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#31 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

I phone up today to try and book an appointment for a 2nd half of the consultation (so I could ask more questions I have managed to think up!), but this time they said I couldn't do that until I had received the letter. So I will have to wait until the letter arrives.
TrolleyDolly wrote:Just back from my trip and thought I'd catch up with what had happened on Monday. Yay!! Sounds like it went well and a totally different experience to the first one. I'm so pleased for you. Fingers crossed the financial details are more realistic than the last one. I bet you're now obsessed with the post every day!! I know I would be! Can't wait to here the outcome....
Hi TrolleyDolly!

Yes a totally difference experience and it was quite a shock really :D. I know I have met him only once, but he seems a good person.

Since the first quote, I am eager to see the price of this one (I know price shouldn't be my major concern), so I am eagerly (and nervously?) awaiting my letter.
TrolleyDolly wrote:I bet you're now obsessed with the post every day!! I know I would be! Can't wait to here the outcome....
Lol! you can say that again! :oops: :oops:. Every morning I've waited in hopes it would arrive early :D, but no sign yet. I shouldn't be so impatient, he did say to allow 10 working days. I guess it was when he said "you might receive it late this week or early next" that got it in my head.
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
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#32 Post by farmboy »

So...anything interesting in the mail today?

I completely understand your impatience. I think we all do. So much of orthodontic treatment seems to be taken up by waiting.

You've found an orthodontist you like, so you're eager to get the process started. I was in your situation several months ago.

It seemed to me that it took forever for the orthodontist to write up a treatment plan. Then the orthodontist went on vacation, so it was several more weeks before I got the braces. I got an adjustment on Friday, and now I can't wait for another one to keep the process moving.

I hope you get your letter soon. I'm curious to see what it says, too!

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#33 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

farmboy wrote:So...anything interesting in the mail today?

I completely understand your impatience. I think we all do. So much of orthodontic treatment seems to be taken up by waiting.

You've found an orthodontist you like, so you're eager to get the process started. I was in your situation several months ago.

It seemed to me that it took forever for the orthodontist to write up a treatment plan. Then the orthodontist went on vacation, so it was several more weeks before I got the braces. I got an adjustment on Friday, and now I can't wait for another one to keep the process moving.
Hi farmboy,

We did get mail! But none for me. When it came through the letterbox it sounded like about 10 letters, so I was like "yeah, one has to be for me! and hopefully it's the one I am waiting for!", but it was juse one :? ... I swear my postman is constantly grumpy and literally shoves them through. Anyway, the letter wasn't for me, so no letter from Orthodontist yet! :twisted:

I had to wait just over 5 weeks for the 2nd consultation as he was so busy, I can tell you it felt like forever right up until about 1 week before... then when it was here it felt like no time - weird that.
farmboy wrote:I got an adjustment on Friday, and now I can't wait for another one to keep the process moving.
I can totally understand that 8) when things are going well it must make you very eager and excited at each new appointment. I can't wait until I get to that stage :D
farmboy wrote: I hope you get your letter soon. I'm curious to see what it says, too!
Maybe tomorrow! (I can at least hope). Come on Mr Postman bring me my letter pleeeeease :lol:.

I will certainly update when I do receive it and let you know what it says
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
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#34 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

Mr Postman still hasn't brought my letter +\+ ...

It's been 9 working days since the consultation, so I guess I should wait until Monday/Tuesday next week to contact them if it still hasn't arrived by then.

I'm sooooo impatient, come on already! lol
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#35 Post by TrolleyDolly »

Pants! I just logged on as I saw you'd updated- I was so hoping you'd had some news.... Fingers crossed the postman arrives on Monday :D

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Update: 4th October 2010

#36 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

TrolleyDolly wrote:Pants! I just logged on as I saw you'd updated- I was so hoping you'd had some news.... Fingers crossed the postman arrives on Monday :D
:lol: Sorry, I was just rambling in my last post :oops:

Update: 4th October
Well it arrived a little while ago this morning.

So my quote is £2900 (for traditional metal braces, upper and lower). If I go ahead my balance will be £2770 because I've already paid £130 for the consultation.

I can either:
  • Pay a £900 deposit and then pay 18 monthly payments of £103.88.
  • Pay no deposit and pay 18 monthly payments of £153.88
  • Pay up front with a 5% discount, making it £2631.5 (instead of £2770)
He has said my treatment will take approximately 18-24 months. If my treatment finishes early, I will have to pay the remainder of the balance at my last appointment/upfront. Soooo, I was thinking of asking them if I could spread my payments over 24 months instead of 18 (I know that sounds cheeky, but it would make it alot better for me), and if I finish earlier than 24 months, then obviously I will still have to pay the remainder of the balance there and then. I'll probably chicken out and not ask as I feel cheeky :oops:

He has also said in the letter:
I am also allowing possible attendance during my routine appointment times although of course you could attend independently at my private times towards the end of each day
:? I was a little confused at first when I read this. But I think it means that during the day he sees his NHS patients (children) and towards the end of the day he sees his private patients? So it seems he is very busy with NHS patients, and fits private patients in at the end of the day? (they close at 5:15pm and my consultation was at 4:15pm).

He has also supplied me with his mobile number incase of any problems with the appliance. He says he uses his mobile number for his private patients.

I kinda had a feeling it would be the highest they charge (the receptionist said they charge anything between £2000 £2900). I was hoping it would have been £2500 :lol: so my deposit was a little lower. It must sound like I am never happy! :oops:.

I read on another thread in the Metal Mouth part of the forum that someones friend has to pay for each adjustment/office visit :shock:.
He has included some General Terms & Conditions in with the letter, I will quote about extra fees and maybe someone could tell me if theirs are similar?
The visits and replacing brackes are included in the price and supervision of retention for up to 1 year.
A fee will be charged for lost appliances, those broken beyond repair or requiring replacement.
I am reading that as, brackets that come off will be replaced without charge, but anything broken or needs replacing (like headgear if it's used, retainers etc) will be charged for.

I am happy with the treatment plan and I am happy with him (although at times I did find it a tiny bit difficult to understand his foreign accent and I think he struggled to understand me at times! :oops:). The consultation with this Orthodontist certainly went alot better than my first!

I am quite restricted where I live, I only know of 3 Orthodontists and I've already seen 2 of them. The 3rd is slightly out of town, but my Dentist says he is the Orthodontist at my local Hospital too (for NHS patients) and is only in his private office 2-3 days a week, so appointments might be diffficult. Going out of town isn't really an option, because in the next 6 months I will probably have to sell my car and I will have no transport, and if I can't afford a car, then I wont be able to afford train fares etc.

I need some time to think about it, and possibly a 2nd part of the consultation if they are willing, so I can ask some more questions. :oops:
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
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#37 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

Oh and that blushing emoticon wasn't meant to be at the end of my post! :lol:. For some reason when I try to put an emoticon higher up in my post, it automaitcally shoves it at the end of my post! :roll:
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
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#38 Post by Jay04 »

Yay. You got your letter. That price is still alot better than the other one you were quoted though, right? I'm too lazy to scroll through and see what your other quote was, but wasn't it more expensive, and was only for the upper teeth?

If they won't let you pay over 24 months, at least you may have a chance to save up some money if you only pay monthly. I don't think I paid a deposit...I can't remember (someone needs to reread her own braces story :lol: ) Money is pretty tight for me, but I managed to work out how I could budget it so I could afford my treatment (after selling my whole life on ebay)

I hope you decide to go with this ortho, it sounds like you're happy with him, barring the problems understanding his accent. :lol: I guess everything can't be perfect though.

The only problem I have with my ortho is that I can't get a word in edgeways when her assistant and reception staff wander into the room. They are in and out like yo-yos. They spend most of their time laughing like hyenas. Seriously, I can hear them all the way down the hall AND a flight of stairs before I even get in the room. I think they've all been at the happy gas or somethin'. Should I be suspicious of overtly happy people? :P I will say that my appointments are never boring. I actually think her receptionist spends more time in the consultation room than she does at her own desk. It's fascinating seeing how many people can cram into that tiny room. The record so far is 5, not including the woman who was lurking in the cupboard last time :lol: It's awful when she's trying to cut the wire in my mouth and I'm trying not to laugh. I never thought I'd wish for a serious orthodontist. I hope she bans them from the room when I get my top braces on in a few weeks, or else I'm gonna end up with brackets glued in all sorts of places if I start laughing again :roll:
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#39 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

Yeah, definitely! The first quote was £3500 and he didn't even talk about my bite problems or trying to correct them… it seemed he simply just wanted to straighten my uppers so they look better, rather than correcting my bite problems.

I am happy with everything (I just have a few questions I still need to ask). The problem is with me, not the Ortho or the price. I am just trying to do my figures and hope I can find the extra £400 for the deposit (I have £500 saved up already)… I keep questioning myself "can I really afford this?" as already I'm already in debt with my credit card and a loan and other bits of stuff (aren't we all!).

I just phoned up and booked the 2nd part of the consultation to ask my other questions and I will also ask about the payment plan etc (appointment is on 18th October - it was a cancellation, so if it wasn't for that I would have had to wait longer).

LOL! :lol: Your practice sounds a lot of fun! it must be nice there. I find it hard just swallowing with my mouth open, let alone trying not to laugh :lol:.

My farmers accent can sometimes be hard for English people to understand, so I must remember to speak a little slower and pronounce my words correctly too! :oops:.

I will no doubt go ahead with this Orthodontist. Just gotta sort my figures out and get this 2nd part of the consultation out of the way first! :D
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months
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#40 Post by poppy123 »

any update Chrystal? do you have a date to have them fitted yet? where abouts in uk are you? im north west.

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#41 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

poppy123 wrote:any update Chrystal? do you have a date to have them fitted yet? where abouts in uk are you? im north west.
Hi poppy123,

I have booked the 2nd half of my consultation to ask more questions and it is on the 18th of October. Once I am happy with everything, I will go ahead with treatment.
I could have just gone straight ahead with having them fitted after receiving the letter, but I still have some questions about the retainer, payment plan, appointments if something goes wrong etc, so I will get that out of the way first.

I should imagine the Orthodontist wont be able to fit me in for having them fitted until November though.

I am in the South East (East Anglia) of the UK.
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months
Braces Removed: August 2013 (after 33 months in braces)
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#42 Post by Loztredders »

I'm sorry!! I've just PMd you about the cost and what type of treatment you were having, now I've just realised you've written it
all here! Silly me
I'm happy for you that you know what you're going to need now though, bet you can't wait to get started :-)

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#43 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

Loztredders wrote:I'm sorry!! I've just PMd you about the cost and what type of treatment you were having, now I've just realised you've written it
all here! Silly me
I'm happy for you that you know what you're going to need now though, bet you can't wait to get started :-)
Hey it's no problem Loztredders! I know it can sometimes be a bit much reading through pages of a thread to find certain info out :)

Thank you. I am glad I have found an Ortho I like and who explained things to me, unlike the first. It's a shame there weren't more local to me though, so I could have more consultations. All these consultations can work out rather expensive though. I've already spent £230 on two.

I think I'm going to need a filling and with the wisdom tooth extraction... I might end up holding back a little longer just so I can pay for those first. I'll have to see how it goes.
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
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#44 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

Update Dentist appointment 7th October:
Chrystal wrote:I think I'm going to need a filling
Well I went to my Dentist check up appointment today, also to mention the pain in one of my lower left molars (I had originally seen my Dentist about this back in February too). My Dentist checked my x-rays I had in February, checked the teeth etc and said there is nothing wrong (definitely no cavity) and said he refused to fill a tooth that doesn't need it, don't worry... I totally agreed! lol. He also had an x-ray taken 3 years before and compared them, and said they are almost identical. Me and him both sat there rather confused as to why I keep experiencing this pain/sensation in my teeth back there!

He actually said it could be TN due to my wisdom tooth removal. Luckily I knew what that meant as I had read it on the net a few weeks ago. If it is TN then that kinda sucks! And the fact that my lower right wisdom tooth is due to come out soon, I hope the same thing doesn't happen on that side... although when researching on the net it states normally it's just one side and rarely both. If I would have known this could happen I would have probably considered leaving the wisdom teeth alone.

I'll probably have to visit my doctor to see if they can prescribe me anything for the pain that's being caused by all this as it's rather irritating! and well, painful!
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months
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#45 Post by Loztredders »

I too have been to the dentist with a toothache expecting to have a cavity and need a filling, twice actually. But both times all my teeth have shown no cavities in the xrays, and the only thing the dentist could suggest is that I clench my teeth sometimes. I now believe this to be true as it does come and go, I notice if I'm stressed or concentrating hard then they start to ache, so I must be sub conciously clenching.
And also if I think about toothaches I get random twinges in my teeth lol.

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