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Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:36 pm
by VancouverJude
Wow one year! Already? It seems like yesterday you were gearing up for braces.

Good for you K-bird. Congrats and Cheers! It'll be over before we know it.

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:06 am
by klobird
Well, I wanted to update on the Forsus since my last "fix". It is all good! Finally!!!

While the Forsus is not the most fun in the world, it is now quite tolerable. Eating and brushing are still a little challenging, and the noises it makes are, well, hmmmm....It clacks-clack, clack, clack ..... :crazy: :crazy: :roll: And when I open and close my mouth the sound is like one pipe inside another rubbing against each other. But it's all OK. At least it's fairly comfortable now....

The thing I really need to say is WOW! The movement so far is AMAZING!!. My teeth have come in so much more, and my bite is finally beginning to line up. For that, it has been worth it!!! :HugeGrin: :HugeGrin: :HugeGrin:

I have an adjustment a week from Monday. I guess they add something then to put more pressure on--but that is not a problem at all--at least not so far...

So, all in all----YAY!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:45 pm
by lau
great to hear Klo! So glad it feels much better and that you saw a big change. :jump:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:23 am
by Grace123
Klobird, I just found this braces stories part of the site and your progress is encouraging to me because I am 56 too. Im just at eight weeks and only managing this by hoping/knowing that I've made the right choice for my future. You are inspiring, knowledgable, and helpful and I wish you smoothe sailing ahead. This is the first time I've been a member on any message board and was very apprehensive about revealing anything but without this community I think I would have given up already so I hope I can become a helper and not just a helpee. Thanks, Grace

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:44 pm
by echic777
Don't worry, spacers aren't that terrible, at least they weren't for me. For the first few days however, I felt a little hesitant about eating really anything. It feels like you constantly have something stuck in your teeth. But they won't hurt too much. It will however seem that right when you get used to them, they get taken out and your braces are put in. What I think of my situation is that faster they're in, the faster they're out! Good luck!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:00 pm
by klobird
Lau--thanks for your encouragement!! I always welcome it!!! :)

Grace--Congratulations on getting braces at 56!! I think we are in the trendsetters phase.
I truly believe more and more oldsters will take the cue and begin to realize that braces now will negate fractured teeth from a bad bite, implants, dentures etc later in life. A couple years now will pay off soooo much in the long run. Literally pay off!

This is a safe site--I haven't had any problems (that I'm aware of) and with all of my posting, I have revealed a hell of a lot of information about me. There are good people here--lots of them. People helping other people--I love it.

Keep in touch, and keep posting if you have time. It's actually how I relax and unwind after work and it helps me so much!

Ecchic--No more spacers for me!! :wink:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:51 am
by julieh
i have decided that i dont have the stamina and courage for my recommended treatment plan. whimping out for 14k of cosmetic dentistry.

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:12 am
by klobird
Wow Julie--I am sooooo sorry to hear that...I wish there was something we could do to help, but I do understand. Sometimes I just have to turn my mind off to the fact that I have braces and it's going to be another year before I get them off. Even with that I'm still glad I got braces and haven't regretted my decision at all--ever. What I see happening in my mouth amazes me and it's all worth it.

So, please just make sure you choose your cosmetic dentist wisely and have done your research. I have seen a video in which a woman got cosmetic dentristy. They showed the before, and then another picture awhile after on that day when she was done. Her teeth looked AMAZING!

I really hope the very best for you! Post some pics so we can see!!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:26 pm
by julieh
can i say, flower on this forum? so, the cosmetic dentist called today to say that he cannot do the work without orthodontia. he said that he talked to the orthodontist, and that i would need 24 months of treatment....lets just call it 2 years. this month thing is a joke. not sure what to do now. i have 2 dentists who are confident and willing to do crowns and veneers, and two telling me that a positive outcome is not possible without!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:27 pm
by julieh
i did not say flower. the other not so pretty f word

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 11:59 pm
by klobird
Hey Julie--Lol--I found a way to get around the "flower" thing...just type all the letters except the vowels--use a * instead...I always get my point across that way!

Wow, that really is sucky news!! What I would do if I were you is research veneers up and down and sideways. From what I remember about my reading, there are some things to think about with veneers.

OK, the one thing I always say--In 2 years you will be 2 years older anyway, so why not be 2 years older with straight/beautiful teeth... I do know, though, how hard that can be to swallow. Just do a whole lot of research before you pick which ortho/dentist you are going to follow. That is really a scary position to be in!

We are here to support you--no matter which way you go!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:45 pm
by iBorg
My thoughts are real simple..... remember braces are something you are doing for yourself, not something that is being done to you. This is one of the few things that you can do just for yourself. When all is said and done, you are the one who benefits from this. It is worth it in the end. It may take a while to get there but all things that are worth it takes effort and self perseverance. One thing you'll realize is that you'll be at the end of your treatment so quickly you'll be surprised it is over.

As for cosmetic dentistry versus braces. If your bite is perfect, maybe that's an option. If not, why put a coat of paint on a layer of rust. You need to correct the underlying problems if the correction is to last. I almost did bonding instead or ortho. Then I was told the repairs would need to be redone every three to five years.

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:56 pm
by klobird
Very, very well said Iborg!! :thumbsup:

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:07 pm
by klobird
I had an adjustment today--it only lasted about 15mins. They activated the other side of the Forsus (whatever that means) and moved the spring back a tooth. Doing that (like it is on the other side) is a massive improvement! No bumpy lips!

Anyway, I go back in 5 weeks--the shortest time between adjustments that I've had so far.
So far, so good today. As usual, time will tell if this is going to be a soreness free adjustment or not. Here's to keeping my fingers crossed!

Re: OK--This was not the plan!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:41 pm
by iBorg
"Klobird e-mailed me and wants everyone to know that she is unable to login. She can't post or read a pm right now, but she can read everything. She is working with Lynne (admin) to see if there is anything she can do to help. So far, it's still not working."