24 am
by Rachel B
Hi everyone.

I had my second adjustment yesterday and it went really well.
My ortho put the next wire in on the top and bottom and took off the cross wires I had between my lower gaps as he said the aw will now do the rest of the work.
I also had a new PC put on the top front four to close my gap even further.
He's such a nice guy, he always wants to chat to me before he does anything which is really good.
When he was putting my wires in he said "don't bite me!" and I was like "hell no" and he said the teenagers do it all the time - he thinks on purpose. He always makes me laugh.
I asked him about when I will be getting my TAD in to pull my front teeth round and he said the time after next - scary!!
Apparantly he's going to put stainless steel wires on next time - I don't know much about this - I guess that's even stronger.
I asked how long he thinks the whole bracing will be and he said - probably 18 months so it's looking hopeful that I may be the earlier estimate rather than the latter but having said that I'm well aware it is early days.
My teeth HURT but I like it.

Thanks for all the continued support.

Rach x :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:02 pm
by Tommm
Congrats on your 2nd adjustment Rach. Time sure is flying by huh? :)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:01 am
by pisceangirl
Hi Rachel......great to see so much progress!

Fingers crossed it's just the 18 months x

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:43 am
by Rachel B
Hi everyone,

It's just past my three month braceaversary now and I have my third adjustment on Friday too.
I just wanted to posts some pics of my progress as an update.
I'm really happy about how much more like arches my...well..arches are!!










It's all really worth it!! Even the sunken cheek look that I am sporting at the mo.

:D :D

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:35 pm
by Blake24
Whoa!!! Your bottom arch is awesome! Keep up the good work teeth.


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:02 pm
by kayleighkelley
Your teeth have had great movement so far, your bottoms look really good!