First I had to do the impressions/molds. The bottom one wasn't too bad but I gagged pretty bad on the top one

As expected the lip/tongue retractor was the worst part. It bit into my mouth like when you have bitewing x-rays taken at the dentist. I kept feeling like there was a pool of saliva in the back of my throat and was finding it difficult to both breathe and swallow. I felt a little suffocated, especially because I was VERY reclined. I did best when I closed my eyes and focused on other things but then sometimes I would lose focus on holding my mouth open lol.
There is so much pressure in my mouth. It feels like my arches are on springs and they want to spring away from each other - I have to make a concerted effort to hold my mouth closed. The soreness/pain has started already, too. I took some ibuprofen and I'm getting a little hungry so I may treat myself to some soup from Panera.
I have all metal self-ligating brackets. They aren't Damons though; not sure of the brand. Contrary to what I thought might happen, all my brackets are direct-bonded. No bands and no spacers as of now. (Depends on if any of the brackets start popping off.) I have 11 teeth bonded on top (first molar to first molar with my missing tooth not bonded OBVIOUSLY hahaha) and all 14 teeth bonded on bottom (second molar to second molar). My adjustment is 8 weeks from now, Monday July 28.
I'm tired both from the early wakeup (I work night shifts usually) and the adrenaline letdown. I might cash out & take a nap.
Whew! What an experience.