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Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:20 am
by Dr Jon Harrow
:D Hi Friends
the last adjustment went well, ortho is happy that all is going accccording to plan, even with the long break between.
I had some rubbish news on the health front yesterday, with the crohns the chemo continues to go okay, but over the last few month i have had a continuing ear infection, but even though we've zapped it with antibiotics, it has decided not to play ball. The problem is that one I have the type one diabetes(insulin dependent), which makes infections and healing a problem anyway, but i had a meningitis issue a number of years ago, which caused a problem with said ear....long and short of it, doctors decided to form a mastoid cavity, which gives a place for infection to move in, get married, raise a family, get a get the picture.
So...well now the surgeon has decided a good idea would be to reform the cavity, and try another shaped one....perhaps flower shaped, or a tree? :? you get the idea...what bloody good a different shaped cavity will be i have no idea...but but i can only think about it and see what is usual...but if i do nothing then menigitis could be a real problem.
:D the good news? Im off to my Parents in sunny Suffolk, for a little holiday, before my real holidays...although as a farming family I doubt the chance of a rest..Im on the harvester for the first few days.
Jon XX