Thanks everyone for such greats words of encouragement and advise!!! It's so nice to get on and find out what worked great for someone and give it a try. To @cosmo...if dreaming of your teeth falling out is suppose to be good fortune...then I oughta be rich...cause I've dreamt about it 30 times over the last month. Not a good way to wake up....I can think of better.
So, it's been a couple days now. I must have been inhaling too much baby powder, cause remember how I said, "oh, so far so good, not much pain"....ya right, WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 2 teeth that keep "bumping" each other, and every time that happens....I feel like literally I'm gonna throw up. The pain from it...pretty severe. Flossing....hahahahahahahahahaha....what a joke. WHAT A MOTHER LOVING JOKE. It's gotten better due to some good advise I got on here...but still, takes a long time. I mean, I'm fairly certain, that the empire state building was built in less time than it takes me to floss. I find myself brushing my teeth constantly. I don't dare eat between my lovely taste filled meals of pudding, yogurt, and mac-n-cheese. I did however, eat some rather tasty stove top stuffing this morning and oh golly gee oh me oh my was it a filling event.
Speaking of flossing, is it normal that I now cannot get floss between 2 of my teeth that I use to be able to? I have tried everything short of crawling inside my mouth, and nope...can't get er done. No way, no how.
My teeth seem very everything...hope that's normal too. As you can tell, they didn't really go over very much with me at my apt.
The inside of my cheek started hurting last night, so I went and looked in the mirror.....HOLY FLIPPIN MOLY...I've got like a "hole" on the inside of my cheek from where my bracket was rubbing against it. My son wondered if it rubbed enough, would I start to whistle through my cheek...I honestly hope not...What will the neighbors think???

I mean, who wants to live next to the hick who whistles through her cheek?? Wait...I could be a good side show though...good pay for that I bet....NO? Chewing is impossible, so someone please tell me out there that this does get better, that I'm not going to be stuck drinking slim fast shakes for the next 2 years.....they give me the runs!!!

My back teeth no longer touch, so I feel like I can't chew anything tough. Like a noodle. So I find myself "trying" to grit them, and toughen them up. Smart? If not, please someone tell me. I'm really quite smitten with these things though. When I smile, I swear I try to show every single one of those babies off. I figure, hey..if I'm gonna pay this much money for you....your putting a show on EVERY TIME I HAVE A CHANCE. People have got to think to themselves when they see my Carly Simon smile, what is wrong with her and why does she look like a horse when she's smiling.....

I love it....who cares. Anyway, my 1st adjustment is May 4th. God be with me. I'll get on later and let you all know how my cake eating experience was last night. say the least.
Toodles for now peeps