So excited to get braces!

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#31 Post by Matilda »

Congratulations on your brace date! I enjoy reading your posts and like how passionate you are about this journey!

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#32 Post by parsleysage »

Matilda wrote:Congratulations on your brace date! I enjoy reading your posts and like how passionate you are about this journey!
Thank you Matilda! Hopefully I'll get to the exciting part of braces soon! ;)

Well it's been a weird week - I haven't been to the dentist in over 7 days!!!! Haha. First time with no dentist or teeth-related events since March I believe. I go next Thursday for my permanent crown and it's been weird to wake up on my days off and think, "Oh, I don't have an appointment to get to today."

I'm anxious about hearing back from the insurance regarding the surgery so I'm trying to occupy my mind with other things. Last night I made a bbq pork butt for the first time, it was pretty good!

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#33 Post by parsleysage »

Anxiety is still high due to waiting to hear from the insurance. I almost called the surgeon's office today to ask if they had heard anything, even though I know they will call me when they do. :? :oops: I resisted the urge, though, lol!

We're at 13 days away from brace date now, and I would really love to know if brace date is a go before I leave for my vacation next week, especially since I will have poor phone service while camping and will probably keep my phone off. It would be great to enjoy the vacation without worrying about missing a call from the surgeon's office - and it would be an added bonus to have the braces to look forward to when I get back!

But even if it is a denial, at least I will know the answer before I go, and put it out of my mind, so I can get back refreshed and ready for an appeal. :mrgreen:

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#34 Post by parsleysage »

Got my crown finished up on Thursday. It's pretty :) That's it for my dental treatment for right now, just cleanings for a few years now! After the braces I'll get an implant for my missing tooth and hopefully from then on it will be cleanings for the rest of my life, and no more major work. Fingers crossed!

No answer yet on the surgery approval. Holiday on Monday so the office will be closed and I leave for vacation about 11am on Wednesday so if there is no call on Tuesday or Wednesday morning I will be going without an answer. Monday will be three weeks since the consult, though I'm not sure when the surgeon sent the preapproval. I wonder if it would do any good to call the insurance company itself.

I am waffling on whether or not to go through with the braces if I get a denial. Others have said they were approved after the braces were on and their bite had worsened. It seems like a game of roulette. My anxiety is sky high because due to that d*mned missing tooth, this is my only chance to get braces. Once that implant is in it's not moving. So if insurance won't cover the surgery, my only options are not to get braces ever, or get braces and self-pay for the surgery. Neither of which is palatable.

:? :?: :Questions:

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#35 Post by Hash »

Hi ya, I have fingers crossed for a call on Tuesday giving thumps up for ya. Maybe you could call the insurance office on we'd am before you go if you have heard nothing? Might be worth trying. Glad your crown looks good :-)

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#36 Post by SunshineRay »

Hope you hear good news today!

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#37 Post by parsleysage »

Thank you so much Hash & SunshineRay! :) Sadly, I didn't hear anything today.

BUT, I have decided (for the time being lol :lol: ) that, regardless of whether I hear back from the insurance company by Tuesday, I am going ahead with the braces. If I don't do it now, I won't be able to get them in the future and I know I will regret not doing it. I am only 25 and need to keep my teeth for the next 60 or so years.

So I am going with the motto Where there is a will, there is a way, and I will figure out the surgery costs later if I have to.

Six days til brace day. (I'm picturing myself with my face painted blue and screaming in my William Wallace voice...... BBBRRRAAAACCEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#38 Post by Roses »

Wow you have quite a story! I really hope you get good news. The whole journey seems like a massive hassle but when you see progress it is so worth it :D Wishing you all the best!


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Re: So excited to get braces!

#39 Post by parsleysage »

Roses wrote:Wow you have quite a story! I really hope you get good news. The whole journey seems like a massive hassle but when you see progress it is so worth it :D Wishing you all the best!
Thank you Roses! I can't wait until my posts are progress updates instead of anticipatory anxiety!

Speaking of which... home from vacation and totally exhausted. I'm so glad I have the next three days off before I have to go back to work. I need a vacation from my vacation.

I still haven't heard from the surgeon; there were no voicemails waiting for me when I turned my phone back on. I haven't changed my mind, though. I AM getting braced on Tuesday. At 9:15 am. Just over 40 hours from now. :)

Excited! :dance:

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#40 Post by Hash »

You defiantly have the right attitude :jump: so best of luck on Tuesday , hope it goes well for ya. Will await your update :D

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#41 Post by Featheryy1221 »

Glad to hear you're sticking to getting braces. :) You have a great attitude. Good luck on your brace day! :)

Estimated treatment time: 18 months. (6 months- expander, 1 year- braces)
Bonded Rapid Palatal Expander: 10/1/13 - 3/31/14
Upper and Lower Metal Braces: 4/22/14 - 7/14/15
Total treatment time: 21 months

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#42 Post by parsleysage »

Thank you very much ladies!!! The countdown is ON!!!

Wanted to add some before pictures now that my dental work is completed. You can see my poor chipped laterals - due to the edge-to-edge bite of course. Those will be bonded after my braces treatment is complete.

Front (not biting down - I forgot lol)


Left side (biting down)


Right side (biting down)


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Re: So excited to get braces!

#43 Post by Hash »

Great to see pictures....roll on brace day and good luck... :lol: I have to add more pictures, (don't really know how to size them so keep putting it off!) but I have noticed great movement on my top line :D

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#44 Post by parsleysage »

Thank you Hash!!! I agree - ROLL ON BRACE DAY!!!!

It's TODAY! I almost can't believe it! Will report back in 3 hours or so :)

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Re: So excited to get braces!

#45 Post by parsleysage »



:dance: :-*
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