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Braced March 25th

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:57 am
by Maggie Brace
I m finally braced. It s a bit of a relief after the wait. Have clear brackets on the visible teeth and metal on the hidden ones.
My speech has nt been affected but my 4 front teeth feel like they are going to break.It s difficult to eat and i m completely avoiding anything i have to bite down on.
I feel a bit strange.I dont think they are overly noticeable but my 5 year old niece spotted them straight away and suggested i look like "Brace face" on the telly. Who?

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:12 am
by TDiamond
Haha I have never heard of brace face either!!

That is good you are not feeling too conspicuous. I'm sure the pain will ease soon.

I have been having trouble this week with eating too, not due to braces unfortunately! I was on my way home from a night out a week past Friday and managed to freak myself out walking home, so I started to run. And tripped. And fell on my face :soremouth:

I scraped all my nose and the bit between by nose and mouth, burst my lips and my teeth bashed into the inside of my mouth. It was really sore. I must have bashed the front two teeth a bit too because they have been really sore and one of them is really sensitive now. I hope they haven't moved too much or my custom made brace might not fit!!

I also hurt my ankle ligaments so I have a sexy splint to wear. I look really hot just now haha

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:46 am
by tammy26
Thats good it all went well for you & not too sore - im the same too!
For me it's only the eating part that is so annoying - i just keep wanting to go to McD's and bite into a big mac (don't even like big macs either, think it's just taking a big bite of something that im missing) but after 1 week starting to feel a bit better and more adventuous about eating (even had a chinese last night).
My teeth have moved LOADS in 1 week, feels wierd, can't stop looking in the mirror for all the changes!
Anyway, take care

Tammy xx

ps, brace face is a cartoon on Nickleodeon (kids watch it....saying that they haven't since i got my braces on.......maybe the don't want to hurt my feelings?????)

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:02 pm
by Maggie Brace
Hi Tammy
Just had dinner and it took me nearly 40 mins to eat it. I m cutting up my food like i would for a two year old.I can only chew with the side of my mouth. Just not able to bite down on anything.
The inside of my mouth is sore but getting better.
How have you found other people reactions to you.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:08 pm
by Maggie Brace
Hi T Diamond.
You poor thing. you must have got some fright. Did you think there was somebody behind you or something.Is your face still sore.
Are you able to work.

Getting slowly used to life in braces.Still quite sore but looks wise they are not too bad. I ll try and put up a picture soon. Tried to take some last night but you could nt see the braces in the pictures.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:42 am
by TDiamond
Yeah well there were people behind me but think they were further than I thought. Everything sounds echoey and closer than you think round where I live at night. I was off work last week because I live up a flight of stairs and I couldn't manage them. My mum kindly brought me some work to do (I work for her). I was actually glad because I was bored out of my mind!

My face is healed but its left red marks so I am using bio oil and copious amounts of moisturiser to try and get rid. Least it will detract from the barces I suppose!!

I can't wait to get all braced up now and start seeing some results. I hope my teeth feel better enough to eat a steak before I get my braces though!!

It is really difficult to take pictures of your teeth eh! I must remember to take a camera to the ortho and I'll take a picture of my initial mould and then the mould of what they are going to look like. I'm so excited!!

So are you going to try going out on the pull this weekend then?? Or are you still seeing that guy?

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:48 am
by tammy26
I know it takes forever and then even longer to clean them! But it does get quicker - honestly.

My hubby & family were all fine, just saing they didn't look bad or anything.
I work week on / week off and had taken a week off work so haven't seen anyone fromwork yet - thats the only part im dreading for some reason!!
Random people ive met (like neighbours or in shops) i can feel them looking at my mouth - but might just be imagining that i suppose.

Hows everyone been with you? Been any nights out yet :D

Hope they feel bit better soon xx

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:38 am
by Maggie Brace
Hi Tammy
I hope the cleaning of teeth gets quicker because it s driving me nuts at the moment. :(

Anybody who s said anything has been very positive.I do notice a lot of people looking but they say nothing. No nights out yet but i m planning a big one this weekend :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:43 am
by Maggie Brace
Hi T Diamond.
Hope you heal quickly. You dont need that on top of the braces trauma :(

Havent been out since but planning a big night this week.4 Day weekend yipeeeee :lol: :lol: :lol: Do you get Good Friday and Easter Monday as days off.

Still kind of seeing him but it ll be at least 2 weeks before i see him again. Dont see much future in it. There might be some local talent out this weekend :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:26 am
by TDiamond
Yes I do get the long weekend and I am supposed to be out every night of it! Trying to will myself to heal faster. It'll be my last weekend out before I get my brackets on next Friday. I have a hen night that night too I sense some lispy karaoke coming on :lol:

Did you tell him you got braces then or has he not seen you?

I hope there is local talent out in my town this week I think I'm due some good luck!!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:41 am
by Maggie Brace
I would nt worry too much about your speech with braces on. Mine isn t really affected at all. It was a bit strange the first day but fine after that.
I m not sure about singing though- You ll probably rip all the inside of your mouth :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No i m really bad.Haven t told him yet but to be honest i m not sure i ll even see him again. Not really worth bothering with a guy who lives on the other side of the country that i d probably only get to see every few weeks. I did the long distance thing before and it was very hard.

Who knows maybe i ll go out this weekend and meet a guy who has a thing for 30 something year old women in Braces :-88 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:22 am
by Maggie Brace
Hi T Diamond
How are the injuries coming along :( . Were you able to enjoy the weekend. Is it this coming friday that you are getting braced.

I survived my first weekend braced. It was nt too bad really.Some people did nt even notice(maybe that was their drunken state). I did notice a few people looking but they said nothing.It was funny actually because by the end of the night i was showing them to people. :? :?
One of my frinds has nick named me choo choo as in train tracks but I dont mind because he only uses it when no one else is around.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:54 am
by TDiamond
Hi Maggie

My injuries are much better now. My face is still a bit red where it got scraped though :( hoping it gets better and I'm not scarred for life! I was still able to enjoy my weekend.

Yes it is Friday I get my brackets on. Then got four extractions next week :yikes: Then I'm going to Portugal for a week and when I come back I get my arch wire on. I'm really scared that one or more of the brackets fall off before I get my wire on! I suppose they should be secure but it is a worry.

That's good you survived your first weekend out. I bet you anything I get drunk and start showing everyone mine too. I am planning so sing all the way home in the car to get rid of any potential lisps for Friday night. Apparently singing out loud is the way to get rid of it.

That is cute you've got a nick name. Much better than braceface too!!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:32 am
by TDiamond
So I got my brackets on Friday afternoon. It was fine all Friday night as I was out on a henny but by closing time I could eat my hot dog as it hurt my tongue at the back so badly when I swallowed! I have put dental wax on the back bottom teeth to stop this but when I chew it comes off so my diet currently consists of soup with bread mushed up in it and yoghurt!! Just as well really since I'm going on holiday next Monday so its a good crash diet :D

OH and because of my stupid accident and my tooth being sore from it the ortho doesn't want to put the wire on my top teeth until it has settled back down. Worst case scenario he'll need to take the bracket off and do a root canal filling in it :cry: So have to wait a couple of months to see what happens. Am still getting the wire on my bottom ones on the 27th though so at least that's something.

How are you getting on? Were you out again at the weekend?[/img]

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:04 am
by Maggie Brace
Oh you poor thing.Typical that your accident happened just as you were about to get braced.Probably better that it happened before the braces though than when you had them on.Could have been very expensive and painful. :(

Did anyone on the hen notice your brackets.
I did nt go out at all this weekend. I m so broke at the moment and a long summer of hens and weddings coming up. Was so bored and i was mad to go out but April is Car Tax,House insurance,Refuse charges and health insurance month aaaaaaaghhhhhhhh :( :( :( :( :(