Thanks a bunch braceface and dee! I really love how encouraging everyone is on this forum. It's so awesome!
So, today marks 2 weeks of wearing braces. I can't believe it is already 2 weeks! I can completely forget about them now and I'm far less self conscious when talking to someone or smiling. Eating has been pretty much back to normal as well! I don't have any sores at the back of my cheeks where wires stick out anymore, but I do have a new sore at the front of my bottom lip.. It is in a very weird spot as there are no wires sticking out at the front. My bottom cheek actually gets 'caught' on my braces and I have to rip it off. OUCH. It hurts and is oh so very annoying. Ah well, it'll toughen up soon.
Flossing has become much easier now. The first week it was impossible to floss, but only because of pain.. It hurt way too much and my teeth are so crowded, it just made it impossible. But now when I floss, there is more space and its easier! YAY! I also noticed my left lateral incisor has a HUGE space on both sides of the tooth. It was like I woke up one morning and the space was just there. It is so weird to see this space! But, I am so excited and I love seeing it. I have noticed other changes with my upper teeth too! I can't see any changes in my lower teeth, but that'll come in the next few weeks I hope.
I can't wait for my first adjustment, Dec. 3rd! I can just imagine I will see some great changes by that date! I am so so so happy I finally got braces. NO regrets whatsoever!!!!