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Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:18 am
by TDiamond
No one noticed them but I ended up telling folk as I was paranoid that I was speaking funny!

I am able to eat and drink without wax on now but still sticking to soup and mush at the moment as it is a bit sore if I get carried away chewing.

Getting a tooth or maybe both bottom teeth extracted today. I'm not sure if they'll number my whole bottow jaw or not. If not then I'll get the other one out on friday. So will be on soup and mush for the foreseeable future I guess!! :( Hope the extractions have healed up by my holiday. I'm really scared I get dry socket which sounds extremely painful. I just can wait til all this is over and my wires are both on.

Are you seeing any difference in your teeth yet? Have you put any pictures up on the boards? I will once I figure out how the hell you do it!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:30 am
by Maggie Brace
How did the extractions go. Are you getting used to eating now.
I m back eating properly now. I ve just learned to avoid some foods completely though.

I ve no pictures up yet. The braces dont come out very well with my camera. They come out on my ohone so i must try find the cable.

Did you manage to get to go on hols or are you grounded because of the Volcano

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:58 am
by TDiamond
I was supposed to be flying to Portugal this morning I am absolutely gutted :cry: Am going to Zante in 3 weeks for a wedding so I really hope it is over by then

Had 2 extractions last week. It wasn't as bad as I imagined but the roots on my teeth are massive so they took some amount of tugging! He practically had his foot up on my chest to get the second one out haha. They're still a bit tender but I am managing to eat more foods now. It's definitely not as enjoyable eating anymore I miss it!!

I was out all day yesterday drowning my sorrows about my holiday it was a good laugh in the end. Get my wire on next Tuesday so will probably be in more pain for a few days I am guessing?? I'm kind of getting used to having a sore mouth all the time!!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:42 am
by TDiamond
now I have got the dreaded dry socket in both extraction sites :soremouth:

I am really not having a good week

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:50 pm
by Maggie Brace
Sorry to hear about your holiday. Hope everything will be ok soon.

Whats dry socket. I was so lucky that i did nt need any extractions.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:14 am
by TDiamond
It's when the blood clot come out of the socket and leaves the nerves and sometimes bone exposed to the open air. It's pretty painful :( Have to watch food and stuff doesn't get stuck in it and it takes longer than normal to heal.

I will have to get another two extractions on the top whenever he decides it's ok to put my top wire on. Can't wait!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:26 am
by Maggie Brace
Oh that sounds horrific. I had nt realised how lucky i was. :cry:

Between that horror and missing out on your Hols you must be fairly depressed.
Will you loose money on the holiday or will they refund you.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:48 am
by TDiamond
Yeah I am not in the best mood this week!! Roll on the weekend :lol:

I get the money back for my flights but not my hotel. Only losing about £35 in total though so not so bad. Just want to be on holiday that is all.

Fingers crossed for Zante though

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:39 am
by Maggie Brace
I finally have pictures. Can anyone tell me how to upload to here
:?: :?:

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:43 am
by TDiamond
Look at the How do I? section in discussions about the board. That is what I am going to do. Going to put up pics soon am just very busy at work this week.

Got my bottom wire on yesterday my teeth are agony! :cry:

They are so tender. Back to eating mush again. Hope it doesn't last too long :(

You must have had yours on for nearly a month now. Noticed any movement yet?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:46 am
by Maggie Brace
Have them on just over a month now. Went in yesterday to get a wire clipped but he said he d do the first tightening then to save me another trip. It was very painful and my teeth are still tender.

Im getting used to them now and most of the time i forget about them altogether. Im noticing some good movement but the space between my top front teeth has gotten wider. apparently its going to get much wider before it closes up.
I ve to try and work the next few tightenings around all my summer hens & weddings.

how are you finding yours. are you self conscious

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:42 pm
by TDiamond
No I'm not really self conscious but then no one can see them. I occasionally find myself having a wee lisp on the odd word but no one has pointed it out yet anyway.

I think mine might get worse before they get better too. Can't wait til they start to close the gaps.

My friend said to me today I don't know why you put yourself through it. I said it will all be worth it one day when I get my wedding album haha

When I' in pain I just think - simon cowell simon cowell simon cowell :lol:

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:15 am
by Maggie Brace
How are your teeth now. any pain. Are you getting used to them.

Still no photos but definetly this weekend i promise.

I m in a bit of pain today. Dont know what is causing it but it s been a week since the tightening. I was fine until today but very uncomfortable today

Flippen Ash is back-when are you supposed to be going on your next trip

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:38 am
by TDiamond
Sunday!! I am so worried. Surely I can't be that unlucky??!!

Pain has died down a bit front ones are still sore but they are the ones doing the moving just now.

One of my back brackets fell off on Saturday but it was still attached to the wire thankfully. So I had an emergency trip through to the dentist. He just snipped it off for now as I told him I am going to Zante and am wary of Greek dentists!!

I took a picture today. Haven't compared it with last ones yet to see if any movement, Has only been a week maybe wishful thinking!!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:48 am
by Maggie Brace
You d be very surprised. I saw quite a bit of movement in two weeks.

Oh you poor Thing. Just heard that Dublin airport is closed and it s not looking good for the rest of the week. Is your local airport closed.
They re talking of a summer of cancellations becuase of the ash.