PrincessMelody's journey - adjustment #14 update! Now w/pics

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SDFD TSchott
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#46 Post by SDFD TSchott »

PrincessMelody wrote:Thanks Tim. That was fun to watch. Now I want to go to Disneyland and watch some fireworks :D Hehe, not really. During the fireworks is the best time to go on the rides cuz everyone is watching the fireworks :lol:
Thats a good idea, maybe next time I go and the fireworks are going I will go on the rides :) I see fireworks to much anyways so its nothing new for me. Sorry I took the Braces Story away for videos and stuff.

SDFD TSchott

PS: My next ortho appointment was changed, instead of 9am I have an 11:30am appointment!


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
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#47 Post by PrincessMelody »

LOL, its ok. I mean its hard not to get personal when your exposing your teeth and all their wonkiness to the world. Plus I have a really annoying tendency to go off on tangents and start rambling about things completly unrelated to what I should be talking about. And I swear I don't have ADD :lol:

While I am at it, here is an update on my mouth. I have heard people talk about clicking and crunching sounds coming from their teeth when they first start moving, but I had never experience this phenomena first hand until yesterday while I was snacking on popcorn at work :? (yes that is on the no no list but I am REALLY careful) and I felt/heard a clicking come from my first premolar on the bottom right. After I got over my initial shock and fascination (I kept "making" it click) I got really excited about because that is the premolar next to my wonky canine that needs to move back some so my canine can move in with the rest. So all day yesterday and today I have been willing it to continue its little move so that my bottoms will look nice and pretty :D So that is my little excitment for the week/weekend. And its now less than a week until my next adjustment.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

SDFD TSchott
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#48 Post by SDFD TSchott »

lol thats odd, I have that same clicking noise and its the same tooth I do belive mine is on the right side, is yours also on the right side?

Anyways I have a little over 1 week left for my next adjustment but I do have my cleaning this coming monday. First cleaning since being braced.

SDFD TSchott


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
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#49 Post by PrincessMelody »

Yes it is on the right. That's where my stubborn little canine sits. I was really excited about that and I hope by my 5th adjustment that canine will be in with the rest.

I am due for a cleaning in about a month. I had a cleaning 2-3 weeks before I got braces so at about my 6 month anniversary I will be getting my teeth cleaned so that will be my first cleaning with braces.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

SDFD TSchott
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#50 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Thats cool, the first cleaning I had was July 05,2006 and I will continue my appointments at 6 months!

SDFD TSchott


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
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#51 Post by PrincessMelody »

Well I had my 4th adjustment today and it was very eventful. I now have a brand spanken new rectangular (or square :?: ) archwire on top. And boy can I already feel the pressure. But I am soooo excited to know that I have reached the next step for my uppers. The tooth next to my wonky canine has a lig at all four corners so I know that tooth is going to be nice and sensitive as well. I got light blue and dark blue ligs and I LOVE them. They look really pretty :lol:

This all made up for me being pretty annoyed with the office. My ortho office always calls the night before your appointment to confirm it with the time. Well I get home after a VERY long day at work and hear a message that confirms my appt for 4pm o.O My appointments are always at 5 plus my appointment card said 5 as well. I listened to it one more time to make sure I heard right and she definately said 4. Well I thought it might be a good idea to call and clarify with them and make sure she didn't schedule it wrong but since it was well past 5 it had to wait until tomorrow morning. Sooo I called them first thing this morning at 9am to check my appointment time. Here is how the conversation went:

Me: I want to confirm the time for my ortho appointment today.
Receptionist: What is your name (I give her my name) Oh yes, can you come in at 4 today? The doctor is leaving early.
Me: Ummm, well I will have to leave work an entire hour early.
Receptionist: Well if you can't make it we can reschedule your appointment.
Me: (I am getting more frustrated by the second) No I guess it's ok.
Receptionist: Well if it isn't just call back and I will reschedule your appointment.

To say the least I was very angry. Suppose I hadn't called I wouldn't have known that the doctor was leaving early and would have left work an hour early for NOTHING! Not only did they not tell me my appointment needed to be changed but they didn't even give me a 24 hour notice :x I get charged $30 dollars if I do not give a 24 hour notice to cancel my appointment so why is it okay for them not to return the same courtesy. I am a very organized and punctual person so to have a professional office be so disorganized is very frustrating. I don't understand how they think people, especially some children's parents who have to work their schedules around these appointments, can just switch things around and the drop of a hat. Anyways, its done and over and my boss had no problem with me leaving an hour earlier to go to my ortho. I am very lucky to have a boss that so easily works around my personal schedule and such. Anyways, I will finish my rant and leave it with what's done is done and the receptionist is now fully aware that really need to give more notification and actually call and change the appointment rather then just leave a message "confirming" a different time. And to also please call my cell phone in cases like this so that I can now right away and take care of any changes ASAP.

Well my camera is charging as we speak so that I can take some pictures of my new wire and post them a little later. I won't take any extensive pictures... I'll leave that for my 5th anniversary. My next adjustment is 2/9/07 (back to every 4 weeks) and I will be going into the dentist for a cleaning/checkup right around then too. That's all for now...
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

SDFD TSchott
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#52 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Congrats on your adjustment, can't wait to see those pictures and see what the possible colors I might be getting. Since the San Diego Chargers are going to win this sunday I will more then likely get like powder blue, gold *Yellow*, or Dark Blue to support them for the Super Bowl Win!

SDFD TSchott


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
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#53 Post by PrincessMelody »

Thanks Tim, Meryaten, and Karen for stopping by and for the support as well. Looking forward to your color choice Tim. You will definately have to let me know what you end up with after your adjustment. I told a few of my friends and my mom about my appointment fiasco and they quite agreed like you Meryaten and Karen... I had every right to be ticked and it was extremely unprofessional. Hopefully I don't run into any problems again.

So I tried and tried to get a decent picture of my new wire, but failed miserably. I am a really poor picture taker so attempting to take pictures of my own teeth is really difficult. I'll attempt better pictures when I take them at my 5 month anniversary. WOW, I can't believe I am starting to come up on 6 months! Before I know it, I will be at one year!

A little update since last night... OWWWW!!! The molars that WM resides behind are twisted and with that new wire they are quite tender. None of my other teeth, surprisingly are in the least bit sore. I thought for sure that the teeth surrounding my wonky canine would be tender but they aren't at all. Maybe those two molars are so sensitive that they are distracting me from my other teeth??

Oh and another thing. I had been noticing that my back right upper molar band was quite stinky whenever I flossed in that area. It was a sudden development so I thought maybe it was a little loose. I flossed vigilantly and it still was not helping. Sometimes it was so bad my gums would bleed. I told the assistant that was working on me yesterday about it. So she took my wire off and started yanking on it and after a few yanks she said it was definately not loose. I told her about the bleeding gums and she asked if I was flossing a lot and brushing hard in that area and I told her yes. She then proceeding to scold me and said my gum is probably bleeding because I am being too rough with it. She told me to be gentle and to just try swishing a lot of water in there to get rid of any junk. I think I am going to invest in a waterpik to try and help clean that area out better and so I won't be so tempted to go in there with a tooth brush so aggresively. I was a little relieved that it wasn't loose because it was not fun getting my upper molar bands on. I really wasn't happy at the thought of having to go through that again.

Without further delay the pictures you all wanted to see...

Here is the current picture

and to compare here is the one from right after my third adjustment

And just so you can see the twisted molars I am talking about here is my upper arch (FYI this isn't a current arch picture, it's just for reference)
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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#54 Post by cowlypso »

Looking good! Very nice colors there.

Hopefully your ortho will be more respectful of your time in the future. I left my class 40 minutes early last week and then sat in the waiting room for 20 minutes, so I'm with you on that one... Oh well.

Keep up the good work on those teeth. :D

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#55 Post by PrincessMelody »

Thanks Denise, cowlypso, Karen, Linda, and Ken for stopping by. I really, REALLY like my ligs. They are pretty much my favorite so far. AND they make my teeth look super white, which is a plus :D I didn't compare the two pictures of adjustments 3 and 4 until I posted them and wow can I see how much that canine has moved. It's getting pretty close to being right where it should. I got a little excited after I looked at them. My two molars are just a wee bit tender now but they definately don't hurt as much as they did Friday. I still can't really chew with them and I have to neglect them with my sonicare toothbrush and use a manual toothbrush to brush them but I know it will quickly pass. Other than that nothing else to report. Just excited for my new wire :D
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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Location: Orange County, California

#56 Post by PrincessMelody »

Ah the conundrum. You think that you detect a manky area, so you're extra-dilligent about going after the problem area, and that in itself causes more troubles. I reckon that's what had happened with me right before Thanksgiving. So what I did was this: I resumed the use of peroxide/water rinses (50/50 mix of over the counter hydrogen peroxide and water), and also took to brushing the problem area (gently ) with a proxy brush dipped in this same mixture after every meal. The area was as right as rain after a few days.
Thanks for the tip Meryaten. I will definately try that. I have been gently going in the area with a proxy brush instead of with my tooth brush and multiple flossings. It's not as irritated, but it still gets stinky. I am definately going to get a waterpik (I am still researching them so the way that goes for me it will be another week before I buy one :lol: ) and I hope that will help with the stinkiness as well. But in the meantime I am going to get on those peroxide rinses.

And since I have you all here, an update :lol: My canine and the teeth surrounding it are now sore, which is really good and I know there has already been more movement since I took those pictures 3 days ago. So I will take some thorough pictures at my 5 month anniversary and then I can oooh and aaah over the movement. Looking at the picture of where I first was I get very giddy. I need to enjoy it now because I definately have a long road ahead of me with less visible movement.

My habit of staring at my teeth in a mirror has now worsened. I stare at them after brushing and while flossing. And sometimes I just stare at them when I am bored.

Well, that's all for now. until next time :D
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

Posts: 510
Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:42 pm

#57 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Glad everything is going good for you PrincessMelody. I had a stinky band, too. They (the assistants) made me feel like I was making it up or lying about it...the funk got so bad...I had her take it off and clean it and put it back. She was really rough with me and didn't clean my tooth or anything before she put it back...she had her hands in my mouth before I could ask. I think she got upset...which I don't understand. That is her job if I remember correctly? :roll: :roll: :roll: Go figure... :wink:

I like your colors...are they the same colors I have? Although mine are a little faded...they look good on you!!!...I think mine make my teeth look rather yellow...bleh...anywho...

My habit of staring at my teeth in a mirror has now worsened. I stare at them after brushing and while flossing. And sometimes I just stare at them when I am bored.
I do, too~!!!...You said exactly what I was thinking...haha...I just never said it cuz I didn't want to seem like a total dweeb!!!! And wasn't sure if anyone did it when they are bored...hehe...I feel much better now... :D :D :D ...
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


Posts: 346
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#58 Post by PrincessMelody »

Good to hear from you turrrtlelove22. I hate that the assistants can sometimes give you a hard time. I think they sometimes forget that they are dealing with adults who are a lot more responsible and also a lot more active in their treatment since we are paying for it. Thankfully the assistant working on me Friday joked around with me and was not troubled at all to make sure that band wasn't loose. I was very glad she told me to be cautious and not be so agressive because I might have contunued to be relentless on my poor gums.
I'm not sure if our colors are the same, but they certainly look like it. You have light blue on top and dark blue on bottom correct? I don't think they make your teeth look yellow. The color blue logically makes teeth appear whiter (think blue light and its affect on how white things appear). It could very well be the light you are looking at them in. Try looking at them in the sunlight... you'll be amazed at the difference of natural light vs. the light from an incadescent bulb.
Glad to hear I am not the only bored "teeth starer". I was starting to think I was crazy or some nutty tooth obsessed person :lol:
Hope all is well in your journey... looking forward to more updates from you.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

SDFD TSchott
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Location: Tucson, AZ

#59 Post by SDFD TSchott »

First I would like to say what a wounderful appointment you had PM, and I was going to alternate just like you however I had to get Powerchains this appointment. So here is a photo for now and you can view my story later tonight when I have time to post a story!

SDFD TSchott




Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
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Posts: 165
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I to have a "WAYWARD" molar!!

#60 Post by Cor1 »

Hi there, well I think that your wayward molar is kinda cool...........cause I have one too!!!! on my right side, and by the looks of it I think it is the same tooth!! I to had three of my wisdom teeth pulled out to make room I have alot of crowding issues going on, put looks like there is some hope at the end of this braceway journey..................please keep me posted on your wayward, I would luv to know how they are going to go about bringing her in, cause I might be going thru the same thing someday!! :lol: :lol:


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