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Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:07 am
by greencapt
Hey there Dodger-

I too am floored by the results you had in just 14 months!!! Wow.

I too have severe crowding as show in a pic I posted here:

Oddly I am both encouraged and discouraged after reading your story. I am encouraged because I can see what great work your ortho did and that even without a palat expander you got such amazing results in 14 months.

I am discouraged though thinking about my own situation. I've been braced 3 weeks this Wednesday. After a week in braces my ortho's office put on a Quad Helix expander which they say I'll be wearing for at least 6 months. Looking at your '1 month' progress shot you already had a lot of movement whereas I've not noticed anything yet on me (aside from inability to talk due to the stupid Quad). Also my ortho didn't do anything along the lines of the 'double-wire' technique you had even though I assumed he would have and that I was a prime candidate for it.


I far from expected miracles but I starting to worry. :(

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:01 pm
by Dodger(UK)
beady wrote:Nevermind... you look fantastic! I bet you have all the girls knocking at your door now! :wink:
I wish lol :wink: I do but they are either selling something from bettaware or trying to get me to join their coven of latter day saints. :shock: Thanks for your comments, and don't worry your 2 years will fly by in no time :)
CelestialVoices wrote:wow excellent story and job by your ortho! Your teeth look great :)
Ta very much, It certainly feels much better than they were that's for sure. I've discovered the art of eating better, smiling more, and keeping eye contact with the person when I speak to them. Which is something I really struggled to do when I had badly crooked teeth.
fins wrote:WOW Your teeth look fantastic and all done in 14 months!! You must be thrilled.
Yes, even now a few months down the line from debonding, I am still very gratefull and over the moon, for what my ortho and the whole practice has achieved for me. Thanks for your kind comments. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:14 pm
by Dodger(UK)
greencapt wrote:Hey there Dodger-

I too am floored by the results you had in just 14 months!!! Wow.

I too have severe crowding as show in a pic I posted here:

Oddly I am both encouraged and discouraged after reading your story. I am encouraged because I can see what great work your ortho did and that even without a palat expander you got such amazing results in 14 months.

I am discouraged though thinking about my own situation. I've been braced 3 weeks this Wednesday. After a week in braces my ortho's office put on a Quad Helix expander which they say I'll be wearing for at least 6 months. Looking at your '1 month' progress shot you already had a lot of movement whereas I've not noticed anything yet on me (aside from inability to talk due to the stupid Quad). Also my ortho didn't do anything along the lines of the 'double-wire' technique you had even though I assumed he would have and that I was a prime candidate for it.


I far from expected miracles but I starting to worry. :(
Hi Greencapt

First of all welcome to the forum, and thanks for your comments with regards to my case. I had 4 extractions with no RPE involvement. My ortho did say that as soon as my upper and lower biscupids were extracted then my teeth would move very quickly and even out into the spaces left by the extractions.

Maybe your ortho is deliberately easing off with the movement of your teeth until your Quad Helix Expander creates enough room and space for your teeth to move into?? I'm no expert though, so I'm really not sure.

Patience is definately the greatest virtue with regards to us brace wearers. Keep your spirits up, I'm sure that once your teeth start moving, they won't stop. :) Good luck! I've seen your pics and will leave a message in your thread.


Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:36 pm
by montesser
Your story is truly an inspiration. I hope I can see results like yours. It's only been 3 weeks for me and I have a long way to go. I've got 4 extractions scheduled for January 12th and surgery to correct my small palate one year later. It seems like surgery is the only option for me since my upper palate is so much smaller than my lower. Anyway, great story. I can't wait until I am part of the naked club too.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:21 pm
by mm92280
Your before and after are pretty amazing. I would have never believed that type of work was possible in only 14 months. I myself have quite a bit of crowding, and my orthodontist has estimated that with ceramic braces it will take 28 to 32 months, while with damon braces he estimated 18 to 22 months. I can only hope that my teeth will respond as well as yours did, and help cut back on the treatment time. :)

Hopefully this doesn't sound redundant, but...

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:09 pm
by hooray4mediocrity
Even though it has been a bit since your treatment, I've newly began checking out this site, and I must say that your results are marvelous! This gives me hope that I may be able to expect such results as well! (and maybe in a reduced time?? haha... perhaps under your pictures it should read "results not typical" like in diet pill commercials.. )

Congratulations, sir!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:45 am
by Gennel
OMG! OMG! is all I can say ! All of this took 14 months? You only had the braces on for 14 months? I'm sorry to sound so shocked! Your teeth are the best transformation I've seen ! I am going for my first consultation in about a week. My bottom teeth are similiar to how yours were and I think they will also not put a bracket there until my lower canines are turned more straight. I have been paranoid for about 2 weeks now just thinking that my ortho will tell me that Ineed braces for like 4 yrs. My main problem are my upper 6 teeth and my lower 6 teeth. I also have one font tooth overlapping the other front tooth.
Everything you mentioned about the way you tilted your head,smiling with your mouth closed is something I've been dealing with long enough. I don't have 1 single picture of me showing my teeth. I take no family portraits for fear of hearing those dreaded words " SAY CHEESE!"
I promised myself two things! The day I get my braces off will be a total secret suprise for my husband. I wont tell him I'm going in to have them removed. I'll make himthink its another adjustment.He's never seen me smile with my teeth showing .So when he gets home that day I will be waiting with a huge smile and no braces on! My second promise is to go to a photo studio and take that family portrait that I've always dreamed of hanging in my living room :)
I know all this is like 2 yrs away. But I've feared this for over 30 yrs and I've dreamed of this for that long too!
Congrats on your gorgeous new smile!!!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:45 am
by Gennel
OMG! OMG! is all I can say ! All of this took 14 months? You only had the braces on for 14 months? I'm sorry to sound so shocked! Your teeth are the best transformation I've seen ! I am going for my first consultation in about a week. My bottom teeth are similiar to how yours were and I think they will also not put a bracket there until my lower canines are turned more straight. I have been paranoid for about 2 weeks now just thinking that my ortho will tell me that Ineed braces for like 4 yrs. My main problem are my upper 6 teeth and my lower 6 teeth. I also have one font tooth overlapping the other front tooth.
Everything you mentioned about the way you tilted your head,smiling with your mouth closed is something I've been dealing with long enough. I don't have 1 single picture of me showing my teeth. I take no family portraits for fear of hearing those dreaded words " SAY CHEESE!"
I promised myself two things! The day I get my braces off will be a total secret suprise for my husband. I wont tell him I'm going in to have them removed. I'll make himthink its another adjustment.He's never seen me smile with my teeth showing .So when he gets home that day I will be waiting with a huge smile and no braces on! My second promise is to go to a photo studio and take that family portrait that I've always dreamed of hanging in my living room :)
I know all this is like 2 yrs away. But I've feared this for over 30 yrs and I've dreamed of this for that long too!
Congrats on your gorgeous new smile!!!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 10:06 am
by sjsarre
I keep going back to this thread and each time I just can't believe the results that you have had..

They are awsome. Lets hope I get even 50% of the progress that you have had!

Take care!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:57 pm
by pucca26
I agree with sjsarre, I can’t believe the transformation you had in only 14 months, incredible!!!!! I’m wishing my treatment goes so fast as yours. It’s also unbelievable how you changed your full face. I always notice that people look very uncomfortable in the ‘before’ picture, and very happy in the ‘after’ one.

US Orthodontist need more diligence like the Brit Ortho's

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:29 pm
by Braces_Again
Dodger I wish I were in the UK for several months. I could have my problem fixed in a jiffy unlike the treatments here which are dragged out. I have had my braces on twice and "had my cow milked the whole time". Hearing your treatment took 14 months from indescribeable to incredible makes me mad. They have "milked my cow" for two periods of 3 years. Now I ask for referrals and scrutinize every consult towards my 3rd treatment looking at the Dr's "Before and After's" Please commend your Orthodontist. He's got my praise from the US. And practice smiling and show off that awesome work!!!! :D


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:02 pm
by Braces_Again
Dodger I stumbled onto your link by searching for "before and after ortho treatments" in hopes of finding a 'skilled' Orthodontist with a treatment plan similar to the one you found. I was discouraged at the news that I would need 18 -24 months for the minimal work needed so I considered veneers but that turned out to be very expensive...$15,000US Dollars. Then today I read your story and found there is a four letter word spelled HOPE and that there are Doc's out there that can do it for less treatment time. Thank you my friend from the UK for your awesome testimony. I would ask for your ortho's info but your story is enough to take to some of the ortho's here for their "straight talk". Smile've got something to smile about!! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:02 pm
by nahky
I think i have commented on your results already Dodger, but somehow im compelled to do it again. Its truly amazing.

You look so healthy and full of life now with that new smile. Takes years off your face and make you look so much younger, or even makes you look like a totally different person.

your story should be made a sticky, its a great reference.


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:57 am
by Gennel
Hey Dodger,
I have commented on this thread several times. I think your progress is truly amazing. I wanted you to know that you are one of the main reasons why I decided to go through with this. I should be getting braced on my uppers in a week. I have printed out the pics of your (double wiring) on the bottom so I can show my ortho. My lower canines are like yours so I was hoping he might be able to use this "double wiring" technique.

My estimated treatment is 30 months and my case is pretty similiar to yours except my palate is not narrow as yours used to be.


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:43 am
by M1k3y
Wowzers!!!! :shock: My treatment time is 18 months and my case is nowhere near the severity of yours. I hope I can get my braces off in 14 months. All this does is keep me on top of my priorities as far as brushing, flossing, and sticking to my appointments. Awesome deal! :D