Ever since I came into this thread I got Dead Bodies Everywhere running in my head.

Christian music,
Angel? LOL, finally someone else. Do you know old school bands like dcTalk or Petra?
Necra - I was glancing at some of your posts...heh, 23 starting college, eh? That's about when I started. Well, 24, cause that's when I could get pell grants. Tell your pops my story...I'm now 27, been through 2 majors, changing to yet another and am just now getting the braces I've needed since kidhood.

It just takes some people more time to find out who they are, that's all. Better than not trying to figure it out at all.
Your graft story scared the heck out of me...cause I got a tooth (almost looks like the same one) that sorta has worn away gum. I admire your strength to deal with that. Way to go!